
Chapter 23: Another Guy Loves Me

I called him but he did not pick up the call. I think he was a little angry with what my mom said. I know he will come around so I didn’t bother him.

The week went by so quickly. December came and it was officially the winter season. I love winter because of the snow and Christmas. I do not like the coldness but my coffee and my K-drama obsession will keep me warm during this time. I could hear birds singing. The water had become icy. Roads have become snowy with even more cars.

Everything about the weather has changed but not the people. I have not changed and neither did my issues.

Krishna has finally come around and we have been hanging around a lot more. This winter with him seems to be so magical and I believe he was the most handsome prince who has come to save me from this cold weather.

Today, I met Ben after a long time. We have been discussing going to a place to hang out but we couldn’t make any plans since I was busy with Krishna.