
I Returned From Isekai

Hero. Savior. Ex-Hero. Betrayer. Then Finally, Demon King. but such titles mean nothing to me. I wanted to go back. back to my home. Slice of life.

N8lix · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 4 : First Step (3)

I usually wake up before the first light. but the chair in the office is too comfortable. It would be a shame if I didn't take advantage of it. But no matter how hard I try, I can't sleep anymore.

and then it dawned on me. What has been happening lately and everything went clear. I started to manage the information I gained in these few days. contemplating my next move. somehow the mantle of the hero to protect humanity has fallen onto me. I could care less about what happened to the world that's for sure. but... My family... to think that they aren't alive anymore is realy...

*knock knock knock*



I silenced the bald man again. Eli is still sleeping peacefully it seems.


I walked out of the room and finally undid the silence. There better be a good reason or else he and I are going to have a good long talk.

"Ah.. sorry about that Nate, but see here."

He operates a tablet that he's holding and the screen shows something peculiar. on top of a city a UFO like object is flying about and small disproportionate aliens are attacking? what? I clapped his shoulder.

"Good for you for finding a good movie."

He looked at me. deadpanned. It seems that the situation is quite serious. as he did not even crack a smile nor sweat at my bad joke.

"... *Cough**Cough* Where is this"

"CottonBirch. it's 50KM East from here. we can arrive within 30 minut---"

Before he finishes his sentence I've already completed my portal. The portal opened 50 KM east and 8KM Above ground. seeing the portal beneath my feet, I can hear massacres, and I can feel A lot of Heroes that's beneath me, the smell of blood, iron, and ... acid(?) fills the air. Can't say I miss these.

Opening a portal beneath myself isn't my brightest idea, as I was sent free falling. The alien seems to have an objective of abduction. evident by the devices they use to hold anyone in their way. I wonder why.

As I inch closer and closer to the ground, I manage to take note that there's minimal Casualties on both sides. and neither the heroes nor the aliens are winning / losing.

and as I landed the first thing I did was to gather information. I send out a wave of mana acting like a sonar. My Sonar can detect strength relative to mine, and to no one's surprise mine is still far superior than anyone here. but what worries me is that my sonar cannot penetrate the UFO flying above the city.

I guess I'll have to bring it down first.

as I was contemplating on how to bring that giant plate like object down, a bubble headed alien approached me with it's sci-fi like blasters and shot me couple of times, looking closely, the alien had a plastic like space suit, a big head, a relatively slim frame, is as tall as regular humans. but there's no hair, no nose, and most importantly their mouth is oddly symmetrical as it stretches from one side of the face to the edge of the other. I could tell that there's killing intent, albeit weak. so I render him with my raw unfiltered mana, erasing it from existence entirely leaving a cloud of yellow mist.

I pumped a bit of mana into my armor as the usual pair of white and black wing and flew up in the air. In front of the UFO, I released my restricted aura, as everything, even the air by my immediate vicinity, suddenly turned dreadful. I amplified my voice and talked with mana.

"I am the guardian of this world, You have one chance to state your name, origin, and motive."

Talking with mana guarantees that the other party will understand what you said, even when you're talking in different languages. That's how I got by during my isekai.

after what feels like 10 seconds. and there's no response from anybody, whether it's from the life form inside the UFO, nor from anyone from below. They surprisingly stopped fighting. oh well.

Since I think that I gave enough time for them already, I simply grabbed the oversized plate with my right hand, and like throwing a frisbee I threw it to my side.... wait that's a mistake isn't it? It seems that I exerted too much energy and sent it yeeting off the horizon. It created a sonic boom.

to my luck, It seems that the place I flung him onto was the plateau I fought Ethan on, So I created another portal to appear in the UFOs trajectory Caught it with one hand. With my free hand I made a cutting motion as I sliced the thing cleanly right off.

It's passengers? I could care less. I can see the aliens begged for mercy while hanging on the sliced UFO, but I've shown enough leniency today. so I ended every single one of them by simply waving my hand and sending out soul-seeking magic missiles.

I released the UFO in my hand. as it fell down. I hovered in the air for a moment before deciding to descend.

"Is this the type of bullshit you had to deal with everyday, Ethan?"

I talked to no one in particular. but speaking of which, if this is the kind of activities he has to deal with. then it makes me want to abandon it. there's nothing worth fighting for anyway in this place. as I was wondering about it, my hand found itself towards the necklace on my chest.

I wonder what she will be doing in this kind of situation. Tell me, Vel'keith, What would you have done in this situation? I don't know what I'm hoping for. an answer... or something else.

When I was preparing myself to go back, I noticed that the UFOs camouflage system suddenly turned on, as the outer layer of the UFO blends in with the surroundings. I don't know what's powering them, but it's interesting. so I decided to probe it a little with mana. and From what I gathered it seems that there's a barrier-like object that coats the outer layer of the UFO.

... That's IT! Why didn't I think about it earlier? I can just cover the whole planet with my mana, and just claim it as my territory, seeing my aura scaring the hell out of the aliens. I could deter further invasions with this. Can I not?

and so, I made the most spontaneous decision ever. I placed both my hands towards the ground as I pumped the earth with my mana. I don't remember exactly how one creates their own territory, but I remember being taught that If I pump something with my mana, Over time, it will be my territory, and the lands will obey what I say.

Remembering that I had a lot of mana, even before absorbing the Goddess's mana. I truly believe that I could pull this off. and so, I started pumping and pumping.


Nate is really something else huh. Ethan would need additional support to move from one location to another, but Nate, he freakin opened up a portal from here to 50 KM east. even our best teleporters can't do that. The maximum range that even Satoru can do is 20KM and that's with a 15 minute cast time. and it's limited to once a day and to a place that has been previously marked.


I sighed loudly. and arranged my own transport while watching the live feed.

Astonished doesn't even begin to describe it. throwing that thing like a frisbee? Are you kidding me? and in what direction did he throw it?


*Rumble rumble rumble*

*sigh.. wait what now!?

I suddenly got a call

"Smith! We have a problem!"

"Tell me already, and don't keep me waiting in suspense!"

I unintentionally screamed at the phone.

"*cough**cough* sorry, you were saying?"

"An unknown energy is circling around the planet and encapsulating it at an alarming rate!"


All right, I think I'm going to resign. if the world's ending mind as well enjoy these last days is it not? but to think that there's something powerful enough to cover the whole planet. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever's to come.

"SIR! The encapsulation is complete and The energy is seeping inside the earth as we speak."

Scratch retirement, I'll just enjoy the moment. I light up a cigar and put it in my mouth.

*Puff* as the smoke filled my lungs, I felt my mind clear a bit. a bit. and before I can make my peace a portal opens up in front of me and from the other side I see Nate in his armor, walking out of what looks like an alien crash site.

"Nate, have you heard there's an unknown energy encapsulating earth?"

He looked at me as he tilted his head. I handed him an unlit cigar, which he refused.

"I don't know who did that, but if someone that powerful is coming to our small planet, What unspeakable horrors are awaiting us out there?"

"Something far worse I would assume."

"Yeah. So... how's the aliens? Sorry to call you out so suddenly though."

"They're weak. and you're welcome. I've marked this planet as my territory, those extraterrestrial threats won't come to us anymore if they can read Mana signatures."

... Marked? the Planet? SO YOU'RE THE ONE SENDING EVERYONE INTO MASSIVE PANIC!? I WANT TO SLAP SOME SENSE INTO THIS MAN, But then I remember, that fuckin powerful being.... it's this man right here huh.

