
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Game
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100 Chs

Chapter 63: Yeah, yeah

Lin Jie thought for a moment. He first chose to check the mod editor.

After all, it was his most painstaking production.

In addition, the mod editor download is free, so this is only a day. With the close to one million player base of My World, plus the dual promotion of the SS platform and the live broadcast of birds.

The number of downloads directly reached 130000.

It is obviously a very good result.

The overall score of the comment area.

It is -- 4.8 points.

For the games released by other studios, this is not a low score.

For Bluestar Studio.

But it is far lower than the double 5.0 score of Bluestar Studio.

What's the matter?

Lin Node went into the comment area and looked at it carefully.

First of all, the good comments of those iron fans.

"Look what I found."

"I haven't opened it yet after downloading, but according to the convention, I will give a favorable comment to Bluestar Studio first."


There are also comments from people who have used the mod editor.

"Brothers, let me put it here. This unattractive mod editor is definitely a cross-era product!"

Many people below replied.

"Be verbose."

"Be verbose."

"Plug hole and other updates."

And this person did not have a big appetite, and immediately replied:

"Well, these mods are actually more like large dlcs with extended playing methods, but they are free! And every mod can see the intentions of Blue Star, especially the Twilight Forest mod. It's really great to take risks in other worlds!"

Below are other people who have already experienced it.

"Industrial era yyds!"

"Kick upstairs, the twilight forest is the eternal god!"

"Kick the two upstairs, and draw the sword is the most handsome."

"... I think one piece of collation is the best... and the landlord is a little wrong. I think mod is not dlc, mod is mod, it is more comprehensive than dlc, like a dlc with only one piece of collation function, have you seen it?"

Lin Jie turned over a group of melon eaters and continued to read some valuable comments.

"You are all wrong upstairs. I think the most important point of this mod editor is not the mod itself, but the word 'edit'. Bluestar has provided a large number of maps and code action templates for our use. I have just made a glider mod with maps and templates."

"I'll go upstairs. How can I do it?"

"So hang, big touch, you must be proficient in programming?"

The person replied: "I can't program, but the mod editor of Bluestar can also create the mod you want freely in it, without saying, I will continue to play, and I will send it to you when I create Kodak..."

I will not continue to watch the following forest festival.

From these comments, we can see that although there are still many players who do not know the true use of mod editor.

However, the purpose he wants the mod editor to achieve has been well in line with his design direction in the player community.

And how did those bad comments come from?

Filter on forest nodes - only see the negative comments.

First of all, there are several bad comments without any words, that is, just a bad comment.

... This kind of person doesn't even look at the forest festival. After all, it's free. It's time for ghosts and gods to come out. It's normal for people with such distorted psychology.

There are many below:

"Isn't it My World? How can I open a group of things that I can't understand?"

"Yes, it's bad to sell dog meat on sheep's head!"

Looking at these comments, Lin Jie couldn't help but gasp at the corners of his mouth

My World sells at 9.9. What are you doing?

Lin Jie was not used to them either. He directly changed the trumpet to connect them:

"Ah, yes, yes."

"Ah, yes, yes."


Lin Jie looked at the negative comments again and found that most of them were the above two types, and then closed the comment area directly.

How did you lose 0.2 out of 4.8?

Lin Jie has an answer.

It was lost because of free download.


Then Lin Jie turned to My World.

But the comments at this time are still the rest of the previous "My World", and the evaluation of Prince Jun still remains in the hot spot.

Therefore, Lin Jie chose to use a more intuitive data to check the acceptance of online version by players.

That is the number of server leases.

After a day, the number of small servers purchased by 10 people has reached 14753.

This is a very good result for My World, which has only one million players.

Lin Jie guessed that it was caused by the publicity brought by the SS platform and the live broadcast of birds.

Up to now, there are only a few servers with larger size.

... This should be because the online version is just beginning, and people are waiting or buying a small try.

He was satisfied with the results of the online version on the first day.

Although it doesn't earn much at the beginning, it is better than sustainable development. As long as players want to go online online, they need to spend money every month to buy monthly cards.

It's the same as World of Warcraft in the previous life of the festival.

The online function of White Crane Kitchen goes without saying.

Now, many people are boasting about this matter to the blue star.

He said, "A small game equivalent to the gift of colored eggs can listen to the wishes of players and make online mode. Bluestar is really the most conscientious studio in China today."

... for these praising festivals, the ear has almost heard the cocoon. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"No way, the game is too good. That's it."

Lin Jie boasted shamelessly.

Both mod editor and online mode seem to be successful today.

The main purpose of the forest festival is the branch task.

Its growth is also on the path of steady improvement.

My World has increased sales: 73000 copies.

Final Fantasy has increased sales: 34000 copies.

Together, they have easily broken through 100000.

This is only one day!

The goal of a million shares is not easy.

Lin Jie smiled and closed the screen of his mobile phone.

Then he sat on the bed and planned to continue his practice. Now he has accumulated a lot of spiritual power through the operation of the spiritual power in the whole body, but there is still a long way to go.


Lin Jie thought.

Since there is more than 60 million yuan left, why not draw a million yuan for fun?

Don't look at the "Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi.

But both of them played a significant role.

The former brought 9400 yuan to Lin Jie, thus enabling him to solve the problem of dubbing, while the latter saved Lin a lot of time to recall the story of the game.

And the prize pool has been updated since the last prize "Deep Memory Mining Pill" came out.

I don't know what new things can I get this time?

Lin Jie has itchy hands.