

I am losing my mind and I am in my mind. Why the hell is Fang still alive!, it makes no sense. The giant snake also seemed confused so it charged in once more and it ate Fang again!, I could see the blood dripping like tap water while I felt so useless, I mean, so what Fang is mysteriously alive, I could have at least saved him this time but I was too shocked to move,

and it happened again, with the slight flash of light, Fang was back, this time I calmed myself down and thought, if I die can I respawn too?, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

After recollecting myself, I ran, sprung up with my sword and charged with full force and immediately the snake's head was cut off, I could now see why the armored croc was there, it was protection for the giant snake cause the snake was too weak. I pick up the snake's head with my two hands which was extremely heavy and shouted "David!", then I and Fang were back in front of Mr X.

I handed the head Mr X and asked" why did you ask me not to get too attached to Fang, after all Fang respawns after being killed, so..why?", Mr X said with a deep sigh" Don't ask unnecessary questions cause.... you'll soon know why", that wasn't really much of an answer but whatever, I guess I'll figure out soon enough. After the tough day I and Fang went into the mansion provided by Mr X and slept.


David's Room(outside David's dream)

Lucas said" just tell me the truth and I'll stop pouring the holy water", large screams could be heard coming out of David's room, Az then said" okay!, you win, I'll tell you everything...

After all the explanation, Lucas was shocked, that was a lot to take in for him," so your saying, right now, my brother's body is a vessel?, which has not yet been possessed by an angel, but will be in the future, so you discovered a way to go back in time, to possess my brother's body before his body is taken by an angel cause his body holds enough power to even harness an angel" this wasn't what someone would just see everyday, this was supernatural, so Lucas had only one more question, which was" so where is my brother now".


David's dream

David had woken up still not used to sleeping without dreaming, he went down and noticed....a large amount of food set on the table, as he has been in this place for a while, he never felt hunger and he didn't think he needed to eat here but still as a normal human being, he of course still craved food. Mr X was seen sitting by the table cross legged eating peacefully, then he noticed David had woken up so he swallowed and said" come and join us" as David looked to the left he saw Fang happily nibbling away on freshly cooked meat, so David decided to join in. As he was eating, he then asked " so how long has it been in the real world since I've been here",Mr x nonchalantly spoke" 3 hours", David was surprised and said " I thought you said each day here only takes a second there" Mr X said " maybe I might have exaggerated a bit, each day here actually takes one hour there, now could you stop asking questions, I don't talk while eating", David then said "then don't give me a reason to ask questions", with a sneer Mr X shrugged him off.

After the quick breakfast David put on his armor and got ready for his next mission. His mission was to go and retrieve a flower called the flame flower, but this time suspiciously Mr X decided he would guide David through this quest, at first David thought Mr X would be joining him on the quest but of course no, Mr X would just be talking to him through his ear.

David had arrived with Fang at the destination where he saw large trees like a forest and a cave. David had entered in the cave only to see a door with strange markings on it, David now said" okay what do I do now" , a small whisper now entered David's ear like an ear piece and Mr X said " only Fang can help you with this, now near the door there is a hollow hole, place fang on top" David had replicated as he was told " now use your sword and" David didn't like where this was going, "stab Fang" those last two words made David stop and ask"stab Fang?!, stab Fang?!!, what do you mean stab Fang?! ", Mr X replied "Just do it!, do you want to wake up?, then do it", with a deep breath David said" okay,... he's.... going to respawn, yeah no problem, he'll just respawn like before, okay ", with a sharp CHIRRG!, Fang was stabbed an was bleeding like water, with tiny sobs, Fang was sobbing probably due to the pain, David just stood there watching as Fang bled out, his heart tightening each time fang cried, and David said" don't worry it's going to be all right, your going to respawn like always, there's nothing to worry about" but deep down in David, he knew fang wasn't coming back, he just sat there with tear filled eyes looking at his first pet die in front of him, because of him.

David was still a kid and still felt the joy of getting a pet..and the sadness of losing one. So with one last howl, Fang had lost his life force. David took the body, dug a hole and buried his first pet.