
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

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Chapter 19: New Blood 1

Chapter 19: New Blood

After his blood, the most personal thing a man can give is a tear.

-Alphonse de Lamartine-

The ambulance siren pierced the air.

The hurried footsteps of several people's shoes, accompanied by the wheel squeak, the sudden opening of the door one after another, and the screaming of a man, suggest that it is a life-or-death situation.

"Keep the wound compressed. Do not stop the oxygen supply!"

The person who said that is a doctor, accompanied by five other members of his team.

At the same time, the small van suddenly stopped in front of the hospital, knocking down some billboards in the process.

The Louds ran as fast as they could towards the operating room waiting room, where they placed the wounded Lincoln.

His family was crying—a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Interest. Fear. Despair. Everything came together in a heavy atmosphere.


On the other hand, Venomous had only one emotion. Anger. Pure and excessive anger.

The scientist was in his office.

In general, the professor was a calm person, even in the most dire of circumstances. But this time, the professor had completely lost his mind.

His office was full of torn furniture and papers, with jars scattered everywhere, as he shouted angrily.

"FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! Fucking cheater! How dare you do something like this? You bastard!"

Venom grabs his desk and throws it at the door. The desk smashes into the hallway wall.

-Four days ago-

We meet at Loud's house.

The family had already dressed in mourning clothes to go to Bobby's funeral. All that remains is to pass through the grandparents home.

The elderly couple left the house, and the boy followed them. The moment his family saw him, they noticed something strange about him.

"Lincoln. What did you do to your hair?" Rita asked.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my hair?"

"Why did you dye it?" his mother asked.

"Yes. I liked it better when it was all white," Leni said.

What?" Lincoln approached his grandparents. "Grandpa, what happened to my hair?"

Both elderly people put on their glasses to see better.

"That's right, son. Your roots have turned black."

"My roots?" The boy put his hands on his head.

"This must be the new shampoo I bought for you. I should have known better about shopping in the discount aisle," Myrtle said.

"Good. Let's forget it now. Let's go. We have to go to the funeral," said Mr. Loud.

-In Great Lake City-

The day was cloudy and grey.

At the cemetery, the Casagrande family and the Loud family, along with some of the deceased's friends, gathered, sitting in chairs as the father said his farewells.

"Dear brothers, here we find sections gathered today to remember Roberto Santiago. Who leaves us today to ascend into the Kingdom of God."

"Life's paths are unpredictable. We do not choose when to leave. But we choose how to live the journey, until the moment of calling."

"The memories we leave. The love we experience. The friendships we make and the actions we take are the pillars on which our memory sits."

This is where our earthly immortality is.

The father ended the sermon. Afterwards, family and friends came to the casket to say goodbye to Bobby.

"My son. My child. Why, God? Why did you take my child from me? Why did you take my son?" Mrs. Maria cried when she saw her son in that coffin, leaning on Bobby's chest. The woman kissed her son's forehead and cheeks. It was indeed a difficult scene.

Maria didn't want to move away from the coffin, so Hector and Rosa had to move her away. Not without paying their respects to their grandson first.

The next person was Ronnie-Anne with Lincoln.

The girl clung tightly to the albino's arm as she said goodbye to her brother.

"Bye, Bobby. We'll miss you. Mom and I."

"You helped us so much when we lived in Royal Woods. You took over the place my father left. I am so proud to be your sister."

Ronnie-Anne places a rose on Bobby's chest.

Lincoln follows.

"Goodbye Bobby. You were like the big brother I always wanted to have. I wanted my sister to marry you one day, and we could finally be a family."

"Rest in peace, brother," the albino puts up a photo the two took at the monster truck show they went to four years ago.

Next was Lori.

The girl was as broken as Maria. Well, as soon as she saw her boyfriend in the coffin, she started crying uncontrollably.

"Baby. Please wake up. I love you; don't leave me. I love you. I don't want to be in a world without you. Baby, come back. I'm begging you."

As is the case with Maria. Lori's parents had to escort her away from the coffin.

Family and friends said goodbye to Bobby one by one. Until finally, it was time to lower the coffin.

In the departments.

Bobby's closest friends provided comfort to Maria and her family.

Meanwhile, on the roof, Ronnie-Anne was sitting and looking up at the sky with Lincoln.

Although there is not much to see, it was still covered in gray clouds.

Ronnie-Anne saw a cup of coffee in her hands. A tear fell into the drink. The girl didn't care and drank it anyway.

Then she turned to see Lincoln. The boy was completely calm in the face of the situation. Which sparked her curiosity.

"How can you be so calm, Lincoln?"

Lincoln took a sip from his cup and replied, "I just look like this on the outside. Believe me. I'm full of anger."

"A few weeks ago, some people very close to me were murdered, so I know how you feel. Hate. Frustration. Sadness. Wanting to go back and prevent this from happening. Or wishing that one day I would wake up and realize it was just a dream."

"but not"

"However, nothing feels like it will bring them back. You just have to let all this pain go. Let it go. At least Bobby had an accident."

"Take your time. When you're ready, let go."

Ronnie-Anne stared at Lincoln. Then she took him by the cheeks and kissed him on the lip. "When did you become so wise?"

"This is part of growing up, Ronnie."

That night, the Lauds were preparing to go home. They said goodbye to the Casagrande and the Santiago for the last time. When a car stopped in front of the house, a policeman came to them and asked to speak with Maria alone.

Ms. Santiago accompanied the man to the car that was on the other side of the street. They each made hand gestures that accompanied the conversation they were having.

Suddenly, Maria put her hands on her mouth and then on her eyes as a sign that she was crying.

The man took her by the shoulders to calm her down. But Maria pushed him away and started hitting his chest.

The man grabbed her by the wrists, making her stop. Maria broke free, put her hands over her face again, and fell to her knees on the floor.

The adults in the family, including Carlotta, approached Maria and helped her.

The man accompanied them to the door of the house.

While the Casagrande family accompanied Maria inside the house, Carlotta was sent to the 24-hour pharmacy to purchase medications to help Maria calm down.

Lori watched the entire scene. So she approached the officer.

"Excuse me, sir. But what did you say to Mrs. Santiago?"

The man stared at her and replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am. But it's a matter of concern only to the relatives of young Roberto Santiago."

"I was Roberto's girlfriend. I deserve to know what happened."

"Oh, well, in that case, I guess I can tell you."

"You see, I'm an insurance investigator. I investigate accidents and also work with the Great Lack Police."

"We were investigating the incident with young Roberto and discovered something unusual."

"What's the matter?"

"It was no accident with young Roberto. The car's brakes were cut cleanly. This was sabotage."

This revelation shocked Lori. "You mean what? Someone killed my bobby!?"

The researcher remained calm. He was trained to deal with people who lost control in such situations.

Thanks to Lincoln's excellent hearing, he heard the officer and approached him.

"Excuse me, sir. But I think I have some information that might be useful to you."

The researcher turned to see the albino boy. "Do you think so, boy? What are your thoughts about?"

"A few days ago, on New Year's Eve, I heard that Bobby had a problem with the car. He had to take it to a mechanic."

Lori remembered that detail and joined in. "That's true. He didn't use it until he had to go to college. I bet the mechanic knows something."

"That doesn't tell us much. For all we know, the mechanic could be the culprit. Or maybe they were cut off after he left from there."

"I'm sorry. But this doesn't help much. But your cooperation is appreciated." The officer gets into the patrol car and drives off. The Louds were left alone with great disappointment.

The Loud family got into their cars and drove off.

Lisa, Lily, Lola, Lana, Luan, and Lori travel with their parents and grandparents. Lucy, Lynn, Luna, and Leni were traveling with Lincoln in his car.

Halfway through the trip, the truck suffered one of its usual malfunctions. This was warned by Alexander's electronic voice traveling behind Vanzilla.

"Warning. Warning. The van in front is in a condition unsuitable for travel. Collision imminent."

"Emergency braking activation" The car braked suddenly, shaking the passengers, who ended up in the front seats, where Lincoln and Leni were traveling. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

"Are you okay, girls?" Leni asked.

"I'm fine, yes."

"I'm still in this world."

"I'm very good," said Lynn, but the girl spoke in a strange way. With a hint of pleasure in her voice.

"Linky? Are you okay?" The blonde asked, but the albino didn't answer. "Linky?" Leni turned to see her brother, realizing the boy's head was between the athlete's legs. Who hugged him with her thighs.

The boy tried to speak, but his voice was drowned out by the athlete's crotch. Every time he spoke, the vibration in his voice stimulated her.

"Hmm. This way, baby. Keep talking." Lynn bit her lip for pleasure.

"Hi!" Luna separated Lynn from Lincoln, saying, "Not in front of Lucy, you pervert."

Lincoln wiped Lynn's wetness from his mouth, then spoke to his car, "Alexander. What's wrong?"

The response from the car was, "The van known as 'Vanzilla' has suffered a failure in the tire area."

"Find a mechanic shop nearby."

"Search... found... a mechanical workshop... a hundred meters away."

"Okay. Girls, let's help dad."

The siblings got out of the car and approached the family van. With the help of other sisters, except for Lori, they pushed the van into the nearby workshop. But this one had a sign on the door saying, "I'll be back in half an hour."

"We'll have to wait," said Mr. Loud.

At that moment, they saw a car arriving from behind the workshop. From here came a man in his thirties with a muscular build, wearing jeans and a white shirt.

Because the Louds were parked directly in front of the store, the man did not see them when he came from behind the store. But they saw him. Mr. Loud wanted to intercept the man so he could get his car fixed as quickly as possible. But what he saw forced him to hide.

The man walked over to the box and opened it. He carried a girl who was gagged and had her wrists tied behind her back.

Mr. Loud recognized the girl. It was Carlotta.

The girl kicked the man while the man carried her on his shoulders like prey, entering the workshop through the back door.

Mr. Loud ran to his van and grabbed his cell phone. The tension he showed put his family on alert.

"My love, what's going on?" His wife asked him.

"I have to call the police. This man kidnapped Carlotta."

"Carlotta is in danger!?" Leni became close friends with the Latina, as they both shared their love of fashion. Even knowing that worries her.

While Mr. Loud called the police, he noticed the absence of one of his family members. "Hey, has anyone seen Lincoln?"

"Lincoln!" They all shouted in unison, not seeing the albino among them.

Meanwhile, inside the workshop,

Carlotta was placed on one of the workshop tables. The man grabbed her by the chest of her dress and ripped it off along with her bra, exposing her breasts. He then pulled down her panties and tore them off, leaving them hanging from one of her ankles.

Throughout this act, Carlotta was writhing, screaming, and crying, while the man was talking to her.

"My love, we can be together now. I got rid of your stupid boyfriend for you. This guy is Bobby."

"Come on, love; don't cry. You'll like it." The man started to unbuckle his belt and lower his pants. But before he could pull down his underwear, he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey. Didn't they teach you how to treat a lady?"

"Dinner and a movie first," came Lincoln's voice. Who was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

"What the fuck!?" The mechanic quickly pulled up his pants. "Bastard! I'll teach you not to be a voyeur!" The man grabs a portable acetylene torch, lights it, runs up to the boy, and throws it at him.

Lincoln takes off his jacket and throws it at the torch, causing it to catch fire. Then he kicks it towards the mechanic.

The gas in the small tank explodes as it is covered in burning clothing.

Immediately afterward, Lincoln punched the man in the stomach, causing him to kneel while holding his stomach. He then delivered an upward kick to his chin, sending him into a table.

The man takes a wrench and uses it as a weapon.

Lincoln does the same, unfurling his new cane, courtesy of his boss.

The man attacks Lincoln, using his tool as a sledgehammer. But in a quick move, Lincoln stopped him with his cane.

The scene looked like a sword fight. But something happened.

When the mechanic intends to attack again, Lincoln takes the cane with both hands as if it were a katana. At the moment of impact with the tool, the cane continued on its path. And I cut it in half.

The top of the wrench fell onto the mechanic's foot, who caught it and began jumping.

"Oh damn it! My foot! You broke my toe! What the hell did you do!?"

Lincoln shows the head of the cane, revealing a four-inch (10 cm) blade.

This little devil is courtesy of Venom Industries.

"It's made of a recently discovered metal called huitzizoid. It weighs a third less than microlattice, the lightest metal in the world. It's three times harder than chromium or diamond."

"With the right force and speed, you can cut through a huge block of steel like jelly."

"However, using weapons is not my style. I will cause more damage to you with my bare hands."

"Well, you're stupid." The mechanic picks up the sledgehammer from the ground and tries to hit Lincoln, but he only manages to destroy the windows of the car he is repairing.

Lincoln dodges the hammer, but the man swings at him again, this time destroying a motorcycle.

"Damned! This is going to cost me thousands of dollars!" The man attacks again. This time, the structure of the iron shelf used to store tires is weakened.

Wheels collapse around Lincoln, who falls and traps half his body under the tires.

"I finally got you, you bastard," the mechanic said, raising the hammer, ready to smash Lincoln's skull. But when he put it down, he realized it had become tangled in a chain. "Fuck my luck."

Lincoln took advantage of this to free one of his legs, and in a quick motion, he kicked the man in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground.

Lincoln removed the rest of the tires and stood up, at the same time as the mechanic was standing up but was brought back to the ground by a punch from Lincoln. However, the man still had one last ace up his sleeve.

He runs to the drawer, opens it, and pulls out a gun.

"Maybe weapons aren't your style. But they're my style." The man points at Lincoln and pulls the trigger.

The moment was tense.

In an instant, the sound of a gunshot broke the silence.

Lincoln was suspended in the air.

Everything was seen in slow motion.

The boy seemed to have felt the impact of the bullet. But he actually turned his back and let the bullet pass over him.

During that process, Lincoln kicked the handle of the hammer, freeing it from the chain. Before the boy and the tool hit the ground, Lincoln double-kicked the base of the handle, turning the hammer into a projectile that struck the mechanic's knee, shattering his bone until the tips of his toes touched his stomach.

The pain forced the man to drop the gun, which Lincoln kicked away from him.

With the man on the ground, writhing in pain, Lincoln went to Carlotta and untied her. For a moment, his body rubbed against Carlotta's bare chest, so the boy took off his sweater to give it to Carlotta to cover herself. Leaving his chest bare.

"Are you okay, Carlotta?" Lincoln asked.

Suddenly, the girl hugs Lincoln by the neck and kisses him on the lips. Lincoln was left surprised.

After a minute, Carlotta broke away from him, leaving her lipstick on his mouth. "Thank you very much, precious."

The Latina girl separated from him, leaving Lincoln momentarily paralyzed.

She then walks over to the man, who is still writhing on the ground.

Carlotta had an expression of anger and disgust towards that man.

"The boy you killed wasn't my boyfriend. He was my cousin. You fucking son of a bitch!"

A feeling of déjà vu struck Lincoln. Well, he went through something similar with Leni and her stalker.

In the meantime, Carlotta stomps the mechanic in the groin with her heel. Then again, and another, and another. And so on until the crotch area was painted with a crimson stain.

The mechanic lets out high-pitched screams, crying and pleading in a shrill voice.

At that moment, the Louds entered the workshop after hearing the gunshot. Since Lincoln was safe, and Carlotta too, they calmed down.

Mr. Loud gave his son his coat to cover himself.

Five minutes later, the police had already arrived with an ambulance.

They handcuffed the mechanic and took him into the ambulance to treat his knees and thighs.

Carlotta testified. So far, he will face charges of kidnapping, attempted rape, and premeditated murder. As if that wasn't enough, they also found five kilograms of packages filled with banned substances in a hidden room. Which would increase his sentence.

Both the Louds and the Casagrande celebrated that night.

Even though they had just buried Bobby, they finally got justice for him. Now his soul can rest in peace.

But this was not enough for one person.

However, Lori was still mourning the loss of her boyfriend. That was understandable. Mrs. Santiago was the same way as well, but now that her son's killer has been brought to justice, she can feel better. Unfortunately, Lori wasn't as strong as Maria.

It was after midnight. The Loud family and the Casagrande family said goodbye and got into their cars to head back to Royal Woods.

The next day.

That day, Lincoln had no classes. The school will be closed for fumigation.

The albino boy was at his parents' house, preparing breakfast.

That day, he decided to make his famous waffles, as two of his older sisters were going back to college tomorrow.

Leni was on medical leave, having just come out of a coma. Lori decided to take the year off to mourn her.

The boy came out of the kitchen carrying several plates full of pancakes. These were divided as follows:

Normal for the parents, the grandparents, and Lori.

Of rainbows. Lisa, Lola, Lana, and Luan.

Heart-shaped rose for Lynn, Luna, and Leni. Plus a black one for Lucy.

"Yes! Lincoln's Waffles!" shouted three of the youngest.

Lola was going to take one, but Lily stopped her.

"The eldest is served first," said Lily, taking three.

"Lisa, when do you think you'll get the cure for Lily?"

"I'm afraid it never will."

"What!?" The twins asked in unison.

"She said she likes being eleven. Since she is older than me, I have to obey her."

"But you never cared about anyone."

"Good. I like being eleven. I can reach the cookie jar; I'm the tallest girl in my class, and I can give you orders."

"You're only a year older than us, Lily."

"Girls. Don't fight," Rita stopped her girls, "Lily. Do you really want to still be eleven? Don't you want to be five and a half again? You'll miss the best of those years."

Lily thought about that. 'It was true. There were things I wanted to do that I couldn't do and games I couldn't participate in.' "I think you're right, Mom. I want to be five years old again."

"Excellent." Lisa reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pill. "Take this, and you will be five years old again."

"You said you don't have the cure," Lana reproached her.

"Yes... I lied to you. But it's better if you take her to another room."


"You will know."

Lily goes into the living room with a glass of water and starts taking the pill. Suddenly her body began to tremble, and she sweated a light purple substance. It evaporates into smoke of the same color that reaches the kitchen.

The family starts coughing from the smoke. They were forced to open the windows. When it dissipated, they saw that Lily had shrunk. The clothes she was wearing now became bigger than her.

The girl saw herself; in general, there was nothing strange. "Did it work, Lisa?"

"Let me see." The little genius scanned her sister with a mobile device. "Oh!"

"What? What happened?"

"Well. Well yes. You are younger."

"This is good."

"But you're only three years younger."

"Only three years? But that means..." Lily said.

"That's right, sister. We are the same age," Lisa replied.

Rita approached her daughters and said, "Can't you give her another of those pills?"

"Negative. Taking more than one would be dangerous. She could turn a one-year-old girl, or turn into a fetus."

Thinking about the first option did not satisfy Lily. 'I don't want to go back to wearing diapers' The second was even more terrible: "Then. Am I going to stay at eight?"

"But Lisa. What about Lily's preschool? She can't keep attending if she's eight years old," Mr. Loud asked.

"I can pull some strings and get her accepted into the right department."

"But they will teach me things I don't know yet."

"I'll think of something to put relevant knowledge into your head."

"Fine. As long as it doesn't involve cracking my skull open like a tin can."

When Lily said that, Lisa already had a can opener in her hand. "Okay. Then Plan B."

"What's plan B?"

"I'll tell you when I think about it."

Despite the strange situation, the rest of the day passed normally.

When breakfast ended, Lori got up from the table and walked to her room. The girl lay on her bed.

Her appearance wasn't exactly the best.

Her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were rumpled. She was wearing loose gray pants and a light blue jacket with some gray spots and patches at the elbows.

The girl takes her backpack and takes out a small bottle of liquor that a friend from university gave her.

She never went drinking. But the situation called for a strong drink to forget the sorrow.

It was already noon.

Lincoln, Clyde, and Andy were at the café.

The boys drank their coffee while talking.

"I swear, guys. Lori is completely destroyed. She hasn't used her cell phone all day. She's never put it down, not even when she was in class."

"I'm curious. When I was 11, I always wanted something to happen to Bobby so I could attract Lori. I never thought about how losing him would affect her."

"You wanted to kill a guy just to get his girlfriend? Are you crazy?" Andy asked.

"They were just an immature child's fantasy. Now that I have my three princesses, I'm no longer attracted to Lori."

"Back to the topic. What do you intend to do now?"

"Lori is taking a leave of absence this year to treat her depression."

"Bro, too bad. She was only five months away from graduation."

"I know. It's all a mess."

Suddenly, a waiter approaches and leaves a cappuccino and a plate of three candies in front of Lincoln.

"There you are, young man."

Lincoln fumbles with his hand and feels the cup and saucer. "I didn't ask for this."

"I know. It's courtesy of our waitresses."

Clyde and Andy see two girls behind the counter. These were Pam and Cookie.

"It looks like you have new fans, buddy," Andy said, hitting Lincoln's arm.

"It's Cookie and Pam."

"Cookie? The girl you guys saved from that dirty teacher?"

"Actually, Clyde photographed the evidence. I broke his jaw."

Lincoln takes the cup and one of the cookies. He then sticks out a thank-you sign towards the counter, causing the girls to blush.

In the afternoon, almost evening, Lincoln was in Lynn's room. She allowed him to use her training equipment in exchange for some "services."

Lincoln was hitting the punching bag. His blows lifted the bag into the air.

The constant movement and intense effort made Lincoln break out in sweat. So he took off his shirt.

With each blow, the boy's muscles ripped and tensed. Which made Lynn extremely hot.

The girl crossed her legs, holding her hands between them, as she watched Lincoln train.

Her cheeks were red, and her breath was hot.

Lincoln gave one final kick that tightened the chain to the point of breaking it.

Lincoln was drenched in sweat. The body heat vaporized the liquid, causing steam to emit from his body. "I'm sorry, Lynn. I'll get you a new chain." Lincoln wrapped a towel around his shoulders and drank from a water bottle.

Suddenly, he felt arms hugging him from behind.

"Don't worry," Lynn caresses Lincoln's chest and stomach, feeling his hardness.

"Lynn, not home. Mom and Dad can find us."

"Don't worry. I closed the door."

Lynn puts her hand inside Lincoln's pants. He turns around, faces each other, and starts kissing her.

Lincoln places his hand inside Lynn's shorts and underwear and begins to stimulate her.

"Hmm. Lincoln, Touch me, touch me all you want."

Lincoln kisses Lynn's neck as she opens it.

The boy was already hard. But unfortunately for both of them, Lincoln's cell phone started ringing.

"Fuck. Turn that shit off."

"Sit down, Lynn. It's a business call."

Lynn looked at Lincoln with an annoyed expression. She was not one to take no for an answer.

Meanwhile, at the Venomous Industries office.

The scientist had his phone on hold. "Come on, come on, Lincoln. What's wrong? You're not taking long to answer."

Finally, Lincoln answered the call.

"Hello, Professor"

"Finally. What happened? Usually, it doesn't take you long to answer a call. And why do you sound weird?"

"Oh, I was training."

"Oh, perfect. Because you have another battle in two days."

"Oh ha. S-so? With who?"

"Moro Technology Inc. Tomorrow, I will tell you the details of the fight. Continue training."

"T-thank you, Pro-Professor..."

"Yes, welcome." Venom hangs up the call, with some suspicion due to the way the albino communicates.

Back with Lincoln.

The boy was lying on the bed, completely naked, while Lynn, who was only wearing her gym shirt, was riding him, holding him by his wrists.

"Oh, and what does the old man want?" She asked, moving her hips.

"Uh, we have a business meeting in a few days."

"Forget it now and kiss me, you idiot," Lynn said, kissing Lincoln. But they were interrupted by a sound coming from the vents.

"When you're done, come to my room, Lincoln." 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Lynn separated from the kiss angrily and stopped moving, then covered her chest with her sheets. "Lucy, you perverted little brat, why are you spying on us?"

"Lincoln is my boyfriend too. So I came to ask him when he's done with your shift."

"Go back to your room, you dirty bastard. And stop spying on us."

"Okay. You don't have to be angry. see ya, my love."

"See ya, my little vampire," Lincoln replied.

Lynn looked at him with a serious face, "little Vampire? Since when do you call her that?"

"Since we started the relationship, why? Do you also want an affectionate nickname?"

"Of course not. I'm not interested in those things."

Lincoln grabs Lynn by the cheeks and kisses her. "That's what I love most about you."

"What is it?"

"Your tough girl attitude. I think that's what attracted me to you."

"If you want, I'll be rougher." Lynn started moving again. This time, she bounced, causing her breasts to move up and down.

"Oh Lynn. Wait. Not surprisingly. Or I won't be able to hold on."

Lynn didn't hear the last of that. Or rather, she pretends not to hear about it.

The girl silenced the albino with a kiss.

Forty-five minutes later, Lincoln left the room, exhausted and covered in sweat.

Lily, who was in the hall, headed to her room with a new video game in her hands, ready to relax.

The girl, seeing her brother in that state, was curious. "Wow, what did you do to be like this?"

Lincoln wiped the sweat off his face. "I've been training to stay in shape. I need a shower."

"Yes. You stink, and there's another smell I can't identify."

Lily continued to her room, leaving Lincoln embarrassed and unaware of Lynn's actions.

In the bathroom, Lincoln relaxed as cold water ran through his body, washing away tensions.

He emerged wearing orange sweatpants and a slightly tight black t-shirt.

That day was Friday. The Louds parents were out, leaving Lincoln in charge due to Lori's condition and other siblings' engagements.

Lincoln, in an apron, prepared food and felt a hug from Lucy. "What's going on, baby?"

"You didn't come to my room like I asked."

"Mom and Dad will be back late. We can spend the whole night together."

"Do you promise me?"

"Have I ever failed?"

"I'll take your word for it." Lucy kissed Lincoln, saying, "I love you."

"That night, the Loud siblings ate pizza and watched a horror movie marathon. Lori stayed in her room.

After the movies, the sisters discussed. "I liked both of them better," Lana said.

"The bus thing and the basketball players were great. Although all three disappointed me a little," Lola added.

"That's right. The three were after one and before two? I didn't like that much," Lisa responded.

Lily seemed shaken after the movies. As Lucy headed to her room, Lily grabbed her sweater. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"


"I'm afraid the creep is coming for me."

Lincoln, heading to one of the guest rooms, chuckled at the situation and said, "Haha. You remind me of myself when I was younger."

This piqued Lily's curiosity: "Have you been afraid of a movie? But you're not afraid of anything."

"Once, I was a complete coward. More specifically, when I was eleven years old. At that time, I insisted on watching a movie called The Collector. My mother forbade me from watching it. But I went for it."

"That night, I couldn't sleep."

"Please Lucy. Let me sleep with you."

"But I was going to." Lucy saw Lily giving her puppy eyes. Then she saw Lincoln. The boy shrugged.

Lucy sighed. "Okay. You can stay with me."

"Yes. Thank you, Lucy." Lily hugged her sister and entered her room. "Yes. A sleepover with my sister."

"Did someone say sleepover?" Lola and Lana found themselves in front of Lucy's room door, with their sheets and pillows on.

Lucy sighed. "Come in."

The twins entered the Gothic room with Lily.

It was already midnight. Lincoln was sleeping peacefully when a voice woke him up.

"Lisa? Is that you? I already told you; if you need more blood for your research, just ask me. You don't have to wait until I'm asleep." The boy heard the door close with a key, followed by the sound of cloth falling to the floor.

"Lucy?" asked the boy. The mysterious person got under his sheets, and she was much taller than Lucy. It gave him the scent of floral perfume.


The blonde girl hugged the albino. He noticed she wasn't wearing anything. She was completely naked.

"Leni what?"

Before he finished asking her, she kissed Lincoln on the lips. The boy's heart exploded when he felt the touch of Leni's warm, soft lips. So he hugged her, reciprocating the kiss.

Leni was caressing Lincoln's chest, while the boy was caressing and playing with her soft hair.

Finally, the lack of air forced them to separate.

Leni was caressing Lincoln's cheek, which was red with excitement.

"Leni. I love you."

Leni hugged Lincoln and placed his face between her breasts. "Lincoln. Let's fuck."

Steam came out of his ears upon hearing his sister's request.

"Huh? Seriously, Leni?"

"I want you to make me yours. I want the nightmares to end."

"What nightmares?"

Leni sighed. It's time to tell Lincoln the truth.

"Ever since that night on the bridge, when you saved me from those men, I was so afraid that I started having nightmares."

"Horrific nightmares of people doing dirty things to me."

"I could only sleep when I had something that smelled like you close to me. You took care of me in my dreams."

Lincoln separated from Leni a little, so he could speak. "But... why didn't you say anything in the first place?"

"I don't know. I thought I didn't want you to worry. Besides, I already had a lot to think about with Robert's bullying and worrying about nightmares."

"And after the encounter you had with him in the park, I couldn't see you risking yourself for me anymore. I'm the eldest. I'm supposed to protect you."

"And when I was in a coma, I lived through nightmare after nightmare. But they always stopped when you visited me."

"I can hear you. I can feel you."

Leni takes Lincoln's hand and places it on her chest. The boy could feel her heartbeat.

"Do you feel it, Linky? Do you feel how my heart beats? It beats like this. This is for you. Because I love you."

Lincoln takes Leni's hand, places it on his chest, and mimics, "I love you too, Leni."

"Lincoln... Make me yours. Take my body."

Lincoln changes his stance and comes over to Leni. The boy started kissing her neck and cheeks while massaging one of her breasts.

Leni could only enjoy that loving touch. Many boys throughout adolescence had reached what is commonly known as the "second rule" with her. But no one like Lincoln.

It was generally sudden and quick. They cared more about satisfying their hormone-dictated desires than whether they both had a good time.

Unlike them was Lincoln.

The boy was gentle and kind. His kisses were gentle and lingering. As if he would take his time so they could both enjoy the moment.

His touch was different, too.

Compared to the harsh and painful pressures experienced by men who just wanted to feel the skin of a girl's genitals, Lincoln was gentle and kind. Like a soft massage that made her float into the sky.

Lincoln treated Leni tenderly, like a princess. As if she were a delicate porcelain doll. His caresses were slow and tickling, as were his kisses.

The massage made her shiver. Without a doubt, Lincoln was a gentleman.

Leni took off Lincoln's shirt, leaving him shirtless. The scars left by his battles and training intrigued and worried Leni. But these disappeared with a hug from Lincoln.

The girl began to remove the albino's pants, exposing him.

Leni blushed along with Lincoln. Immediately after that, the girl took the dick to her mouth and started moving her head.

"Oh, Leni. Wait. Oh"

When it got hard, Leni took the dick out of her mouth and positioned herself on Lincoln.

"I'm ready," she said slowly, lowering her hips and sliding Lincoln's dick inside her.

Electricity ran through Leni's back, and she felt her brother inside her. "Oh... Linky!"

The moment he fully entered Leni, her mind began to wander.

'It's amazing that this happened. finally. Finally, Leni and I are one. I'm very happy!'

Leni slowly raised her hips and then suddenly lowered them again. Which made Lincoln ecstatic.

'She moved! She's moving! She's doing it of her own free will!'

Leni continued to move up and down.

Lincoln hugged her and put her on the ground, getting on top this time.

The boy started moving his hips and kissing Leni. To which the girl replied.

"This is amazing! Leni's body. Nothing feels better!"

For her part, Leni was also lost in thought.

"Linky. I love you so much. I don't want to have another man but you. I'm yours. My body is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it."

"I don't care how many other girls you're with, as long as you have time to love me too."

Lincoln separated away from Leni's neck and began to suckle at her breasts. Suck them like a starving newborn.

"Ha ha ha ha. Linky. You look like a baby doing that."

The boy moved his hips faster, causing the girl great pleasure.

"Oh Lincoln, don't stop. Love me. Love me forever."

"I love you. I love you, Leni," the boy replied without stopping sucking Leni's breast.

The joy was immeasurable. Their feelings and lust brought them both closer to climax.

"Leni. I'll cum soon."

"Yes, me too."

Lincoln was about to "explode." So he decided to get away from Leni. But she hugged him with her legs and prevented him from escaping.

"Leni. Please, I have to get it out."

"No. Don't take it out. I don't want it out."

"Leni, please. I don't have a condom."

"I don't care. Leave it all inside me, Lincoln. I want a baby."

That last word shocked Lincoln, just as his body reacted, emptying everything inside Leni.

"Oh yeah. Spill it all; I want your baby."

The boy shot all of his load until he was finally exhausted.

Leni hugged Lincoln with tears of joy in her eyes.

"I love you."

Lincoln did not respond. He was still thinking about that word, 'baby.' Does she want us to have a baby?'

Leni separated from Lincoln, lying next to him and holding her stomach.

"I'm so excited. Our baby must be forming in my belly now."

Lincoln couldn't believe it. In fact, one of his sisters and girlfriends asked him to have a baby.

Leni can't stop talking about her future baby.

"You know? I've always wanted to have a daughter, and we'll give her a name that starts with L. Like our names."

"How about we name her Lena? Doesn't that sound cute?... Lincoln?"

She saw the albino lying down. Just by thinking that he could be a father at his age it knocked him out faster than any fight.

"Oh. He's already asleep. Perfect. Rest, my love." Leni kisses him on the lips and gets up in her underwear and nightgown. "Say good night to Daddy, Lena." Leni put her hands on her stomach and left the room.

-next morning-

Lincoln woke up in bed in the guest room of his parents' house.

Since it was Saturday morning, the Louds returned very late at night. Just like his grandparents. The boy was heading downstairs when he heard the sound of the sewing machine.

Lincoln walked into her room. After he knocked on the door and waited for her response, "Come in,"

"Leni, what are you doing so early?"

The boy just received a kiss on the lips from Leni.

"Good morning, my love," the girl said, hugging the albino.

"Hey!" Lincoln hugged and kissed Leni. After a minute, he separated from her. "So?"

"So what?" Leni asked.

"Are you going to tell me what you're doing early?"

"Oh. Wait. I'll show you. You'll love it." Leni walks to her bed and takes something folded there. Then she handed it to Lincoln. It was a dress made of very soft fabric. A closer examination of the pattern revealed it to be a romper.

"Ha, Leni, this..."

"It's clothes for our baby girl."

Lincoln's knees shook at the word baby again: "Leni. Don't you think it's too soon? I say. We don't know if you're pregnant yet. And if you are, how do we explain it to Mom and Dad?"

Leni puts her hands on her stomach and has a sad expression on her face. "But... don't you want to have a baby for us?"

Lincoln hugs Leni and kisses her. "I don't want anything more than that."

"You, Luna, Lynn, and Lucy are the ones I love the most. But... we can't make such an important decision easily."

"I understand"

"Good. Come here, baby." Lincoln holds Leni, so they both fall onto the bed. And they kiss each other. "I love you, Leni."

"And I'm yours, Lincoln. Oh, I almost forgot. I made something for you too."

"Awesome. I love the clothes you make."

Leni gave Lincoln a new set of clothes. Which consists of a white shirt, an orange plaid shirt, and blue jeans."

The boy tried them on, changing in front of the girl. This did not embarrass him. After all, he didn't have anything that the girl hadn't seen the night before.

"How do I look?"

Leni approaches Lincoln, "so handsome."

"Ho ho. I'm going to go make breakfast." Lincoln kisses her and leaves the room, heading to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Leni sits on her bed with the dress in her hands. The girl contemplates the clothes for a moment, then hugs them, putting on a smile.

In the kitchen.

Lincoln prepared a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee for the older people and juice for the younger ones. The smell filled the air. Leni was the first to come with Lori.

The eldest sister had just come out of the shower, as her previous appearance was terrible. She was also suffering from a bad hangover due to the fact that the night before she had run away from home to go out drinking at a bar and had returned at 4 am Her depression soon drove her to alcoholism.

Walking into the kitchen with Leni, she saw something that could have been left by the alcohol in her system.

Before her eyes, she saw, for a moment, her dead boyfriend. But after she rubbed her eyes, she only saw her brother.

It was understandable, because the clothes Leni made for Lincoln were practically the same clothes that Bobby used to wear. Except for the shirt color. The clothes were similar, down to the smallest detail.

Lincoln turned to hear the girls' footsteps.

"Is that you, Leni?"

"Yes. Lori's here too."

"Oh. Great. Have a seat. Breakfast's almost ready. Oh. But first, can you wake up the others?"

"Of course." Leni went up to her sisters' rooms. Leaving just Lincoln and Lori.

The girl couldn't stop looking at her brother. Those clothes were very familiar, and she couldn't help but ask.

"Where did you get these clothes?"

"Oh, do you like it? Leni made it for me. It's great, isn't it?"

Lori didn't answer. She just looked down silently. This surprised Lincoln. But he let her go. He knew Lori was having a hard time dealing with her grief.

After breakfast, both sisters went to their rooms. For his part, Lincoln left for his grandparents' home to feed his pet.

Meanwhile, in Leni's room,

The girl was knitting a pair of green shoes, similar to her dress. At that moment, someone entered her room. It was Luna, who was beaming from the fun of the previous night.

"Ooooh. What a good party! Hey? This isn't my room."

"You're in my room, Luna."

"Oh? Oh, haha, sure. I'm sorry. I'm still a little drunk." Luna's gaze landed on Leni's knitting and Leni's fabric on her bed. "Leni, what's that over there?" she asks, pointing to the few clothes.

"Oh. It's clothes for the baby I'm having with Linky."

Which made the alcohol in Luna's system wear off. "What did you say!?"

Luna's scream alerted the sisters, who were crowding at the door. Before that could happen, Leni hid the baby clothes.

"What was that scream, Luna?" Lola asked.

"Nothing. I'm just a little drunk."

"Okay, little drunk?"

The twins, Lisa and Lily, left. But Lucy and Lynn stayed. Since they knew Luna was lying,

Lynn enters with Lucy and closes the bedroom door. "Okay. Tell us why you screamed."

Luna walked towards Leni's bed, and from under it, she took out the clothes.

Lucy was shocked when she saw the clothes. "Leni... maybe... you and Lincoln are going to..."

Leni puts her hands on her stomach and smiles. "I don't know yet."

"But when did you do that?"

"Last night. That was amazing."

Lucy clenched her fists in frustration.

"Yes. Leni is the eldest. We hope she has benefited from us in that regard. Although we will have to explain to Mom and Dad about this child,"

Lynn looked away with a guilty expression on her face as she held out her arm.

The girl couldn't hide the secret that even Lincoln didn't know. "Girls, Lincoln won't be able to give us children."

The girls turned to see Lynn, who couldn't hide her sadness.

"What do you mean by that? Lynn?" Luna asked.

"A few weeks ago. Shortly after Lincoln returned, I found one of Lisa's videos."

"In the video... she explained that the accident that happened three years ago caused something strange to happen to Lincoln because of a chemical that was nearby."

"What does that have to do with what you told us?" Lucy asked.

"Apparently, everything that went into Lincoln that day... made him sterile; he couldn't have children."

That news was like a ton of rocks falling for the girls. Especially Leni.

"Never... We'll never be able to... Are you... drunk?"

"No, Leni. Lincoln can't have children. I'm so sorry."

Leni stares at the socks and shoes, hugs them to her chest, and begins to cry.

The girls went up to Leni and hugged her, comforting their sister.

In the grandparents' house.

Lincoln pulls a large piece of fresh beef from the basement refrigerator and places it on the wolf's plate.

"Here you go, boy."

The wolf comes out of the shed and begins to devour the meat.

Lincoln sits next to the wolf, thinking about what Leni told him.

Baby. The truth is, I would very much like to have children. But I'm still too young for that, though. In time, I will get them. But now is not the time.

That night. The whole family gathered at the Loud house for dinner. Well, Luna had a very important announcement.

To celebrate the news, Mr. Loud prepared steaks.

Luna hit a cup with her fork, attracting everyone's attention.

"Okay, family. Now, I'm sure everyone wants to know what the good news is."

Rita was the first to speak. "Is it related to Sam? Did she propose to you?"

"What? No! Mom, please," which made Luna blush.

"Okay, tell us. What's the big news?"

"The producer became interested in my band. Yesterday we went to record at his studio, and he loved it. We'll be opening for Mick Swagger's next concert."

The family was silent for a moment, then they let out a scream of joy.

"I knew you could do it."

"Your chances of success were always 100 percent."

"I hope one of your songs is included in the next Guitar Hero."

"Okay. That's the good part."

"The good part? You mean there's a bad part?" asked Mr. Loud.

"You're right, you see. The recording studio is here in Royal Woods. So... I'll have to drop out of college."

"What!?" screamed Messrs. Loud, surprised at the news.

Even Lori, who, despite being depressed, was shocked, asked, "How do you drop out of college?"

"Of course you would do no such thing, miss."

"Mom, university was never for me. I was just going to gain some reputation. In fact, thanks to the influencer who studies there, this producer went to our party last night."

"Darling, tell her something." Rita asked her husband to make Luna see why.

"Listen, daughter. I know your dream is to be a rock star. But don't you think it would be better to get a college degree? Just in case you doubt it..."

"What? What do you mean by that? Do you think I'll fail?"

"Of course not. But we care about your future."

The atmosphere was tense. All the voices remained silent until Lincoln broke the silence and said, "I agree with Luna."

The family turned to see Lincoln.

"What do you mean, do you agree?" Lynn asked.

"But I agree with my mom and dad too. I give you this."

"Give Luna a year. Just one year. If she is successful in her career, she will move forward."

"But if she fails, she will resume her studies."

The Loud parents looked at each other, then looked at Luna. She smiled with a determined look.

"Very well. You will only have one year! That's all."

"Yes. Thanks!!!" Luna hugs her parents and then Lincoln. She gave the latter a kiss on the cheek. Stirring jealousy in Lynn and Lucy.

-the next day-

Lincoln was in his grandparents' backyard with his five younger sisters. In front of him were three stacked stones.

The boy focused as he prepared.

Suddenly, he raises his hand and does karate, smashing all three blocks.

The girls clapped.

"That was great, Lincoln."

"Yes. You look like Jin Kazama."

"Your physical abilities are truly amazing."

"Poor miserable soul who dares to challenge you."

"You can go to the dojo I go to. Maybe you can even beat Sensei."

Lola recorded the Lincoln demonstration and uploaded it to the Internet. But she wasn't the only one. Since a couple of albinos passed by and photographed it too,

But Lincoln only had one thing on his mind. Victory in the confrontation he was going to have that day.

The albino finished his training session with a little meditation, placing himself in the lotus position.

Suddenly, he was sitting on his volcanic throne, surrounded by a pack of wolves. Their backs were towards him, looking towards the forest.

The boy cast his gaze in the direction in which the wolves were looking. Several gray wolves emerged from the trees. The wolves ran at each other, causing Lincoln to wake up.

"What the hell? It must be nerves," Lincoln wonders as he walks into the house, heading to the kitchen.

After drinking some juice, he sat on the sofa and read one of his books to distract himself before his fight. The book was recommended by an old-school friend in Canada. The blush on Lincoln's cheeks said that this was not an appropriate read for all ages.

In the meantime, at Loud's house,

Lisa was reviewing some files on her computer when she received a video call from Venom.

"Good morning, Dr. Loud."

"Good morning, Professor. Why are you calling?"