
I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf

In the world of Eldoria, pro gamer Eric finds himself transformed into a dire wolf amidst a wild pack. Adapting to his new reality, he harnesses his gaming skills to survive and grow stronger. As he leads his pack through treacherous dungeons, Eric must navigate battles, uncover ancient secrets, and confront the harsh truth that this is not just a game, but his new life. Determined to honor fallen comrades, Eric vows to lead with wisdom and courage, uncovering the mysteries of Eldoria along the way. ----- "Upload Schedule: 7 Chapters / Week" ----- Exciting Opportunity: Recruiting 3 Discord Staff Members! Hello everyone, I am thrilled to announce that I am looking to recruit 3 dedicated and enthusiastic staff members for my Discord community! This is a fantastic opportunity to become more involved with our amazing group of fantasy enthusiasts. What You'll Get: 1. Exclusive Access: Gain access to locked chapters of my novel, 'I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf.' 2. Unique Recognition: Receive a special role in the server to showcase your position as a staff member. How to Apply: 1. Join the Discord Server: [ https://discord.gg/wGygfcmd ] 2. Submit an Application: Go to the #staff-application channel and fill out the provided application form. 3. Selection Process: I will review all applications and choose 3 individuals based on their enthusiasm, commitment, and engagement with the community. Don't miss this chance to be a part of something special! Looking forward to your applications. Happy reading and see you on Discord!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantasi
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53 Chs

Chapter 4: The Awakening

Chapter 4: The Awakening

The dawn of a new day broke through the dense canopy, casting dappled light on the forest floor. Eric woke to find the pack already on their feet, their movements urgent and purposeful. The encounter with the Mystic Wolf the previous night still lingered in his mind, fueling his determination to grow stronger and uncover the secrets of Eldoria.

Eric stretched and shook off the remnants of sleep. The pack was heading deeper into the forest, and he followed closely, his senses heightened and alert. The forest grew darker and denser, the air thick with an ancient, primal energy.

After several hours of travel, they arrived at a vast clearing dominated by an immense, ancient structure. The ruins of a once-great fortress stood before them, its stone walls covered in vines and moss. The air was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves.

The alpha wolf turned to Eric and gave him a meaningful look. Eric understood immediately; this was his trial to lead the pack. The alpha wolf would not interfere but would observe his leadership and decisions. Eric took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders.

The pack consisted of ten wolves, each with their own strengths and abilities. Eric stepped forward, leading the pack to the entrance of the ruins. He felt a strange energy emanating from within, and as he approached, a status panel appeared before his eyes.



[Name: Forgotten Ruins]

[Type: Dungeon]

[Difficulty: Intermediate]

[Properties: Ancient magic, hidden traps, and powerful guardians.]


Eric's curiosity was piqued. This dungeon seemed like a perfect opportunity to test his skills and gain valuable experience. He motioned for the pack to follow him into the ruins. The alpha wolf nodded approvingly, taking a position at the rear.

As they ventured into the ruins, the temperature dropped, and the light dimmed. The pack moved cautiously, their senses on high alert. Eric stayed at the front, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The first chamber they entered was vast, its walls adorned with faded murals depicting ancient battles and rituals. Eric marveled at the craftsmanship and wondered about the history of this place. The pack's attention, however, was focused on the large stone door at the far end of the room.

Eric approached the door cautiously, pushing it open with a groan. The chamber beyond was shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the faintly glowing runes on the walls. The pack entered, their eyes adjusting to the dim light.

Suddenly, the runes flared brightly, and skeletal warriors emerged from hidden alcoves. Their eyes glowed with malevolent light, and they moved with surprising speed and agility. Eric quickly took charge, signaling the pack to spread out and prepare for battle.

He used his Charge skill to close the distance to one of the skeletons, dodging a swing of its rusty sword and retaliating with a powerful bite. The skeleton crumbled to the ground, and a notification appeared.


[Experience gained: 150 EXP]

[Experience gained: 160 EXP]

[Experience gain...

Encouraged by his success, Eric coordinated the pack's attacks, directing them to focus on individual targets and overwhelm the skeletal foes with their numbers. The pack moved with precision, their coordinated efforts quickly dispatching the enemies.

As they moved deeper into the dungeon, they faced increasingly difficult enemies and navigated through hidden traps. Each battle tested their skills and coordination, but they emerged victorious each time, Eric's leadership proving crucial in their success.

In one chamber, they encountered a complex puzzle of rotating stone pillars, each inscribed with runes. Eric realized they needed to align the runes to match a pattern depicted on the walls. The pack worked together under his guidance, pushing and turning the heavy pillars until the runes aligned and the door to the next chamber opened.

In another room, they faced a gauntlet of swinging blades and pressure plates. Eric led the way, using his heightened senses to detect the traps and guide the pack safely through. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but they managed to navigate the dangers without injury.

Their next challenge was a massive, underground lake. A narrow stone bridge stretched across the water, but it was guarded by a massive serpent. The creature's scales glistened in the dim light, and its eyes glowed with an eerie intelligence.

Eric's status panel updated as he focused on the serpent.



[Name: Serpent Guardian]

[Type: Elite]

[Level: 25/40]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 50/50]

[Strength: 25] [Defense: 20]

[Agility: 18] [Intelligence: 15]

[Vitality: 20]

[Element Affinity: Water]


[Racial Skill: Aquatic Adaptation]

[Basic Skill: Water Jet]

[Advanced Skill: Serpent's Coil]


Eric knew this would be a tough battle. He signaled the pack to spread out, surrounding the serpent. The alpha wolf watched from a distance, allowing Eric to take the lead. The serpent hissed and reared back, preparing to strike.

Eric darted in, using his Charge skill to close the distance. The serpent lashed out with a powerful Water Jet, but Eric managed to evade, feeling the water whip past him. He lunged at the serpent, aiming for its vulnerable underbelly. As his claws sank into the serpent's flesh, he felt a surge of energy unlike anything he had experienced before.

A bolt of lightning erupted from his claws, crackling through the serpent's body and stunning it momentarily. Eric jumped back, eyes wide with surprise. A notification appeared before him.


[You have gained a new skill: Lightning Claw]

[Lightning Claw: Imbues your claws with lightning energy, increasing damage and stunning enemies.]

Encouraged by his newfound power, Eric signaled the pack to attack. They moved swiftly, their coordinated strikes overwhelming the serpent. Eric used his Lightning Claw repeatedly, each strike sending jolts of electricity through the creature and keeping it off balance.

However, the battle took a tragic turn when few of the wolves was caught by the serpent's powerful tail. The serpent slammed the wolfs against the stone bridge with a sickening crack. Eric's heart sank as he saw the limp body slide into the water.

"No!" Eric howled, fury and sorrow mixing in his voice. He felt a surge of rage and determination. The wolf's sacrifice could not be in vain.

The pack rallied around Eric, their collective grief and anger driving them to fight with renewed vigor. Eric used his Lightning Claw with relentless precision, each strike more forceful than the last. The serpent writhed and hissed, its movements becoming more erratic and desperate.

The battle was intense, but the pack's coordination and Eric's new abilities proved to be the deciding factors. The serpent finally succumbed to their attacks, collapsing into the water with a final hiss. Another notification appeared.


[Experience gained: 2100 EXP]



[Gained 2 Free Attribute Points]

Eric felt the familiar surge of energy as he leveled up again, but the victory felt hollow. He quickly allocated his attribute points to strength, agility, and intelligence, feeling his body grow stronger and more agile, but his mind was consumed with thoughts of the fallen wolf.



[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 17/20] [Exp: 1,080/1,700]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 118/127]

[Strength: 23] [Defense: 10]

[Agility: 21] [Intelligence: 8]

[Vitality: 11] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Basic Skill: Charge]

[Advance Skill: Lightning Claw]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


The pack continued through the dungeon, their confidence tempered by the loss of their comrade. They faced more formidable foes, including a pair of stone golems that guarded the entrance to the final chamber. The golems were slow but incredibly strong, their stone fists capable of shattering bones with a single blow.

Eric and the pack employed hit-and-run tactics, wearing the golems down with quick, coordinated strikes. Eric used his Lightning Claw to stun the golems, allowing the pack to chip away at their stony exterior. It was a grueling battle, but they eventually defeated the guardians and gained access to the final chamber.

The massive chamber was bathed in a soft, blue light. In the center of the room stood a pedestal, upon which rested a glowing crystal. The air hummed with magical energy, and Eric felt a strange pull towards the crystal.

As he approached, a status panel appeared.



[Name: Crystal of Awakening]

[Type: Mystical Object]

[Properties: Grants new abilities and enhances existing ones.]


Eric's heart raced. This crystal could be the key to unlocking new powers and advancing his journey in Eldoria. He reached out and touched the crystal, feeling its energy course through his body.


[You have gained a new skill: Thunder Fang]

[Thunder Fang: Imbues your fangs with lightning energy, increasing damage and stunning enemies.]

Eric's status panel updated, reflecting his new ability.



[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 19/20] [Exp: 900/1,900]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 98/132]

[Strength: 23] [Defense: 10]

[Agility: 21] [Intelligence: 8]

[Vitality: 11] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Basic Skill: Charge]

[Advance Skill: Lightning Claw, Thunder Fang]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


Eric felt a surge of excitement at his new power. He turned to the pack, who watched him with anticipation. The alpha wolf nodded approvingly, but Eric's mind was still on the fallen wolfs. He realized that leadership came with a heavy price, and the loss of a pack member weighed heavily on him.

As they exited the dungeon, the pack moved with a sense of accomplishment tempered by the memory of their fallen comrades. Eric had always thought of this world as a game, a virtual reality where deaths were just numbers. When a pack member died during a hunt, it had hardly affected him before. But now, leading the pack and seeing the wolves die under his command, it felt profoundly different.

Each loss resonated deeply within him, shattering the illusion of a game. The pain and sorrow he felt were real, a stark reminder that this world was his new reality. The weight of responsibility bore down on him heavily, and he understood that every decision he made carried life-and-death consequences for the pack he now led.

As the pack trudged back through the forest, Eric's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He replayed the battle with the serpent, the sight of the fallen wolves seared into his memory. Their sacrifices were not just events; they were tragic, painful losses. For the first time, Eric truly grasped the gravity of his role and the impact of his actions.

Determination welled up inside him, a burning resolve to honor the memory of the fallen wolves. He vowed to grow stronger, to learn from his mistakes, and to lead the pack with wisdom and courage. No longer was this just a game; it was a world where his choices mattered.

With a renewed sense of responsibility, Eric led the pack into the forest, determined to become the leader they needed and to ensure that their sacrifices were never in vain.