
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 27: The Sage of Uruk

"What materials? Just tell me, whether it's lapis lazuli or gold, I will bring them to you," Gilgamesh said generously.

If Qiye could really create important weapons for war, then lapis lazuli and gold were not a problem at all.

"Not very valuable materials, I need saltpeter. It's a kind of damp soil usually found in toilets, sheep and cattle pens, the corners of courtyards, cliffs, caves, and some surfaces not easily washed by rainwater."

"The way to prove that the soil is saltpeter is to throw those soils into the fire and see if they spark... Hmm? Gilgamesh, are you listening?" Qiye looked at Gilgamesh discontentedly, seeing his blank expression.

"Cough, of course, I am listening. It's just that I don't understand what you are saying. So, what you're talking about are just soils, right?" Gilgamesh replied.


Qiye scratched his excessively long black hair in frustration. If he hadn't gained so much information from the soil, he wouldn't understand what he was saying either.

"Never mind, just ask someone to collect seashells for me. You should know what seashells are." Qiye gave up the idea of having Gilgamesh help find saltpeter.

Even without saltpeter, he could still create the formidable weapon called "Gunpowder" as instructed by the soil, using seashells as materials.

All this information came from the soil.

"Seashells, huh? I understand," Gilgamesh nodded. Seashells were common in Mesopotamia because the end of the two rivers was the boundless sea, making seashells easy to find.

Moreover, seashells were not valuable and readily available.

"Also, let some people go to volcanic areas. I need soil containing sulfur, which has a pale yellow color and a pungent smell, making it easy to identify."

"I think these are the things I need your help to collect. The remaining materials, charcoal, and nitric acid, can be found within the city of Uruk."

"With just these materials, can you create weapons that can affect wars?" Gilgamesh asked in doubt.

"I'm not sure because I haven't tried yet."

Qiye shook his head and then bent down to grasp the soil in the courtyard. "If the information provided by the soil is accurate, I should be able to create a fearsome weapon called 'Gunpowder' with those things."

"'Gunpowder,' a substance that won't appear until thousands of years later, and you already know about it? That's right; you are like a prophet and a sage, possessing knowledge beyond this era. Even the all-knowing and all-powerful abilities inherited from my mother pale in comparison to what you have seen." Gilgamesh said with a touch of self-deprecation.

Although Qiye had the divine eye of the age of gods that allowed him to see some things from the past and the future, he didn't see planting, brewing, clay baking, and gunpowder from that divine eye.

Most of it was known through the soil and running water.

Gilgamesh stared at Qiye with his bright red eyes, without hesitation, he said, "From today onwards, Qiye, you will be my aide. I grant you the titles of 'Prophet' and 'Sage.' You will sit with me, and your status will be esteemed, receiving the reverence of my subjects."

"Do you not fear that others will be discontented?" Qiye smiled wryly at Gilgamesh.

"This is a matter decided by my royal authority and has nothing to do with the priestly department of the gods. So, neither the priestly department nor the council of elders can oppose my royal decision." Gilgamesh said with a domineering tone.

"Besides, I am a tyrant! A dictator! How can I care about the discontent of my subjects?" Gilgamesh laughed wildly and raised his cup to Qiye again. "Oh, wise sage, let's conquer Mesopotamia together!"

"With pleasure."

Qiye lightly laughed and clinked glasses again with the boisterous Gilgamesh. The clear and fragrant wine swirled in their cups, spreading a strong aroma in the courtyard.

After raising their heads and emptying the cups, the sun of the early morning was obscured by dark clouds. Under the clouded sky, the sage and the king made their pact.

Closing his eyes, Qiye savored the spicy taste of the wine in his mouth, silently sighing in his heart.

"Mother, it seems like every child goes through a rebellious phase, and now it's my turn. I am defying your will and temporarily setting aside 'happiness and freedom,' entering the turmoil of an anti-god war that will bring chaos."

"Now, I should go to work."

Gilgamesh, who was full of alcohol, stood up energetically. He couldn't wait to apply the new knowledge Qiye had shared with him in the city of Uruk.

As Gilgamesh approached the courtyard gate, Qiye suddenly spoke, "Gilgamesh, if gods and humans are separated between heaven and earth, who will rule this world?"

Gilgamesh stopped in his tracks, slightly turned his head, and without even thinking, replied with a proud smile, "The king shall acknowledge it, the king shall permit it, and the king shall bear the weight of the entire world."

Gilgamesh's overwhelmingly imposing answer left Qiye with these words before he departed. After Gilgamesh left, Qiye sat alone in the courtyard, drinking wine and pondering the words left by the king of Uruk.

"Do you want to bear the weight of the entire world with your own strength? Then I shall lend you a helping hand."

After Gilgamesh left, a delicate figure of a girl appeared in the courtyard. The young Semiramis, who had just come into her own, approached and snatched the wine cup from Qiye's hand. She gently caressed his back.

Seemingly intoxicated, Qiye looked at the beautiful girl right in front of him and felt immense joy in his heart as he embraced her and held her delicate body in his arms.

Looking at the intoxicated Qiye who suddenly embraced her, Semiramis didn't shy away or push him away; instead, she continued to caress his back, making him more comfortable.

"Young pigeon, I feel so relaxed now. Even though I've gone against my mother's will, I feel so happy. Why is that?" Qiyerested his head on Semiramis's shoulder and joyfully murmured.

With her arms around Qiye, the thirteen-year-old girl spoke gently, "That's what being true to oneself is. You've been living according to others' wishes and never left or lived for yourself. Now, you've taken the first step to being yourself."

"So that's why you're happy."

"Is that so..." Qiye murmured with his tipsy eyes.

"Yes, that's it."

"I see."

Important Reminder:

The content regarding the making of gunpowder is based on the novel "Dr. Stone", so if you have any doubts or questions... don't ask me! I didn't come up with gunpowder! [Serious face]

(TL/N: This was from the Author)