
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 25: Love and Dreams

"Oh... such a Mud Demon..." Gilgamesh's demeanor shifted after listening to the hunter's troubles. After pondering for a while, he said, "For now, you are in Uruk. Rest your feet, and this king will surely provide you with a solution within half a day."

"Yes!" The hunter left with a smile. Despite Gilgamesh appearing unreliable just moments ago, his words carried a sense of confidence. They would wait half a day.

"The Mud Demon that walks alongside wild beasts..." Qiye muttered to himself. There was something about the mention of the Mud Demon that reminded him of his own birth on the seventh day.

Qiye's interest in this Mud Demon was piqued.

After the departure of the hunter, Gilgamesh narrowed his scarlet eyes and slowly spoke, "This king had a dream a month ago."

Dreams may be illusions, but the dreams of gods are real, like prophecies. Gilgamesh, being two-thirds god and one-third human, possessed prophetic dreams.

"What kind of dream was it?" Qiye, the listener, cooperatively encouraged Gilgamesh to continue.

"The king dreamt of stars in the sky and a rock falling from the heavens. In the dream, the king tried to lift it, but it was incredibly heavy, and the king couldn't lift it. Then the people of Uruk, the nobles, gathered around, kneeling before the rock and kissing it to show their respect."

"Then the king woke up." Gilgamesh squinted his eyes and savored the spiciness of the fine wine in his hand.

In truth, Gilgamesh deliberately concealed a small part of his feelings...

That part is: 'The king in the dream adored this rock, just as a husband adores his wife, and a wife adores her husband.'

Gilgamesh felt embarrassed to confess to Qiye how he felt about the rock, so he omitted that aspect of his emotions.

After the sharpness of the wine subsided, Gilgamesh exhaled and continued speaking to Qiye, "Following that, this king plans to seek answers from Ningsong, the all-knowing and all-powerful mother."

"How did your all-knowing and all-powerful mother respond to you?" Qiye asked, now thoroughly intrigued.

"Hmph." Gilgamesh snorted coldly. "Mother, she spoke gibberish. It's utterly unbelievable."

Goddess Ningsun's explanation was as follows:

It meant that a formidable man would come to Gilgamesh, possessing the greatest power in the land. He would rival even the mighty god Anu and become Gilgamesh's dear friend, as they would love each other dearly... Ahem, it means they would support one another.

"So, you believe that the clay monster mentioned by the hunter is the rock from your dream?" Qiye asked thoughtfully.

"Indeed, this king holds such a suspicion. Therefore, upon hearing about the mud monster walking with wild beasts, I thought it might be the rock from my dream."

Gilgamesh grinned, raising his glass, and then shattered it. "This is no ordinary Mud Demon. If nothing else, it was created by the gods when I was young, intended to bind me—chains for the king."

Enkidu, the gods' weapon, was created to discipline Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh, the [Wedge of Heaven], serves as the connection between gods and humans. If this wedge fails in its duty, the gods will activate the long-established weapons to discipline Gilgamesh.

"So, you wish to rid yourself of the chains created by the gods, don't you?" Qiye said, observing Gilgamesh, who had crushed the wine glass.

Upon hearing Qiye's words, Gilgamesh looked at him with a joyful and unexpected gaze. "You are truly different from others. You dare to speak directly against the gods, like a rebel, like a traitor. Do you despise the gods?"

Gilgamesh's tone was filled with excitement and joy. In an era where reverence and worship of the gods prevailed, finding someone who resisted them as he did was remarkable.

Qiye glanced at Gilgamesh, a delighted expression on his face. He calmly averted his gaze and refilled the empty glass with wine. While pouring, Qiye spoke slowly, "I don't despise all the gods. Some gods are worthy of respect."

"Heh." Gilgamesh, wearing a cheerful smile, seized Qiye's full wine glass. Without hesitation, he drank it all. "You may hate the gods, but this king is growing increasingly curious about your origin."

"I am just an ordinary person, as my mother told me. I am not someone of great importance." Qiye helplessly looked at the wine glass that Gilgamesh had snatched and extended his hand toward the shattered pieces. With a gentle touch of his palm, the fragments of the wine glass were restored. Qiye was the tears of Tiamat, born when her tears mixed with the earth.

Thus, whether it was the sea or the earth, Qiye had the power to manipulate them. Repairing a clay cup made from earth was a simple task for him.

"Hmph," Gilgamesh observed Qiye, who refused to disclose further information, with great interest. He no longer cared and said, "Since you are a rebel against the gods, this king will entrust you with the task of investigating the clay demon. Go and see the mud demon in my place."

"What?" Qiye, holding a restored wine glass, immediately declined. "I am not free. I have a responsibility to build the temple."

"Don't spout nonsense with me. I know your mission best. The construction of the temple is now in its final stages, and you, as a priest, are undoubtedly overwhelmed with tasks. Allow me to take care of the mud demon situation, and in return..." Gilgamesh smiled meaningfully at Nanaya. "I will elevate your priesthood and assign you other responsibilities."

"Although it sounds enticing, I decline." Qiye refused Gilgamesh's tempting offer without hesitation. "I have no interest in power. I merely desire a joyful and free life."

"Hahahaha! How amusing! You have yet to comprehend the true potential of happiness and freedom."

Gilgamesh laughed heartily. "Do not think that distancing yourself from everything equates to so-called happiness and freedom. In this king's eyes, happiness and freedom mean surpassing everyone, including the gods."

'Even the mighty gods.'

Gilgamesh's scarlet eyes revealed a savage and mad gleam, quickly concealed. Nanaya looked at the king of Uruk in astonishment.

This tyrant was an absolute tyrant, arrogant, and yearning to surpass the gods.

Yet... Qiye found himself strangely fond of this arrogant man.