
I Shall Be Happy (Attack on Titan fan-fic)

Sypnosis #1 Just outside of the reincarnation cycle, a soul was floating aimlessly toward space. It knows nothing of its past, only its purpose, to be truly happy... --------------------------------- Sypnosis #2 Athanatos Brichs Avolos, a boy whose parents were killed by a Monster Rampage. Depressed by the sudden turn of event, he swore to avenge his family. However, one day he suddenly found the truth of the event, causing him to fight against the entire world. After destroying everything... he was sucked into the void, waiting to arrive somewhere. Schedule: On weekdays, I have a lot of homework T_T so I might be able to only write one chap at most. On weekends, IF I have little homework, I will try releasing more than 2, maybe 3,4, sometimes 5. This is a small harem. This is not yaoi. Chapters is a bit short in the beginning but gets longer after the first 12 The picture is not mine. Characters and places are not mines besides the OC, prologue, and the plot. If the picture is yours and you want me to remove it, just tell me I will switch to a different picture.

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65 Chs


A week had passed since the incident. Besides some minor injuries, no one was killed except for the kidnappers. Karl, Dr. Yeager, and his son became witnesses for the investigation. After a few days, it was concluded that these men were responsible for the kidnapping of 3 other families and 4 murder cases.


"It's been a week, Grisha. Have you got any news about the boy?" Karl asked a tall man with glasses beside him.

"No, there's no trace of him at all. The MP isn't taking this too seriously. God... these people are corrupted to the core. I bet some of their higher-ups are the root of these kidnapping events."

"Haiz... we were just about to adopt him to the family. Who knows such a thing would happen. Goddamn it, I wish I could have killed them all myself."

"How about we try searching in the city? Maybe the boy is somewhere there."

"L-l-let me go too!" Mikasa suddenly exclaimed out from behind the wall which surprised Karl.

"No. I got this myself. You will stay here with your mom, is that okay Mikasa?"

"NO!" Karl was suddenly taken aback. Mikasa was usually a shy girl, rarely has she ever been this brave.

The man named Grisha looked at their conversation for a while before sighing. "How about you all go live with my family for a while. Would that be alright with you Mikasa." The man then smiled warmly at the young girl after suggesting her with his idea.

Feeling like someone is on her side, she decided to take a chance and nodded quickly.

"It seems like she agreed, it's alright Karl. We can just think of this as a vacation and tour around the city for a while." Mikan, who was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast, finally spoke up.

"Sigh* Okay." The man finally agreed, although reluctantly. The reason why he rarely goes into the city was because his clan used to be heavily persecuted for their past actions. He has it easy with many of his features inherited from his mom who was a pure Eldian. However, his name and picture were known to many and he already became blacklisted by the higher-ups within the inner walls.


Somewhere within Wall Maria?

Athanatos, no Athanatos Brichs Avolos was now going through a painful process of assimilating his souls.

Ever since he came to this world, his soul was split into 3. While the three souls rooted from the same source, each has its own desire. One desired total annihilation of all beings, for it truly believes that it was only then, humans are at its purest state. This soul derived from the bloodline of the Holy Devil, which was the reason for the transformation that has occurred during his battle with the God of Creation. It wants only the good to exist within the world. In order for such a thing to happen, it thinks that only annihilation can achieve such a goal.

The second soul came from the mysterious bloodline. It has no purpose at all nor does it has self-awareness. Its power is too unimaginable. No one should ever be able to possess it for the bloodline will destroy its possessor, no rather than bloodline, this thing should be called a concept. It is a concept of power. It holds all of the power that ever existed, existing, or will exist. Theoretically, it can just do about anything but because it is so powerful, no beings within the omniverse were able to obtain it. As to how Athanatos was able to obtain such power, that will be a story for another day.

Lastly, Athanatos's soul. It is the root of his existence. Ever since he was born, he was able to fully integrate all of his souls together into one. However, after traveling within the void for too long, his self-awareness becomes almost transparent. His soul started to split into three. But somehow, his will of becoming happy managed to at least hold them together so he doesn't cease to exist.

Bringing us back to the present. After the incident happened, Athanatos thought Mikasa was looking at him as if he was a monster. This created fear within his soul, causing the Holy Devil to corrupt his own reasoning. This wouldn't happen if he was in control of all three souls but unfortunately he wasn't. He subconsciously compared this fear to how people used to look at him in his past life. Because of this, he slowly started to accept the fact that his past life and his current is one and the same which, both are...



"Armin! I think there's a dead body in that alley! It's all bloody! Come here quick!"

I am dying. Plz give good reviews to boost my self-esteem.(◕ ω ◕)

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