
I Sell Fate Through A System

In a remote alleyway stands a store. No one truly understands what it is selling, but people traverse it anyway. "I hear the place fulfills your wildest dreams," says a female who wants to remain unnamed. "People who enter never wish to leave." "The store-owner is a jerk—the prices are expensive, the staff is rude and you serve yourself," another male explains, "what, I'm still going though." "I'm just here to look at the cute girls," says—well, his opinion doesn't matter, anyway. "Listen, whatever you do, don't mess with the immortal siblings there. Who that is? The store-owner and his sister, of course! Why we call them that?" The person shudders. "Because we couldn't think of a fiercer name yet." Within the store, an inconspicuous youth sits at the counter. In his head rings a cold voice, "Quest completed, ask Host to prepare for the next one." "Eh, but I don't wanna." "Quest issued, asking Host to check." "Meh, I don't like it, give me something else." "Non-compliance will lead to death." "Sure, I'd love to see you try." "...Please just do the quest." Welcome to the Store of Fates! Dear customer, would you like to change your destiny too? .................................................................................. For chapters not yet released here, news of updates and future merch, character art, and discussions with either readers or writers, please follow this link: https://discord.gg/RnRQD73j8b or write me on Rafuk#5512.

Hyowha · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
113 Chs

Harmony, and All Actors Gathered

Zhang Yong frowned. "That does not seem quite right?" He knew for a fact that the City Lord had only reached the second stage. In fact, the last time they met, amongst many things, this was one of the defining things for Zhang Yong to hold bad feelings for him.

Do not misunderstand, he would not judge a person merely by their strength and cultivation road; such thoughts were for brutes and did not adhere to his strong sense of justice, but a man in power, such as the City Lord, ought to have at least a little strength. Having a good cultivation base not only showcases one's power level but also their character after all.

But reaching the seventh stage? That's way too far out the other end. How would it be possible to rise 5 stages in mere years? That's truly ridiculous—something that could only be dreamed by maybe the Store of Fates here. But he also did not think that Shou was lying, which makes the whole situation rather strange.