
I Reincarnated in an alternative world, where martial arts are Supreme

**Freedom. All I Want Is Freedom.** Noah Neemr, a lifelong soldier, had little choice but to serve his country, sacrificing his youth and love in the process. Forced into the unforgiving streets, he endured a life of hardship and met a futile end. Yet, hope remains in this new world. As Noah awakens, he makes a solemn vow: to seize this second chance at life and live it to the fullest.

killzoldik · Fantasi
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61 Chs

death fight.

"Alright, whatever you want, Scott, kill this ant," he ordered.


Scott smiled and started running towards me.


He was peaking at rank 4. I faked that I was panicked when he was 2 meters away, and I smiled.


"No, Scott, stop," Scarface ordered.


But it was too late with my thunderous cleave. I slashed my saber from up to down on his hammer, cutting it straight, but my slash didn't stop; it landed on his face, cutting through it from the forehead down.


Scarface and the remaining gang froze.


"YOU FUCKING BASTERD, I will eat you alive." Scarface Road and disappeared, appearing in front of me.


BOOM, I managed to block his strike, but I was sent flying again.

My head hit the wall and started to bleed.

I activated mind flow and tightened my grip. I said, "Scarface, right? Let's see how strong you are really," I mocked.


And with a whirling strike, I clashed with his sword, and his sword started to crack.


"What a terrifying saber; I want it." He kicked me in the stomach, and it made me lower my head. He slashed at my back, but I was fast enough to sidestep.


I start attacking again, spinning with my saber and giving all my strength on my swings, but to no avail, the basterd was tough.


"The difference between rank 4 and 5 is more than the difference between rank 1 and 4. You think you can kill me with just a good weapon?" He mocked me.


I was already tired, and my bleeding made it worse. My mind-flow abilities helped me match his speed and avoid any lethal injuries, but I still gut-cut multiple times.


"You know, I will take my revenge on you, Scarface; remember that," I promised.


"Why are you talking like you can run?" he laughed.


I smiled, and with a thunderous cleave, I aimed at his head, which he blocked, and that's what I wanted. I landed my saber on his sword, breaking it and slashing his other eye.


Ahhhhhhhhhgggh, you basterd, ugaaaaaaaaa, I will kill you. I will kill you," he screamed.


"Ahhahahaha, now you have tow scars that suit your name better," I mocked.

He took off with his bear hands. I took my gun and bang bang bang bang bnag bang bnag. I attacked his body with my bullets. He stepped back, and he was full of holes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh, you bastard, you basterd," he shouted.

I changed my clip and aimed at the remaining gangs, killing them all.

He wasn't dead; his qi was protecting him, so I aimed and attached my final clip to his legs, arms, and head; he kept blocking, but I was able to flee.

I ran to the lab, my head hurting from the overuse of mind flow. I kept running until I was exhausted and couldn't run anymore.

I took my mask off and threw it on top of a building, then walked into an alley. I sat down and began to tend to my wounds.

"Reve, a healing pill, please," I requested.

She gave it to me without speaking, then grabbed my phone.

"Margaret, are you home?" I said weakly.

She panicked, "What happened? No, I'm on my way," she exclaimed.

"Come to my location," I said and sent her my location.

She arrived in 2 minutes, and I didn't know how many road laws she broke. She was shocked to see me in this state, covered in blood and scars.

"Take me to my lab, please, and bring me my mask; it's on top of this building. I'll tell you everything when I wake up," I said before falling asleep.


Margaret brought the mask and took the saber and the empty gun from Noah's body, then she placed his body in the car. She was worried sick about the boy but still did what she was told.

She arrived at the lab, and Monica opened the door. "Who are you?" Margaret asked.

"My name is Monica Olsson. I'm in a week-long test before becoming Blacksmith Noah's disciple," she introduced herself.

Margaret nodded. "Good, come and help me," she ordered.

Monica frowned, and before she could complain, she saw Noah in the car, asleep.

"Teacher," she yelled and ran toward the car.

"Take the weapons, and I will take him. Don't ask questions," Margaret ordered.

Monica, this time, didn't think and just followed her instructions.

In the morning, Noah woke up, his scars were gone, and his body was cleaned; Margaret had cleaned his body yesterday with Monica's help.

"Ugh, this pain is horrible," he said.

"Teacher," Monica yelled and hugged Noah.

"Easy, girl, I'm not fully recovered yet," Noah explained in pain.

"Ah, sorry, Teacher," she immediately backed off.

He stood up, and seeing his clean body, he looked at Monica, who blushed when she understood why he was looking at her.

"Miss Margaret did all the work; I just helped," she murmured.

"You did well," he praised.

He walked out and was faced with Margaret.

She saw him and ran immediately towards him, "easy, I'm still injured," Noah screamed.

She stopped and hugged him lightly, "you scared me too much, boy," she said in a gentle voice.

Noah felt warmth, "sorry," he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She was taken aback but smiled and hugged him more.

"Tell me who did that to you," she demanded. Monica also came out and wanted to know.

"Well, I will explain..." he explained everything that happened yesterday.

"You survived a fight against Scarface?" Margaret was dumbfounded.

Monica was astonished, "Teacher, you are too strong. You fought with a general and came back alive, making him lose an eye and giving him that much injury. I already worship you as a blacksmith, but today, I worship you as a fighter," she said with a deep bow and then got on her knees, bowing even more.

"This is embarrassing, Monica, please stop," he requested.

"What a fangirl you've got," Margaret teased.

Monica now knew who Margaret was, so she talked carefully and respectfully to her.

"Anyway, it's my fight. I don't want you to fight my battles for me. I will make him suffer; I will kill him before I breakthrough to a general," Noah declared with a crazy smile.

"Noah, are you sure I'm not your biological mother? Because that crazy smile is just like mine when I was younger," Margaret joked.

Noah laughed and leaned back to relax.