
I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf

In the world of Eldoria, pro gamer Eric finds himself transformed into a dire wolf amidst a wild pack. Adapting to his new reality, he harnesses his gaming skills to survive and grow stronger. As he leads his pack through treacherous dungeons, Eric must navigate battles, uncover ancient secrets, and confront the harsh truth that this is not just a game, but his new life. Determined to honor fallen comrades, Eric vows to lead with wisdom and courage, uncovering the mysteries of Eldoria along the way. ----- "Upload Schedule: 7 Chapters / Week" ----- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Pc9RYG5h Hey everyone! I’ve just created this Discord server, so it’s pretty empty right now. This is also my first time creating a server, so there might be some errors. The server is dedicated to this novel, and I’m excited to share it with you all and hear your thoughts! Feel free to explore and let me know if you have any suggestions or if you encounter any issues. Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Entrance Exam

Chapter 10: Entrance Exam

Elysia stood at the entrance of the testing grounds, the grand arena of the academy, with Vaelrith by her side. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as new students from the three founding races. Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, gathered to showcase their skills and prove their worth. The Grand Academy's entrance exam was a rigorous test of talent, strength, and resolve.

The testing grounds were a massive coliseum, with high walls adorned with intricate carvings representing the histories and legends of the three founding races. The arena floor was a versatile space, capable of transforming into different terrains and environments to challenge the participants in various ways.

An official, dressed in the academy's emblem, stepped forward and addressed the assembled students. "Welcome, aspiring scholars and warriors, to the Grand Academy's entrance examination. Today, you will be tested on your abilities, resourcefulness, and the unique skills that you bring. Remember, this is not just a test of individual prowess but also of teamwork and strategy."

Elysia took a deep breath, her nerves steady but her heart racing with excitement. Vaelrith stood beside her, his presence a source of strength and reassurance. The official continued, "Each of you will face a series of challenges designed to assess your capabilities. Beast Tamers, like Princess Elysia, will perform alongside their bonded creatures, as your bond is a testament to your skill and potential."

Elysia glanced at Vaelrith, their eyes meeting in a moment of mutual understanding. They were ready.

The first challenge was a test of agility and coordination. The arena transformed into a dense forest with obstacles scattered throughout. The goal was to navigate through the forest and retrieve a hidden artifact. Elysia and Vaelrith moved with practiced ease, their movements synchronized as they weaved through the trees and over obstacles. Vaelrith's heightened senses and agility allowed them to quickly locate the artifact and return to the starting point, earning them high marks for their performance.

As they returned, they noticed a few other participants: a Human boy with short-cropped hair and an intense gaze named Marcus, an Elven girl with delicate features and an aura of calm named Lyra, a Dwarf with a stout build and a hearty laugh named Brann, and a sharp-eyed Half-Elf girl with quick reflexes named Seraphina. These four, like Elysia, had managed to complete the challenge swiftly and efficiently.

The next challenge tested their elemental attributes. Participants were led to a large, transparent crystal in the center of the arena. This crystal, known as the Elemental Prism, would reveal their elemental affinities based on the colors it emitted when touched. Having an affinity for even one element was already uncommon, and having two was extremely rare.

Elysia stepped forward first. She placed her hand on the Elemental Prism, and the crystal began to glow. A radiant light spread through it, turning a vibrant green. The color represented Nature, signifying her strong affinity with this element. The crowd murmured in amazement; even one affinity was a mark of significant potential.

Next, Vaelrith approached the Elemental Prism. He extended his paw and touched the crystal. Instantly, it lit up with an intense purple and a vibrant white, representing Lightning and Wind. The audience was awestruck by the display. Vaelrith's dual affinities were a testament to his extraordinary nature as a Tempest Wolf.

Marcus, Lyra, Brann, and Seraphina also took the test, revealing their own affinities. Marcus had a strong connection to Fire, the crystal glowing a deep red. Lyra's touch made the crystal shine a soothing blue, showing her Water affinity. Brann's touch turned the crystal a solid brown, indicating Earth affinity, while Seraphina's touch revealed a striking combination of red and gold, showing her rare Fire and Light affinities.

The third challenge was a test of combat skills. The arena shifted to a rocky terrain with dummies and targets placed at various distances. Elysia demonstrated her prowess with a bow, her arrows finding their marks with precision. Vaelrith showcased his advanced skills, such as Lightning Claw and Tempest Strike, destroying targets with powerful and controlled attacks. Their coordinated efforts impressed the examiners, who noted their seamless teamwork and formidable abilities.

Throughout the day, the challenges grew increasingly difficult. There were tests of strategy and problem-solving, where Elysia's intelligence and quick thinking shone. Vaelrith's unique skills, like Gale Shield and Nature's Blessing, provided crucial support, protecting them and enhancing their capabilities. Together, they faced each challenge with determination and grace.

The final challenge was the most daunting: a simulated battle against an elite academy instructor. The arena transformed into a vast battlefield, and the instructor, a seasoned warrior named Captain Darian, stood ready to test their limits. Captain Darian was a Master Level warrior, known for his exceptional combat skills and tactical acumen. His presence commanded respect and trepidation among the new students.

"Prepare yourselves," Captain Darian said, his voice carrying across the arena. "This is your ultimate test. Show me what you are capable of."

Elysia and Vaelrith readied themselves, knowing that this would be the true measure of their strength and bond. The battle commenced with a fierce exchange of blows. Elysia utilized her archery skills and strategic thinking to create openings, while Vaelrith engaged the instructor with his powerful attacks. Despite their best efforts, Captain Darian's experience and skill were formidable.

Elysia's keen mind quickly formulated a strategy. *Vaelrith, focus on using Tempest Strike to keep him off balance. I'll use my arrows to create distractions and openings,* she communicated through their mental bond.

Vaelrith responded with a nod, his powerful muscles coiled in anticipation. He launched a series of Tempest Strikes, each attack infused with the power of wind and lightning. Elysia's arrows flew with precision, targeting the weak points in Captain Darian's defense.

The instructor countered with swift and powerful strikes, but Elysia and Vaelrith's teamwork gradually turned the tide. At a critical moment, Elysia used her Beast Taming abilities to empower Vaelrith, channeling her magic through their bond. Vaelrith responded with a powerful Tempest Strike, catching Captain Darian off guard and securing their victory.

The arena erupted in applause, the examiners impressed by their performance. Captain Darian, though winded, smiled approvingly. "Well done. You've shown exceptional skill and teamwork. Welcome to the Grand Academy."

Elysia bowed respectfully, her heart swelling with pride and relief. Vaelrith stood tall beside her, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. They had proven themselves, and their place at the academy was secured.

As they left the testing grounds, Elysia turned to Vaelrith with a smile. "We did it, Vaelrith. This is just the beginning of our journey. Together, we will achieve great things."

Vaelrith responded with a soft growl of agreement, his confidence and resolve unwavering. Their partnership had been tested and proven strong, and they were ready to face whatever challenges the Grand Academy had in store.

Among the other students, Marcus, Lyra, Brann, and Seraphina watched Elysia and Vaelrith with admiration and curiosity. These new faces would soon become their classmates, allies, and perhaps even friends as they all embarked on their journey at the Grand Academy.