
I Returned To Being A Yakuza Underling

Matsuoka Shou, the average person who got involved unknowingly into the largest Yakuza groups in Japan, rose up to the very highest ranks, only to get killed at the very end of his life. But as death pulled his soul from the mortal coil, he found himself back in that same old room, that old apartment, where peace lingered, and conflict didn't exist. He was back, in his younger self, aiming to take revenge on those who wronged him.

Hino_Totsu · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Chapter 13 - Split up!

That Evening, One hour ago before the initial commission...

"Alright, Guys we only have 10 minutes until we move out to the location that the boss gave us, So restock on supplies and if you have anything you have damaged from our commission earlier now's the time to quickly replace it with your spare ones."


After finishing preparing for our next commission we were on our way to the targeted location using two Jeeps while the rest of the remaining third division members who weren't able to fit in the vehicle went ahead and used their motorbikes, Separating us into smaller groups but the sixth division was all in a single vehicle. Our division Captain offered to drive as he was more experienced. I tried to recall this moment as I vaguely remember happening this in my first life Maybe it's one of those butterfly effects that I heard about on the internet when I was bored... I thought to myself. As we saw the targeted location it seems that the captains forgot to mention it was a warehouse but whatever, Suddenly Raiden Called up the whole convoy using an intercom.

"Alright everyone, The targeted location is in sight, We don't have time to stop by and get off our vehicles as the intel our boss gave us said the place was heavily guarded on the outside so we don't know how many of them on the inside, So we have no choice but to ram the gates down using the jeeps. Once we break in get ready to take everyone down inside, You may use any method you like, Whether you want to get off your vehicle or not, All it matters is to take over this warehouse."

"Hey hey since when did you take command? Sixth division captain." Said Mitsuru with an arrogant tone as if his pride was shaken.

"Now now, Just let them be besides Raiden's skills is not to be held cheaply." Mako Replied.


Crash! The front gate of the warehouse was easily broken by the jeeps that were followed by a swarm of motorbikes with people holding metal bats and other kinds of weapons.

Immediately the third division officers jumped out of the vehicle but we were still cruising around the warehouse using the jeep to our advantage. Wracck! Suddenly an ear-splitting continuous hissing crack of thunder was heard from the seat behind me. As I curiously turned around to see what was that sound, I was surprised to see Ryota, With his window seat pulled down and his suppressed KRISS Vector Shooting down the swarms of the opposing side.

Then Immediately Captain stopped the vehicle. "Alright everyone, Get out and stay attentive because there's a possibility this whole setup is a trap."

"Roger that!" We replied.

"Take this you bastards!!!" Rat-a-tat-a-tat! The screams of pain overlayed with the sound of what seemed like multiple firecrackers going off consecutively filled the area followed by Ryota's Battlecry with multiple bodies dropping like flies, Filling their bodies with holes and blood gushing out, Forming puddles of blood all over.

"Hey! Save some for us you know!" Hotaru groaned.

"Too bad, First come, First served."

"Why you little..."

"Everyone Now's not the time to play around, We may be strong but we're still outnumbered and there's a limit on how much we can handle even with the third division's help."

"Okayy," Hotaru replied.

"I think it's better to split up so we can support the others, Can you handle it by yourself Shou-Kun?" Yuichi said with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I think I can handle it myself."

"Don't die on us, Shou."

"I agree with Captain, Don't you dare drop dead on us newbie when this is all finished, or else I'll kill you myself," Eiko replied.

"Yeah, Yeah, Don't you guys worry too much about me, I can handle it."

"You better come back in one piece Big bro."

After hearing everyone's concern about me, maybe because they pity me for my situation but regardless I'm glad that I get to spend time with them one more time. I let out a smile. "You guys too, Comeback safely."

They all let out smug faces and small chuckles. "Don't worry, We're strong enough to be able at least survive this," Captain replied. "Alright, Let's go!"

We all split up into our own, Surrounding the warehouse. As the enemy tried to swarm me from all sides I pulled out my sword from its sheath and into a readied stance.

"Get him! He's all alone and We have our advantage on numbers!"

"You fucker! You'll pay for trespassing one of the Kakaido clan's territories!"

"Everyone! Beat the shit out of him!"

As everyone was taunting me all around and acting tough, I calmly took a deep breath, and in a blink of an eye, moved in front of one of the enemies and threw a quick overhand cut. Without a second thought, Another quick underhand slash to another one, spurting blood over from their chests. "Wha-" He's fast, thought one of the opponents. Reflexively they all moved one step back but I didn't want to give them a chance to live, I advanced and threw a massive and quick slide slash to their throats and chest area, Instantamously their bodies dropped to the floor with blood gushing quickly. Everything Happened in a flash... "Those two weeks of building up my body and training were worth it but it's not enough."

The rest of the enemies were frightened and ran away, Still, Others still tried to continue. One of them quickly moved towards me with an overhand bash with a metal bat, I dodge the attack to the side and slashed quickly to his left, As I felt the heaviness of the sword while cutting his body, At that moment I knew it was a deep cut and to finish it off, I stabbed him to his abdomen, quickly pulled out and before his body dropped to the floor, Immediately leaped to the next opponent slashing him diagonally to the neck. Back and forth in a circle, I took them all out one by one...Two by two... As I Sheathed my sword, The whole area around me was full of bodies and pools of blood and I was covered with them. As I looked around looking for my teammates, Ryota still had enough ammo to spare.

Eiko was handling herself just fine as she was bashing and hacking the enemies with her metal bat.

Hotaru was leaping from one enemy after enemy... after enemy... Slicing their throats away with her daggers.

Raiden was punching, grappling, and kicking his way through, Covering his limbs with blood and scratches.


"This is the sixth division Captain, I want a significant amount of people accompanying me looting the insides of the warehouse, That includes you, The third division officers."

"Damn you! Since when did you become our lieutenant?"

"Mitsuru!" Tanaka scolded Mitsuru.


"Wait where's Yuichi?"

As I was looking for The Vice-Captain I Saw him being overwhelmed and running around trying to tire them out as he isn't used to dealing with more than one enemy, Of course, I sought to help.

Damn, There are too many of them, It's like dealing with a horde of zombies although I may be a track and field ace, There's a limit to everything, Yuichi Thought.

"Need any help?"


Gahhh!! Instantly I heard screaming from behind me and as I looked behind, Blood was spewing out from their backs, I couldn't see who it was until they managed to close the gap between us, I sought to lighten the number of opponents that this person was dealing with, I looked back. Pap! Pap! Pap! I pulled the trigger once... Twice... Three times dropping three bodies to the ground Four... Five... Six... I pulled the trigger three more times, and Three more bodies fell... As There was only one last enemy who gave up chasing me and instead tried to run away in my direction, I aimed my barrel at him until out of nowhere, An edge of a sword came out of his chest with blood spouting from it, As his body dropped, I saw who the person was. It was The newbie Matsuoka Shou, Covered in blood all over including his sword.

"Well, This is unexpected... To think that you helped me despite you being a newcomer really surprised me."

"Well... Your weapon of choice isn't really fit for dealing with more than one person, Although you would have definitely survived without my help it would probably take you a while."

"Yes, you're right, I'm more used to scouting and dealing with enemies one by one, Kind of like an assassin."

"Heh, that's true."

Though this is unexpected, At first Shou-Kun doesn't seem like a person who's used to killing others... But now his actions and the look in his eyes looked like he's experienced, And the fact that He didn't hesitate to kill. Any normal person would've been hesitant at first or maybe even get sick after their first kill but that doesn't seem the case to Shou-Kun. Just who really is he? Is he really a normal person who's forced to join the yakuza to repay his parent's debt and have his life spared."