The former him is a good manner man. He is so polite and very honest doing anything. But, the life he gone through only suffocation because of his kindness. So, he given the second chance, to start his new life, as a typical VILLAIN in every novel story, a young heir of powerful family?!
If you don't remember about my new territory that I develop before I enter the alchemist school, let me do some flashback about this matter. As I successfully manage to develop the hobbit village, I implore my father to give me another land for me to develop other village. Well, I not planning to create village, but to establish my own kingdom. Therefore, I ask Ximena, my slave, (ex-duke of the demon territory) at that time work in my father place, to look for my new planned land with this condition; a land with a hill as the center and the radius of area is about 7 km. I also ask her to start developing that area after that and give her the budgets which come from the profit sharing that I get from Eliza company. I also arrange Eliza company to get involve directly and offer her plenty of new technologies, the city plannings and the business prospects.
Ximena have identify the place and begun to realize my plan with the help of my cousin, Eliza. I funded the project and it's begun to show a good sign. Of course, the place still remote place without any facilities or special things, but my main aim is to collect as much as possible slaves and the unfortunate people (women and girls especially) to this place. I asked Eliza to build the house and provided food for them. I even purchases the big amount of cloth and necessities for them to live here properly.
The population on my new territory now over one thousand, with 70 percent of them are slaves. All of them wonder why they been gather here because the only things that they do here is only learning to write, read and calculate, handle by Sasha, me ex-teacher in primary education academy. Well, she now my women, so I have her teach my future citizens. Actually, she quite busy with her research, so she outsource the task to the slave who have the skills and past educations to teach the people here.
Eliza also questioning me about my planning as the place still not been develop with anything like I done in the hobbit village. She even changed her company headquarter here, begun to worry as her competitors already begun to control the market at my father place, the Fiery City. Her worries will be stopped by me today, as I will change this place into my 'Heaven'.
"Bavalotia..." That is the name of this place. This city name is the combination of the Babylon, Avalon and Utopia; the dream country for me.
Babylon, the one of seven wonder in the Earth, the Hanging Gardens. I will have this city became a flying castle, which popular in one of G*bli movies. With the gravity element, this dream will not be impossible anymore!
Avalon, a place of myth, a legacy of the king. This is my legacy when I become the ruler. This city will be remember by others; a sign of my Majestic, the king. This city will be written in the history with my name as the founder.
Utopia, the place is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. This is my Utopia - the collection of harem around the world, without prejudice or discrimination. As long as their beautiful, I will gather them here and enjoy the pure life of excitement.
After I arrived here, I meet Eliza and Ximena, who been worried sick of me, after missing in a week, trapped in the lab. I explained to them about the event, and the main reason the appearance of mine in here. After half an hour doing the talk and discussion with them, I begun to make my move. The first thing that I done is to transmute the small mountain that become the center of my territory into the big building. I transmute it into 50 story tall building, with 50 underground floors. Not much time when I doing the transmuting procedure using the skill granted by Tommy, I collapse and fainted in the process.
I wake up for my faint and ease the worry of Eliza and Ximena who attend me in the room that prepared for me. They shocked after I fainted suddenly, but I explained to them. Actually, I didn't tell them about the transmutation skill when I told them I want to develop I drank the special liquid that I brought from home (the birthday present when I five) to restore my Mana. I have overused my mana to transmute the building. By the way, I have emptied my mana in the process, but my ability make my mana full again, before finally become empty again. Thanks to my passive skill, Chi (Mana) Supplant, I can make it happen. But, the building need more then that, so I exhausted my mana and lost my consciousness. My mana generate fast thanks to my passive skill, Well of Wisdom.
Well of Wisdom
The Mana (chi) used by the user will automatically regenerated depending on the user wisdom. Get it by taking pill : Young Wisdom Chi Magnifying Pill
Chi (Mana) Supplant
When your Chi (Mana) become empty, immediately become full again. The skill only can be used once a day. Get it by deflowering Sasha who have the Yin Enlightenment Body.
I didn't continue the transmutation process, but taking rest and survey the place around my territory. I using my anti-gravity device to fly and undermining the topography in this place. After that, I using the alchemist skill to transmute two wall, the first one at 2 km radius, and the second one is 7 km radius. My territory is circle area of 7 km radius, about 154 km squares. The first wall will represent the inner area, which non-public and restricted to me and my personnel. Only people that be granted permission can enter this sanctuary. The second wall is for public and outer sectors. I will explain it later when I transmuting the facilities for outer sanctuary.
At the night, I enjoyed the company of my slave and found out the third generation slaves, gifted by the stupid prince, three of them been pregnant with my child. I happy with them, and ensure them that I will responsible to take care of them. Other slaves been jealous and try hard that night, well, bring it on!
Next day, I wake up as usual and having my breakfast with my slaves. My high elf slave, Ana inform me with the device I gave her before I came here, that my absent permission already granted by the school. She also say that my request to take the exam already been approved. Ana said that all of the documents and registrations that I wanted have been proceed by the headmaster wife, as the thanks for what I have done. Sure, you welcome.
I finally finish transmuting the castle of mine. Although it's quite impossible to transmute the building with precisely and complete with the facilities only in two day and this much Mana (about 5 time of my max Mana), but with the help of Mai, who been generated the blueprint of the building, making the process become easier. After taking some rest, I begun to transmute the dam, behind the building for the water supply and power plant.
For your information, the castle of mine is inside the small mountain, so you can only see the building in the front side only, but in the other side, you only see the tree, rock and other things like ordinary small mountain. The mountain have a river, so it's ideal for me to build dam. This world have different nature as most rivers in the Earth begin life as a tiny stream running down a mountain slope. They are fed by melting snow and ice, or by rainwater running off the land. The water follows cracks and folds in the land as it flows downhill. Small streams meet and join together, growing larger and larger until the flow can be called a river. In this world, river started by water source core that form in the peak of mountain. The core is natural phenomena and can't never be replace or created by human. As long as I don't touch and redesign the peak, the water source will never been affected.
The last thing that I do today is transmute the sever system. It's complete with the sewage tunnel and wastewater treatment plant. The facility actually outside the inner sanctuary, but I will explain it later. With that, my castle finally fully functional and can fully operated. The building itself called Yggdrasil Complex.
For the 10th highest floor, named the Palace Floor is the place where I will reside. The highest floor designed for the king hall, the king garden (in large balcony outside the mountain) and the ceremony room. The 49th floor is my chamber room, the king office, the king dinning room and all the facility related to me. The 48th floor is full of rooms for my executive and special slaves, my future concubines and all related to my fun night. 47th floor is for guest and VVIP hospitality and accommodations. 46th floor is for the kitchen and food store, the executive dining place, the chefs and helpers room, and other facilities. The 40th until 45th floor is the government and authorities office. For the main person who will supervise this floors is Ximena, my future Prime Minister for the mean time.
The 30th to 39th floors dedicates to the Safety and Defense headquarter. The place become the command center of the military arrangement, the public safety and the defense strategic plans. I called this unit as Valkyrie Unit. The department not only act as the army, but the guard and police in my region. The unit will provided with special armor suit, which designed like the battle maid attire. While its quite powerful, its also cute and lovely unit. The armor suit technology using the same new armor suit that I already designed, but not powerful as mine. I will mass production this technology in the future. This department will handled by Hakua, the ex-princess of the white were-tiger.
The lower 20th to 29th floors stationed the department of Finance, Law, Trading and Publishing. Of course, the person who become the head of this department non other than the President and Owner of the famous EA trading company, my pregnant cousin, Elizabeth Helen Von Holy Moon. In few month in the future, she will annonuce that my government will buy their company and the ruler, me become the new president and appoint her as Managing Director, as well as the Finance and Trading Minister. That's the reason why I want her influence to reduce lot in Fiery City, so the take over will become much easier. The other reason is she will giving the birth of her (and my) child, so the act of family commitment will fool the public opinion.
For the 10th until 19 floors is the building for medical institutes, means the hospital. The floors will become the first modern hospital in this world and complete with the new high tech equipment. Well, the hospital will be in state of keep in view, as I still don't have the human resource and the experts for the hospital. I will settle the problem as soon as possible, but I will explains it later.
The first until ninth floors will placed with shopping complex for the citizens. Yue, my ex-schoolmate in my primary education will be responsible in handling this floors. She will collaborate with Eliza to decide which and what shop that will opened for the inner citizens. The shops also will be the attraction for the guest and VVIP who visited this region. All the products that been sold here come from my world, the loots from my robberies.
Underground floor which have the same story of 50 level, also have it's own function. The first until ninth floors are located with the warehouse and storage. I send out and place the things that I rob and loot from other world when I encounter the bad guys like Mafia, Triad, Yakuza and other evil syndicates. Surprisingly, the 10 floors storage almost couldn't handle my loots excluded the vehicle, weaponize items and other big machinery. That's why I will send some of it as the selling products, while some of it will become the building furniture and decorations. Nancy and Maria, the first slave and my personal maid will handle the place as the supervisor.
The 10th until 19th floor become the special RND department in Military unit. The Valkyrie Armor Suit (VAS) will be research, develop and build in this place with the help of the Main Core, Mai. Using the new technologies that we stole from around the Earth, and the basic blueprint of my new armor suit, the VAS will fully build by the robotic production, that I created by transmutations. With the factory robotic machine production that I stole as the base, I change it into the better and suitable for making the VAS massively. I decide to let Mila and Lena, the duo young Dwarfs from the second slaves generation to supervise it.
The 20th until 29th floor belongs to special foods and herbs production building. Using the Room of Eternity device that created by Tommy, I made the same time room in each floors and using it as the farm. In 20th floor, I planted palm oil tree for my cooking oil productions. The world here doesn't have any frying foods because the lacking of the perfect cooking oil, making me hunger for it. The palm tree taking few years to grow, but with my time room, it's a few minutes. I also will prepared the automatic machinery to collect, processing, producing and packing the oil after finish transmute the city facilities. The next plant is rice, wheat, and spices (the Earth origin). The other room are designed for the herb and medical plants. Image that I can produce the aged herbs over thousand years in the large number, what happen to me after that? Of course, filthy rich!
The 30th until 39th floors are the secret laboratory for the taboo creation in the Alchemist, the 'Homunculus'. This lab actually creation the androids with the biotech and nano tech to make it near to human body, but more resilient, strong and much smarter. The first homunculus will be Jarnis, the high elf that become goddess in the past. Luckily, her soul still remaining in the main core, so I will attach her soul in the homunculus body. Other than her, the next homunculus will control by A.I brain to become my man power, especially in handling the tech that I brought from the Earth. These homunculus will become trainer and supervisor in the not far from future. The place highly restricted and only the special person will allowed to visit here.
The 40th until 49th floors placed the new laboratory that replace the Iron Lab in the school that I been study now. This floor will become the next sacred lab, but more powerful than the ancient one. This is the place where I will remake the armor suit and creation lots of thing in near future. The lab complete with training facilities, research equipment, 'Room of Eternity' and other thing that I brought from Iron lab. I will present the lab to my foster parent later on, after clear out the secret in the room. The only person that been allowed here is me.
The lowest floor contains the main core of the building and my A.I operator, Mai. I decide to build the gigantic core that can produce its own Mana. The core will have special circuits and systems to change the electrics current into Mana. It's become a Mana Reactor and will keep growing with the supply of the electricity. I have already installed Mai in the new main core, but it's take a few days to fully function as she become the manager and operator in this Yggdrasil Complex.
After checking all the floor, I decide to rest and end my day. By the way, all floor have completed with elevator and escalator so the movement become much easier. My lab have special elevator that only can be ride by me. It's only have three stop, the lab, secret room in basement and my chamber. I decide to stop at the basement, and using the escalator in the way to the palace. After I went out from the secret room in the basement, I walk straight to the moving ladder but suddenly, a strange feeling attacking my mind. Hatred? I wonder.
I turn my head into the 'hatred' source and found a beautiful women, maybe at the late twenties, a face that I never seen before, sweeping the floor over there. I guess that she might be one of the workers that been hired base on my taste. I love a beauty, but why I feel weird feeling about her?
>>>My Status<<<
Name : Wu Tian ( 5 years old )
Race : Human
Level : 1
HP : 40000/40000
MP : 20000000/20000000
Job : Student (for now)
Title : The rightful heir of Luxuria Crown
Strength : 9200
Dexterity : 3700
Wisdom : 3700
Agility : 4700
Name : Wu Tian ( 7 years old )
Race : Human
Level : 1
HP : 100000/100000
MP : 100000000/100000000
Job : Student (for now)
Title : The rightful heir of Luxuria Crown
Combat Power (CP) : 2,500, 000
The other-world martial arts Lv. Max
Alchemist Practitioner level Max (New)
Mana Manipulation (Qi Control)
Art of Strengthened Body
Transmutation (New)
(Passive skill)
Inner Chi Defense
Warp Step
Well of Wisdom
Chi (Mana) Supplant
Alchemist Talent (New)
(Special trait)
Dark Yan Enhancement
Seventh Elementary Talent
The Miko Partner
Fairy Bless +1
Purgatorio Luxuria [Special]
Mind Processor (New)
(Meridian Acupuncture Point)
First Star ( 2 points )
Other world knowledge
Language Comprehension
Appraisal skill
Nanotechnology Compatible Level Max (New)
(Interior Equipment)
Nano-material Operating System Core
Artificial Intelligence :
1. Mai (Current system); Jarnis (Older one) -Main System
2. Sunday - Armor and mobile system
Installation Ability :
Sorry for late update. My spirit now as same as my wallet. MOC did killing me softly!