
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Game
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100 Chs

Chapter 95: Prince's Rainbow Fart

Big Ga roar, Wo Department Jun Gong crowded


Hello, everyone. I'm your old friend, Mr. Jun.

I'm sorry that I have been evaluating the game for a long time because of some personal matters recently.

I'm deeply sorry that I didn't even catch the debut of the third game "Legend of the Magical Sword" in Bluestar Studio, and I want to strongly convey my thoughts to Bluestar:

[Recommended, Mimi is really good at reading and chasing books. Let's download it here. Let's try it soon.]

"The people in your Blue Star Studio are all a group of sows, so high yield!

"I haven't played computer for only a month, and you have sent games again!!"

In order to prevent being spoilt, Blue Star, do you know how I spent this week!!?

I fell off my mobile phone and cut off the internet cable (exaggerated description). I went out of the door wholeheartedly in order to enjoy the whole game process of "Legend of the Immortal Sword" and get a complete game experience.

The fact has proved that Blue Star did not live up to my expectations.

"The Legend of the Magical Sword" is still a super-high level work.

Even I don't think it's too much to call it the first traditional Xianxia game!

Don't think what I said is exaggerated, because I have been very interested in these things since I was young, so I can be said to be familiar with Taoist classics. I also know a little about the traditional changes and related knowledge of these things.

It is also for this reason that I can see the ingenuity of the design of this "Legend of the Magical Sword" by Bluestar Studio.

Many of its scenes and moves, even boss and so on, are full of details. Obviously, Bluestar has worked hard this time.

Of course, everything about cultivating immortals is deceptive. There are no immortals in this world!

After a brief summary, the following is the old rule. I will seriously explain to you from four aspects where the game "Legend of the Immortal Sword" is fun and why it is rated as the first game of the Immortal Sword game by me.

These four aspects are: picture, plot, operation mode and combat system, and music.

First of all, what I want to talk about most is the soundtrack.

Maybe some players are curious here. For an rpg game, you don't talk about the plot and combat system first, but the soundtrack first?

But the soundtrack of "Legend of the Immortal Sword" is worth mentioning alone!

I'm curious about where Blue Star got so many tunes that are not only pleasant to listen to, but also harmonious with the overall theme of Xianxia.

Coupled with these tunes, to be honest, those scenes that originally had a little feeling, with the sound of the whistle, could almost instantly arouse my goose bumps.

It's so touching, just like being placed in the Xianxia world completely and truly, because these songs are directly filled with the sense of substitution!

In addition to the excellent composition, I also found another detail of blue stars.

That is playing.

Maybe someone will be surprised again. There is nothing to say about playing.

However, composition and performance are the things that both achieve each other, but also balance each other. No matter how good composition is, the performance will sound and feel ordinary.

And the piece of rubbish, no matter how good it is played, it is difficult to turn corruption into magic, and it can save it to the general line at most.

But Bluestar's score this time.

It can be said that the composition and performance are directly double full!

This is the most shocking thing for me and myself. I can find such a good composer and performer at the same time, let alone a performer of traditional instruments.

I can only say.

Bluestar Studio has worked hard this time.

I also have some research on these traditional musical instruments.

But the more like me, the clearer it is that how abnormal the performer Blue Star is looking for this time.

In particular, the combination of flute and flute can be regarded as a modern version of high mountains and flowing water. It is not too much to call it a palace level.

In the world, there are only a few top flute and flute masters, and there are fewer partners with such a strong sense of understanding.

Although there is an answer in my mind, I am not sure. So I hope that Bluestar Studio can help children solve their doubts after seeing it. Thank Bluestar here first.

As soon as I was excited, I talked too much about the score.

I want to delete something, but I can't delete it. It's really Blue Star that has brought me too much shock this time

Next, let me tell you about the operation mode and combat system of The Legend of the Magical Sword.

It's necessary for normal rpg games to upgrade skills and so on. I won't repeat it too much. What I really want to say today is the word "sword" in "Legend of the Magical Sword".

When you think of these immortal heroes or swordsmen, you can't help but feel the picture of walking around the world alone.

Bluestar has also dealt with this very well. During the whole game, the emphasis on the theme of "sword" is very high.

Especially the sword flying and sword fighting.

I once had a dream that I was walking through Kyushu with a seven-meter sword, enjoying all the charm of the world.

When did I forget this dream? It was when I played the "Legend of the Magical Sword" that let me remember this dream again.

The Royal Sword flight, which was adjusted by Blue Star to be the same as the real one, really gave me the best experience of playing. I often fly too fast to stop when doing tasks.

Here, the thief hopes that Bluestar can make a mod specially designed for flying with sword. The child really wants to fly all day


I really don't want to say more about that clich é d picture. Blue Star tradition is understood. It was 30 years ahead of the industry before. Now I think painting and scene design can't be more than 30 years ahead!

The last.

I want to talk about the plot.

The theme of the whole story of The Legend of the Magical Sword,

That is, "Even a small person can become a hero and save the world."

I really like the idea of this theme, which brings a little smoke or warmth to the illusory Xianxia world.

Although Li Xiaoyao, the protagonist, is an ordinary bartender, he has the heart of the world and hopes to become a great hero who can save the lives of the world.

At last he did it.

This is undoubtedly a tonic for dreamers like me who often have some hesitation!

In order to prevent spoilers, I won't talk more about other plots.

I can only say: "The ending of" The Legend of the Fairy Sword "is very good, round and round, happy and happy, happy in love, and couples..."

Well, it's changed to the reserved program - Mr. Jun's rating. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

I give "Legend of the Immortal Sword" - 11 points.

Someone may have to ask, but the full score is only 10.

Yes, but what effect does this have on my 11 points?

... In fact, I have also considered this score many times. I always think that the Fairy Sword is perfect in all aspects, even in some aspects and has reached the highest level in the history of the game so far. It is a bit too condescending to give a score of 10 as other games.

So after thinking again and again, I decided to give the "Legend of the Magical Sword" a unique score, which is 11 points higher than the full score.

This means that in my mind, the game "Legend of the Magical Swordsman" is not the same dimension as other games.

So much praise.

Finally, I just want to say:

"Although Blue Star is now back to 299, after I got a good experience, I thought I would buy even 2999!

"So, very, very, very, very recommended to buy!!"

After typing the last word on the keyboard.

[Prince Jun] I'm going to look over it again.

He suddenly murmured, "Are you exaggerating too much?

"Delete some, delete some, so as not to be told that I will charge."

So he began to revise every word

He is always at a loss to delete.

"There is no way to delete it!"

Each sentence is very important.

Unexpectedly, one day, when a game is too perfect, it will also bring such troubles to the evaluator.