
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 19: The Goddess with Blonde Hair and Golden Eyes

"Then are you planning to accept the post of a priest?" Siduri changed the topic back.

After thinking for a while, Qiye nodded, "I can become a priest, be responsible for the construction of the temple, and obtain land and residence status, there's nothing to lose so I will accept this position."

In the end, Qiye chose to accept this errand, was able to become a priest, and also saved the cost of buying land and the procedures for living in Uruk.

For such a good thing, Qiye didn't want to refuse.

Semiramis also has no objection, as long as Qiye does not become a priest who worships and serves the gods, she has no opinion at all on how Qiye decides, she'll just follow.

However, the fact that the Goddess Inanna was about to descend into the world made Semiramis very worried. She felt that the savage and domineering goddess would bring them endless troubles.

After Qiye accepted the post of a priest in charge of building the temple, Siduri's task was completed, she'll then sort the land for Qiye and Semiramis and arranged their identity into the City of Uruk, making them one of Uruk.

Therefore, making Qiye and Semiramis stopped living like rootless duckweed.

After Siduri left, Semiramis looked at Qiye, frowned slightly, and said, "Goddess Inanna, it must be the goddess with blonde hair and golden eyes... that unreasonable goddess we met seven years ago."

"Ah, if there are no accidents, it should be that goddess." Qiye rubbed his black hair with some headaches.

In fact, Qiye and Semiramis met the urban God of Uruk, Inanna...

Qiye and Semiramis came to this era through the twisted bracelet Mobius Strip and wandered in this era for thirteen years, and it was the seventh year of the thirteen years.

That is, when Semiramis was seven years old, Qiye and her met the goddess Inanna who have blonde hair and golden eyes.

And—some subtle things happened that could be described as pleasant or catastrophic.

"Qiye, if it's really that goddess, I think it's better for us to leave Uruk. If she finds you, I think the barbaric goddess who was imprisoned for several years will definitely hang you in her ark, and shot you out." Semiramis said, looking at Qiye seriously.

"No way, at that time, I just gave her a small suggestion. I just let her run away from marriage, instead of letting her destroy other people's cities." Recalling the barbaric goddess, Qiye showed a tangled expression.

Goddess Inanna, her brother Sun God arranged a marriage for her to marry the Sheperd Dumuzid, with the power of the gods of "love and fertility", the human city managed by the Dumuzid would develop and prosper.

But, the goddess whose personality was worse than Gilgamesh, and whose behavior was more brutal and domineering than Gilgamesh, was unwilling to accept it, so she found a helpless hapless ghost and wanted to get a proposal from him.

That unlucky ghost was frightened by the blond-haired and golden-eyed goddess, so he had no choice but to give her a suggestion...

Run away from marriage!

Anyway, Inanna is the goddess favored by the gods, and no one can stop her if she wants to resist, or—no one dares to stop her. After escaping marriage, the marriage with the Shepherd Dumuzid will naturally be broken.

Oh, by the way, that unlucky ghost is actually Qiye...

But how did Qiye know?

This savage goddess who stopped him and asked for his advice didn't just run away from marriage—she also made a mess of other people's cities before she ran away from marriage!

Because of the resistance of the goddess of "Love and Harvest", earth-shaking changes took place in that city. The relationship between husband and wife in the city broke down, cattle, sheep, and livestock no longer gave birth to cubs, and the crops full of vitality withered, etc.—bad things happened.

These things are fatal to a city!

Because the Goddess Inanna's rebellion almost destroyed a city and angered the gods who doted on her, she was captured, shut up in the sky, and banned from entering the world.

And then—after learning about the poor (deserved) experience of the Goddess Inanna, Qiye complained fiercely in his heart about this messy goddess and fled from that city.

Although it wasn't Qiye who made the city like that, it had something to do with him anyway, so he left the city with a guilty conscience after healing the crops for the city...

Afterward, Goddess Inanna was grounded by the gods, and Qiye and Semiramis continued their journey.

Six years have passed, Qiye and Semiramis came to the City of Uruk, and now they know from Siduri that the Goddess Inanna is about to land in Uruk...

Originally, they almost forgot about the goddess, but after Siduri said that, happy and bad memories came to mind.

The confinement of the Goddess Inanna is also over—she is about to descend on Uruk.

So Semiramis thought that if the savage goddess who was imprisoned by the gods for six years sees Qiye, who has given her advice and also caused her to be imprisoned for six years, it should be given for her to hang him on the sky boat cruelly and shoot him out...

"Little Pigeon, you said to leave the City of Uruk as soon as possible..." Qiye smacked his lips slightly, "I don't think you need to worry so much, because Inanna just descended from the City of Uruk, she'll just probably stay in Uruk and leave in a few days. After all, she has a restless personality. After being imprisoned for six years, it is impossible for her to stay in a city for a long time."

Semiramis thought about it and felt that what Qiye said was correct. It was impossible for the goddess who likes to cause trouble to stay peacefully in Uruk after being imprisoned for six years.

So after Inanna descends, she should leave Uruk in a few days, no—maybe she would drive the sky boat to leave directly after she came.

In addition, Semiramis liked the atmosphere of Uruk very much, and the dates produced here can make better wine, so she didn't want to leave Uruk so soon.

Qiye took Semiramis to live in the City of Uruk with a fluke idea, and the place where they'll live was naturally the land that was gifted after becoming a priest.

Qiye, who was not short of money, bought land nearby to build a brewery.

At that time, Qiye still clearly remembered the damned sweetness of the date palm wine he drank from the Goddess Derceto, so gradually, wine-making became one of the common hobbies of him and Semiramis.