
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Game
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100 Chs

Chapter 67: Past Events

Listen to the familiar voice.

Lin Jie immediately recognized the identity of the visitor.

... It's old man Yan. I told you earlier.

He just wanted to go to open the door, but Lin Xiaoyu, who was covered with the golden light talisman, still didn't remove half of his spiritual power, and squeezed in front of the forest festival, obviously wanted her to open the door.

Seeing such a small body, he still stood in front of him without hesitation.

The heart of Lin Jie is warm.

So he stood behind Lin Xiaoyu and followed her to open the door.

Open the door.

Lin Xiaoyu's spiritual power suddenly disappeared, and the Golden Light Talisman all around him disappeared without trace.

The reason for her behavior is:

It's really old man Yan standing outside.

Looking at this white-haired old man in a Tai Chi practice suit, every ravine on his face still shows the familiar smile of kindness.

Lin Jie is a bit absent-minded. He can't connect the man in front of him, who is as good as his neighbor's kind grandpa, with the nine-step strong man who just stood on the dome, ignored the strong wind, and called out the six-winged three-headed crane hundreds of meters high.

Old man Yan first looked at Lin Xiaoyu with a commendatory look.

It seems to be saying: 'The little girl has good vigilance!'

At the next moment, he immediately changed his look and said to Lin Jie with a little solemnity:

"The Superpower Association has found your residence. It's not safe for you to live here now. You'd better go back to Tianzhu Base in Shaocheng with me now."

Hearing this, Lin Jie looked confused.

what do you mean? How can this super power have anything to do with me?

Even Lin Xiaoyu looked back and forth at Lin Jie and Old Man Yan several times in great doubt. Obviously, she was also a little confused at this time.

Old Yan turned and closed the door, explaining:

"It's a long story. I suspect that more than three months ago, the Association of Superpowers even paid a great price to introduce a large number of Dark Erosion monsters into Shaocheng, and the reason why they want to occupy their place in Shaocheng is because of you."

Because of me?

Hearing this, Lin Jie was even more confused.

More than three months ago, wasn't it the day I just passed through? Was it because of "fantasy game production"? No, I'm just a copycat, and I didn't offend the super power association?

Lin Xiaoyu stood aside quietly.

Hmm Eat melons silently.

"I have no grievance or hatred with this super power association," said Lin Jie.

The old man Wen Yanyan nodded, sighed and replied:

"Yes, I know. I'm responsible for everything.

"I have one of the most coveted things in my hands, and I can't beat them, so they put their minds on you, so they can invade Shaocheng in such a big way."

Something coveted Lin Jie hurriedly said, "Is it Taijiquan?"

If such a practice of spiritual power brought him such a disaster, he would be a dog in the sun.

But old man Yan was a little surprised and said, "Why do you want to go up here?

"This Taijiquan, which I improved, is a practice of spiritual power. It's useless for those who have super powers to get it."

Oolong The expression on Lin Jie's face flashed a bit of embarrassment, and immediately he continued to ask, "What is that?"

Old Yan didn't immediately answer.

Instead, he looked at Lin Xiaoyu, and then took a deep breath, saying, "It's the practice of dark energy!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyu was silently eating the melon's eyes, and immediately stared at the eldest.

Obviously, she knows the importance of this thing very well.

It is said that the super powers are acquired because of dark energy.

If a person with super ability wants to improve his strength, he must continue to use his super ability. At the same time, the dark energy has the erosion effect on intelligence. Especially every time he uses his super ability, the erosion effect will be intensified.

This is also the reason why there are many people with super abilities at low levels, but few at high levels.

The dark energy cultivation method in the hand of old man Yan is too tempting for those super powers who are faced with the danger of rational runaway and become the dark erosion monster!

But Lin Jie was more confused when he heard this.

Dark energy cultivation method?

What is this? He doesn't have it either!

"I don't have any hidden cultivation skills," said Lin Jie.

The old man Yan nodded and said, "I know you don't have it, so I will say that I am responsible for all these things. I am the old man who is about to go to the ground. Now you are chased by the Superpower Association."

He just wanted to continue his journey.

Lin Xiaoyu, who was silent for a long time, interrupted:

"In that case, why not directly give the practice of dark energy to the association of super powers, which can effectively solve the problem of their excessive use of super powers, and thus become a dark erosion monster?


This is a good thing for China. "

The old man Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyu and patiently explained, "Although I said I had this method of practice, I didn't say it could solve the problem that their super powers turned into dark eating beasts.

"Dark energy is dark energy. No matter how effectively guided, it can never eliminate the erosion of reason, nor can it change. When you touch dark energy, it is like walking into an abyss of dark erosion. UU Read www.uukanshu.com

"If the practice of dark energy is widely popularized, it will be a complete disaster for China!"

Immediately he sighed deeply and said:

"If we were not forced to do nothing at that time, we would not have invented this kind of skill that should never exist in the world.

"Even if I say it many times, the skill in my hand can't solve the erosion effect of dark energy on intelligence, but their super power people don't believe it at all.

"These super powers have been driven crazy by dark erosion, and now they want to go in when they see a hole, regardless of where the hole goes or whether it is the way to hell..."

Lin Jie, who was listening more and more confused, hurriedly interrupted:

"I want to know now that I don't have the dark energy cultivation method. Why do these super powers come to me?"

Lin Xiaoyu also calmed down. A pair of blue water eyes looked at Old Yan. Obviously, she was also curious about this.

Old man Wen Yanyan sighed deeply again.

He seemed to have aged a lot for a moment.

long time.

He said with difficulty, "That's why I said that it's all my fault."

He looked at Lin Jie and asked, "Do you remember when your parents left?"

"Four years ago." Lin Jie remembers this part of his original body very clearly.

Old man Yan suddenly sighed and said, "It's been four years. How time flies.

"Four years ago, I was actually a happy little old man with a son and daughter-in-law and a little grandson under my knee, and your parents were very close to my son and daughter-in-law.

"That's why I know your address."