
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Game
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100 Chs

Chapter 64: Water Test

Lin Jie plans to draw a million to test the water first.

Although he still has 400 fantasy coins, this time he wants to fill 100 fantasy coins with money to draw a lottery.

The main reason is that he wants to see how the money is put in.

Did it disappear directly from his account?

Or in other ways.

If it is a direct disappearance, then he needs to carefully consider the problem of recharging in the future. After all, if the account often disappears by one or two million for no reason, it is too easy to arouse suspicion.

So Lin Jie immediately thought about it. He recharged 1 million soft sister coins into it and changed it into 100 fantasy coins.

Almost at the next moment.

His mobile phone received many successful transfer messages.

His account of 61.29 million, including 1 million, has been divided into many parts and has been sent to many accounts.

Lin Jie patiently checked the system for a while, and then he understood how the system recharged money into fantasy coins.

Like the normal salary, the money was transferred to other accounts, and these accounts exist. As long as you check, you can find this person, but in fact, the money will not go to their account, and only when you check, there will be transfer records.

The real money is naturally taken away by the system to exchange for fantasy money.

... It's like reverse happy money.

It is to make the existing money disappear reasonably.

Seeing this, Lin Jie was relieved.

The system's way of recharging helped him better create the image of a large game studio with many employees, such as Bluestar Studio.

After all, most of the money transfer statements are paid!


Lin Jie directly opened the lottery.

Let's start with ten times of pressure.

As a non-emirate.

At the beginning, the four big words of "Thank you for your patronage" came directly.

All illusions of Lin Jie were immediately dispelled.

... Oh, the prize pool is updated, but thank you for not updating it!

Because there is no guarantee.

Lin Jie did not look at the past one by one, but jumped directly to see the final result.

After all, it's just a random draw of one million yuan for fun. If there are good things, continue to draw. If there is no forest festival, it will be put down for the time being.

And this time, the items of the ten companies are:

Thank you for your patronage seven times, plus four pills.

Although this elixir is not the first prize in this prize pool, it is also a new thing.

Lin Jie took it directly from the personal space under the store interface to the real world, intending to see what it was.

This is a white pill about the size of soybeans. It is as white as jade.

But there are some q-pulls when pinched. At first glance, it looks like a small version of pulp washing fruit.

Lin Jie sniffed.

No smell.

So he simply threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

No taste.

Just as soon as he entered his stomach, Lin Jie felt that there was a large amount of viscous and liquid spiritual power, which volatilized in his stomach, and soon became a gas, lingering around his body.

The spiritual power brought by this elixir can match his spirit power extracted by patient operation for half a month!

Lingdan Lingdan is originally a pill with spiritual power.

Lin Jie understood the meaning.

However, he did not intend to continue smoking.

Only one million people got four pills, which is a little too bad compared with the extremely powerful fruit of Xi Sui, which only sold two million.

Save the 60 million yuan first.

After all, there is surplus food in it, so I'm not worried——

Lin Jie thought.


Xuanhai has passed the final fantasy these days.

When she saw her favorite female character, Alice chose to sacrifice her life to save the world, he felt a sweat in his heart, and even prayed in his heart when watching cg:

"Alice lives, Alice lives..."


Bluestar Studios did not live up to his expectations.

Because he had defeated the god of fate in the middle of the game, he successfully reversed Alice's doomed fate and ushered in a happy ending of family reunion.

After Alice's beautiful and gentle smile when she saw the ending.

Xuanhai completely announced:

"I will be the most loyal supporter of Bluestar all my life!"

He has evolved from a passer-by powder to a blue-star iron liver powder.

It took him only 99 to have such a good game experience. Xuanhai felt that even if he praised Bluestar countless times, he would not be too much.

So, naturally speaking, he went to buy another game of Bluestar Studios - My World.

However, Xuanhai personally doesn't like to play the game My World.

He prefers rpg games with plots, such as "My World", which has no main line and is absolutely free to play, but is not his dish.

Online mode

Because his circle of friends is now middle-aged old men.

Take care of children and work hard every day,

I am already exhausted. How can I have so many fixed time to play games in teams!

Although Xuanhai is relatively better, he got married early and divorced early after having children.

Now that the child has lived in junior high school, his single father still has some time to play games.

However, due to the need to work, the time is still tight to save money for the children's future marriage.

So he is more willing to play some rpg games with good plots than "My World", which has no main line.


He found the mod editor and UU read www.uukanshu.com.

At first, Xuanhai thought it was a very common game assistant. Now many games have it.

But when he opened it, he studied it carefully for a while.

Only then did I realize that this is an extremely free personal diy software.

Xuanhai naturally said nothing.

Enter the production interface of the character model, start to choose hair style, skin color, eyes, nose, etc. according to the memory, point by point, and finally use those clothes to map, change the color and shape, etc

It's like playing a pinch game.

Xuanhai quickly squeezed Alice out!

Then he added a set of operation templates for Alice in the editor to make mod and import it into My World.

When he controls Alice to run on the vast prairie and walk in the warm sun.

Xuanhai Completely sank into it.

... This editor is too awesome!?

This is Xuanhai's true words at this time.

He has played games for so many years, and has never seen such an editor.

What else is this called editor? Just change its name to Game Maker!!

Soon Xuanhai exited again and entered the mod editor to create a beautiful scene of a sea of flowers according to the scene preset and map.

... because he knows Alice likes flowers best.

But now.

Xuanhai found some extremely exquisite textures, which need to be paid.

The price is not high, only 1.5 yuan.

After seeing this.

Of course he is

Just buy it!