
I Shall Conquer All

' I will grow strong, strong enough to repay all those who have harmed me and strong enough to forge my own destiny' those were the dying words of Mo Ting. growing up in a very small town, he was bullied and framed which led to his untimely death. But fortune always emerge from misfortune. After merging with the heart of an ancient powerful god, he will rewrite history and stand at the peak of the martial dao.

azure_yanglord · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The boy in azure

looking at the silvery moon sprinkling starlight onto the world with his hazy eyes, he couldn't help but smile mockingly.

'Is this how i will die?' he asked himself

' aren't i too young to die in the open and in the cold and in the most humiliating way?'

' if i could just get a new lease of life, I Mo Ting will make sure I become strong, so strong to make all those who tortured me and stepped on me the worst death they could ever think of and to forge my own destiny where no one will dare decide my fate for me '

that were Mo Ting's last thought before closing his eyes to start his journey at the yellow spring.

The dim light of the moon shone on the figure who is lying lifelessly in his azure robes or rather what used to be a robe because it's all in tatters.

there isn't a spot on his body that is normal.

his face has been scarred beyond recognition and his legs has been twisted in an unnatural angle.

His arms are missing while his originally long black hair is dishevelled and stained with blood and dirt.

that is a very gruesome way for one to die. One couldn't help but wonder what kind of pain and suffering he had before dying or what kind of hatred one had with him to not even let his body in one piece.

all was quite in the dark forest. Even the originally chirping of crickets and the rustling of small animals was absent. It was so abnormally quiet.

suddenly the sky changed color. the originally starlight night became a moonless and starless sky. The wind started howling like the cries of ten thousand ghost while occasionally, lightning could bee seen flashing.

a lightning bolt which is thick like the arm of a grown man stroke the space right above the corpse of Mo Ting causing a space crack. The most astonishing thing happened.

A white object could be seen hopping out from the void like a cute little white rabbit. only that if anyone is here, he will be shocked out of his wits because that was no rabbit.

It is a heart. a life human beating heart but pure white in color without a hint of blood on it. It "looked" around before hopping away in the direction of Mo Ting's corpse before gently lowering itself in his chest and another shocking scene occurred.

It sunk itself into his chest at the position of his heart without leaving a wound or scar. after sinking into his body, the raging winds and lightning all came to a standstill before dissipating like all was a dream if not for the scorch marks left around by lighting bolts.

After the "heart" sunk itself into his body, incorporated itself in his thoracic cavity where his former heart belong and just stayed there without moving.after the time it takes to brew a tea, the completely silent heart started beating

" badum, badum "

and the most astonishing thing happened. when the heart started beating, it's sound reverberated all over the world to the ninth heaven and every living creature heard it like it was beating right beside their ears. it sounded like a primordial beast that is about to awaken.

those whose powers are weak couldn't hold on and hall all fainted some even bleeding from the seven orifice.

"badum badum'

it continued beating for half and incense stick time before stopping. but even anyone os to check Mo Ting's body right now, he will be scared out of his wits.