
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Game
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100 Chs

Chapter 83: The Man (10/11)

Lin Xiaoyu came back even later today.

Lin Jie looked at the time and got home nearly seven o'clock.

As soon as she entered the door, a little dust could be seen on her delicate face. Lin Jie looked at her hands. Her delicate skin was like a layer of blood cream.

It is red, as if there are blood beads the size of a needle to squeeze out at all times.

"Are you all right? How did you train and get injured?" Lin Jie asked with concern.

Lin Xiaoyu took off his coat and exposed the close-fitting jacket inside. After being soaked with sweat, his waist and legs became more slender, as if he could hold it with one hand.

She said, "It's okay. I had a fight with someone."


fight? I can't see. You are still a fighting Lin Xiaoyu.

After observing that there were no obvious scars and blood stains on his body except his hands, Lin Jie was relieved. He jokingly asked, "Did you win?"

"Of course we won!" Lin Xiaoyu raised his small mouth rarely, obviously very happy.

After winning such a happy fight, Lin Jie immediately subconsciously said:

... It looks like a situation of gratitude and resentment


After dinner.

When Lin Xiaoyu is ready to return to his room.

Naturally, Lin Jie will not forget what he just thought, so he followed up with the music score of "The Legend of the Immortal Sword".

As soon as she saw him following her into the room, Lin Xiaoyu unconsciously covered her chest Although she was wearing thin pajamas, she still had nothing. She said, "What are you doing?"

.... Don't do it.

Lin Jie smiled and handed the music to Lin Xiaoyu, saying:

"I have written several new songs recently. I want you to help me."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu relaxed her vigilance. She took the music and read it carefully.


Lin Xiaoyu fell into the sea of music.

From time to time, she would even subconsciously hum two sentences along with her ringing voice.

Until she flipped through them one by one.

I have always seen the bottom one when Lin Jie wrote the theme song for The Legend of the Magical Sword.

Its name is "This Life Will Not Change".

Look at the lyrics that boldly show love, such as "In another ten thousand years, deep love will not change, and love will spread like fire..."

Lin Xiaoyu's face was a little pink unconsciously. She looked up at Yanlinjie quietly and sighed quietly when she saw that he did not find his little movements at this time.

Try to resist the idea of singing directly.

Lin Xiaoyu finished reading the song "This Life Is Not Changeable".

Lin Xiaoyu took two breaths of delicate air and suppressed a little excitement. Lin Xiaoyu regained his former expressionless face and nodded and said, "Well, it is well written."

... Actually, it's great!

Wen Yanlin Jie also withdrew his wandering eyes. He pointed to one of them and said, "How about the writing of the song" This Life Will Not Change ". Can you sing in this range? Now I point to you."

... In other words, it's really written for me

... What's the matter with Lin Jie today... It's too bold

Also named this life without changing Is this for fear that I don't know?

Lin Xiaoyu immediately lowered his head, covered his red face and said softly, "Hmm... can sing."

Lin Jie felt a little strange to see her inexplicable behavior, but he thought that the business matters.

So he went on saying, "That's the theme song. I'll give it to you."


Lin Jie also said:

"In addition to this, do you know the studio that can play these soundtracks?

"All of my soundtracks are biased and unified. I have searched the Internet for a while, but I haven't found a performance studio that focuses on traditional instruments.

"If you are looking for a studio, you are wasting these tunes."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu nodded and agreed with Lin Jie very much.

Such a piece of music naturally needs to be performed by famous artists.

And about the famous traditional musical instruments Don't tell me, Lin Xiaoyu really knows one, that is

Lin Xiaoyu looked up and said:

"Knowing is knowing, but he has a little temper... how to say, a little stubborn.

"But he and his old friends are really good at traditional musical instruments. I once heard that an ordinary piece of music under their hands would immediately be given a different meaning."

Hearing this, Lin Jie was delighted.

Lin Xiaoyu's standard for music is much higher than that of him.

What can be praised by her must not be mediocre.

He hurriedly said, "It's all right. It doesn't matter how angry you are. As long as you pass the technical test, you can help them by sending them these music scores."

Lin Xiaoyu didn't immediately agree.

Instead, he tilted his eyes slightly and looked at the festival with a little amusement.

When Lin Jie saw her appearance, she immediately understood her intention.

... Well, you Lin Xiaoyu, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes. It looks like you want to take advantage of the fire!

"Come on, what else do you want to eat? I'll do it tomorrow" asked Lin Jie.

But Lin Xiaoyu shook his head.

Not food?

This made Lin Jie very confused.

However, Lin Xiaoyu could not help but open his mouth slightly,

There was no sound, but from the lip shape, it seemed to be saying two words.

It's called Sister!!????

Lin Jie's face was black.

At this time, he completely understood the play in Lin Xiaoyu's eyes.

This little girl is really jealous. She just said her sister once

forget it!

For my soundtrack, for my game, go all out!

Lin Jie opened his mouth and finally squeezed out his voice:



Lin Xiaoyu immediately smiled. UU read www.uukanshu.com. Her beautiful eyes were bent with smiles, her white teeth were half exposed, and the dimples on her small face were like plum blossoms in winter.

The sweet smell suddenly burst out in the cold.

Laugh happily.

... Just call me a sister. As for happiness, I am so happy. Lin Jie ordered: "Remember to ask for me. Don't forget."



After the forest festival.

The cheerful corners of Lin Xiaoyu's mouth could not fall for a long time.


When she turned her head, she saw the mirror on the table and looked at her smiling face. Lin Xiaoyu suddenly became a little confused

It turns out that I laugh pretty good

Lin Xiaoyu boasted.

... No, no, no, when did I care about appearance? It's all unimportant and unimportant for practitioners

... is it really not important.

What does he think?

Does he think I'm beautiful?

In Lin Xiaoyu's mind, he unconsciously remembered that once he came home every day, he would kindly ask himself, "Are you tired? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat today?" People.

[To tell the truth, I have been reading with my Mimi to catch up with the music, switch the source, and read aloud with a lot of timbres, both for Android and Apple.]

The person who will change his ways to anger her every day, who will rub his dog's head every day.

It reminds me of

The person who will hold her hand and keep whispering her encouragement

Bang bang


What's going on?

How can my heart beat so fast