
I Soar To The Top

[Gardia] A world of magic. A world of wonders. A world inhabited by many races. A world inhabited by monsters and dungeons. It is a place where many dreams begin and a place where many dreams meet their end... Karl Jin, a young boy of mysterious lineage. He is a young boy whose life got destroyed by the 'Kardia Empire'. He vowed to destroy the empire and successfully took his revenge 5 years later. But unbeknownst to him, this incident will soon give birth to many unwanted adventures and events in the future... ----- Author's Note: The MC is the type that is ruthless and selfish beyond reason but still repays his debts. He also likes to do things alone. So if you're someone that like plots that use the power of friendship, then maybe you won't like my guy. This is my first novel so I will really appreciate it if you give me some advice on how to improve my novel. Disclaimer: The cover photo is a photo I found on Google. If the real owner wants me to take it out then I will.

SORAsora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

A Sad News


Karin's glare made his supposedly faint blue eyes glow but unlike his left eye, his right eye seems to be glowing more elegantly, like a sapphire.

Aly couldn't move in fear...

When she looked in Karin's eyes she felt a beast. No... It was not just a mere beast. It was something much more.

"What... Help... I... I-"

Aly was physically and mentally broken. She didn't felt anything like this before. She suffocated under the overwhelming pressure, the horrifying bloodlust and the undeniable superiority coming from a single person.


Her voice became weaker and weaker as Karin's presence overwhelmed her whole being.

"No... Help m... Some...one."


Karin raised his right hand. He clenched his hands similarly to how beasts use their claws.

Karin's nails slowly came off and got replaced by another nail that's sharper and longer.

As Aly watched her death slowly getting closer, despair took over her body and she eventually lost consciousness.

Just as when Karin was about to strike his claws to her chest, he was stopped by two teachers.

"Hey... Karin... What do you think you're doing?.."

A furious Teacher Jane came to the rescue.

She positioned herself behind Karin as her right hand held Karin's hand that was about to strike while the other one was aimed at Karin's neck.

"This guy, he's unconscious." A white haired man with crimson red eyes. Redder than Teacher Jane's. He held Aly in his left arm while pointing his sharp long nails in his right hand on Karin's throat.

These two appeared suddenly as fast as lightning. Both of their crimson aura fiercely leak from their bodies.

"For now, let's keep this a secret."

"A secret? This guy's presence enveloped the whole school. As a result, students are panicking and teachers are being alert."

"What I meant to say was we keep the source of that deadly presence a secret. If Karin's identity is revealed, it would cause chaos not just in the Academy but in the whole country. That's how large this situation is. I hope you think this through, Alvi."

Teacher Jane looked at Teacher Alvi's eyes intently.

Alvi pondered about what to do. He wanted to have more time to think but unfortunately, he knows that they need to act fast to avoid the others from discovering.

"Okay, let's do that."

After Alvi agreed, the two of them parted ways. Alvi headed to the school basement and carryied Karin and Aly while Jane headed to the opposite direction and wrecked havoc to distract the coming teachers.


In the basement.

Karin opened his eyes to discover himself tied to a large circular steel bar with chains.

"Teacher Alvi, what's this?"

Karin seemed to have no idea on how he came to this kind of situation. He was weakened as well.

"Karin, you... Why did you attempt to kill Aly Farman? Depending on your answer, you'll be punished accordingly..."

Alvi was beside Aly who was still lying unconscious on the floor.

"Me? I tried to kill Aly? What nonsense is that? I don't even have any idea how I came here."

"You can't deny Karin. Me and Teacher Jane caught you on the act."

"Huh? Why are you suspicious of me? If you're gonna be suspicious of anyone then be suspicious of Aly! We were in the middle of a conversation then suddenly I lost my consciousness. When I came to, I was already here."

"Hmmm... Unexpectedly, you're actually telling the truth..."

Alvi looked at Karin who seemed to be confused.

"You know... my half beast can also recognize when someone tells lies like Teacher Jane's."

After knowing that Karin truly didn't know anything, Alvi decided to wait until Aly wakes up. He wanted to personally ask Aly about what truly happened.

A few hours have passed, an investigation inside the academy was ordered. Alvi went outside the basement to get permission to investigate the basement and other places near the basement, Teacher Alvi successfully created the perfect alibi to stay in the basement to guard the two.

And after almost an hour, Aly woke up.

"Uhhh... Where am I?"

Aly looked around her to know her location but she instead caught Karin in her sight.

"Ah... Ahh!!! No!.."

Her despaired look intensely signifies her extreme trauma of the incident.

"Calm down Student Aly Farman. It's me, Teacher Alvi."

Teacher Alvi held her shoulders to try to calm her down but after seeing Aly's condition he flustered and glared at Karin.

"As you can see, Karin is chained over there. I'm also here so he won't be able to harm you. So please answer my question. What happened earlier between the two of you?"

Aly looked at Teacher Alvi's eyes. But she couldn't focus on Teacher Alvi, Karin's image in the background reminded her of Karin's intent to kill.

*Huff... Huff*

"Damn it! She's panicking."

"Student Aly Farman! Calm yourself! No one will be able to harm you here!"

Teacher Alvi also panicked at the sight of his student panicking. And so, the choice he made in this situation is to punch Karin.



Karin didn't give a reaction and was expressionless. But this definitely calmed Aly even just by a little and Teacher Alvi didn't let this chance escape.

"See? Karin can't harm you here. So please don't panic. You just have to answer my question. What happened earlier between the two of you?"

After seeing confirming her own safety, Aly finally managed to calm down. She lightly nodded but the direction of her face was glued to the floor. She was afraid to see Karin.

As afraid as she was, she still voiced her thoughts bravely.

"Earlier... I sent Karin a false letter that tells him to go to Teacher Jane's office... After that, I waited for him at the stairs to talk about something important..."

Her voice still shakes from fear.

"What is that something important?"

Alvi is clearly disturbed by the miserable state of the student but he had to ask her questions even if it meant she would recall that recent event.

"I told Karin that his benefactor has died... After he heard that, He... He..."

Aly held herself, chills run through her spine, she had goosebumps in just trying to recall what happened. Surely, being directed to that much bloodlust would make someone insane.

In the midst of the interrogation between Teacher Alvi and Aly, Karin was left by himself. After hearing the sudden news about his savior and father, he was left alone... immersed in his thoughts...

Please leave a review in the comments to help me further improve the story as well as my writings.

Thank You. I hope you loved the story.

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