
I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf

In the world of Eldoria, pro gamer Eric finds himself transformed into a dire wolf amidst a wild pack. Adapting to his new reality, he harnesses his gaming skills to survive and grow stronger. As he leads his pack through treacherous dungeons, Eric must navigate battles, uncover ancient secrets, and confront the harsh truth that this is not just a game, but his new life. Determined to honor fallen comrades, Eric vows to lead with wisdom and courage, uncovering the mysteries of Eldoria along the way. ----- "Upload Schedule: 7 Chapters / Week" ----- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Pc9RYG5h Hey everyone! I’ve just created this Discord server, so it’s pretty empty right now. This is also my first time creating a server, so there might be some errors. The server is dedicated to this novel, and I’m excited to share it with you all and hear your thoughts! Feel free to explore and let me know if you have any suggestions or if you encounter any issues. Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: The First Hunt

Eric woke up to the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. The forest felt different in the morning light, the shadows of night giving way to a vibrant, living world. He stretched, feeling the muscles of his dire wolf form respond with surprising fluidity.

"I guess it's not a dream," he muttered, glancing around. His heightened senses were still overwhelming, but he was starting to get used to them. He could smell the damp earth, hear the distant flow of a stream, and sense the presence of other creatures nearby.

His stomach growled, reminding him that survival was his first priority. "Time to hunt," Eric thought, moving cautiously through the underbrush. He needed to find food and practice using his new abilities.

As he moved deeper into the forest, he noticed a faint scent trail. Following it, he soon found himself observing a pack of wolves. They were larger than he expected, their eyes sharp and wary. A status panel appeared in front of him as he focused on one of the wolves.


[Name: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 5/20]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 10/10]

[Strength: 13] [Defense: 8]

[Agility: 12] [Intelligence: 6]

[Vitality: 9]

[Element Affinity: None]


Instinctively, he tried to tap into his Pack Coordination skill. To his surprise, he could sense their emotions and intentions. Using subtle body language, he communicated his non-threatening presence. The pack leader, a large wolf with a scar over one eye, approached him.


[Name: None]

[Race: Elite Wolf] [Elite]

[Level: 31/40]

[HP: 89.9%] [MP: ???]

[Strength: ???] [Defense: ???]

[Agility: ???] [Intelligence: ???]

[Vitality: ???]

[Element Affinity: ???]


The alpha wolf sniffed him cautiously before giving a nod of acceptance. The rest of the pack relaxed, acknowledging him as one of their own. Eric felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"I guess I'm part of the pack now," Eric thought, feeling a bit more confident.

The pack soon moved on, and Eric followed. He watched how they communicated and coordinated during their hunt. It was fascinating and instructive. He mimicked their behavior, trying to blend in as best as he could.

Their first hunt together was a coordinated effort. They surrounded a group of deer, moving silently through the underbrush. Eric focused on one of the deer, a smaller one that seemed a bit slower.


[Name: None]

[Race: Deer] [Common]

[Level: 4/20]

[HP: 68.5%] [MP: 10/10]

[Strength: 7] [Defense: 5]

[Agility: 8] [Intelligence: 4]

[Vitality: 6]

[Element Affinity: None]


When the alpha gave the signal, the pack lunged. Eric joined in, his instincts and new abilities guiding him. He managed to take down the deer with another wolf, feeling a rush of excitement and satisfaction as he did.


[Experience gained: 60 EXP]


[Gained 1 Free Attribute Point - Do you wish to Auto Allocate or Manual?]


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 2/20] [Exp: 0/200]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 10/10]

[Strength: 10] [Defense: 7]

[Agility: 10] [Intelligence: 5]

[Vitality: 8] [Free Attributes: 1]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


"I only gain 1 attribute point per level? That's stupid!!" But no matter how Eric complained, it wouldn't change anything, so he chose to increase his strength attribute.

The pack gathered around their kill, sharing the meal. Eric felt a sense of camaraderie, something he hadn't expected to find in this strange new world.


[You successfully used the Devour Skill - You gained 2 Mana]

Eric was lost for words before immediately checking his status window.


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 2/20] [Exp: 0/200]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 12/12]

[Strength: 11] [Defense: 7]

[Agility: 10] [Intelligence: 5]

[Vitality: 8] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


"It's a permanent increase!!!" Eric was shocked and excited at the same time as he was already thinking about all the possibilities he could achieve with this skill.

Days passed as Eric integrated further into the pack. He learned their ways, improving his hunting skills and gaining experience. Each successful hunt made him stronger.

One day, while exploring on his own, Eric encountered a wild boar. It was a formidable opponent, much larger and stronger than his previous prey. As he focused on the boar, its status appeared.


[Name: None]

[Race: Wild Boar] [Common]

[Level: 6/20]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 15/15]

[Strength: 15] [Defense: 11]

[Agility: 7] [Intelligence: 6]

[Vitality: 12]

[Element Affinity: None]


Eric took a deep breath, deciding to check his own status before engaging in the fight.


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 4/20] [Exp: 350/400]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 23/23]

[Strength: 13] [Defense: 7]

[Agility: 12] [Intelligence: 5]

[Vitality: 8] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


Feeling more confident after reviewing his stats, Eric circled the boar cautiously, using his agility to attack and dodge its charges while looking for an opening. The boar was relentless, and Eric realized this would not be an easy fight.

When the moment came, he lunged, biting down hard on the boar's neck. It struggled fiercely, but Eric held on, his dire wolf strength and tenacity winning out. As the boar fell, a notification appeared.


[Experience gained: 50 EXP]


[Gained 1 Free Attribute Point]

[You have reached Level 5 - all your stats increased by 1]


[You successfully used the Devour Skill!]

[You gained 2 Mana]

[You Gained the Skill - Charge]

[Basic Skill - Charge: Increase Your Agility for a short duration of time. (Cost: 5 Mana)]

Eric felt a surge of energy as his stats increased slightly. "Finally," he panted, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. "I'm getting stronger."


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Dire Wolf] [Common]

[Level: 5/20] [Exp: 0/400]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 30/30]

[Strength: 15] [Defense: 8]

[Agility: 13] [Intelligence: 6]

[Vitality: 9] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses]

[Basic Skill: Charge]

[Unique Skill: Devour]


He took a moment to catch his breath, reflecting on his progress. The forest was still and peaceful, but Eric knew this tranquility could be deceptive. He needed to stay vigilant and keep pushing forward.

One evening, after a successful hunt, the alpha wolf approached Eric. There was a sense of gravity in its demeanor. The alpha nudged Eric, guiding him towards a secluded part of the forest. They arrived at a large rock formation that looked like a natural throne.

The alpha sat, and the rest of the pack gathered around. Eric felt a surge of pride as the alpha howled, signaling his acceptance and importance within the pack. It was a solemn and significant moment, solidifying Eric's place among them.

As the moon rose high in the sky, Eric looked around at his new family. "This is my new beginning," he thought, feeling a deep sense of belonging. He was determined to uncover the mysteries of Eldoria, grow stronger, and carve out his destiny in this new world.