
So an Alien Monster fell from the Sky!


Ugh... what.. what the hell was that?!

Damn it's hot in here! Where the hell am I even? Am I still in that afterlife thing? It sure is dark in here... and did I say hot?

wait a minute, was that reincarnation stuff even true? I'm too dizzy right now to be honest, I can't even think straight anymore...

I think I should just rest for a while.. I mean, the heat that I've felt earlier more or less became warmth instead.

Yup, seems comfortable now, might as well sleep... ooohh, so warm.... soo damp... sooo....




Oh wow, I'm still here.. neither on a bed nor facing some goddess.. so I assume I really did get reincarnated? If so, where am I right now?

Just before I got to think about various conclusions, I noticed something different..

Why do I feel heavy now? Come to think of it, I can feel my body now! yay! but this sure is uncomfortable, I feel restricted... or confined?

I adjusted my feel towards my arms and to my hands then tried moving it slowly or something. I did the same to my other body parts; with my legs, my neck, and every part of me that I could think of moving, though however I tried, I can't seem to move my tail.. pretty sure I made one though? meh, I'll think of it when the time comes when I'd need to.

that probably went for a few hours or so until I got a really good feel with my body parts, well except for my tail, but yeah.. during that time, I've learned that I'm currently curled like a ball, and most probably enclosed with something. I tried breaking out earlier but without the proper grip, I just can't break free since the walls are somewhat slippery, but now, I'm pretty confident that my attempt might just succeed.

so with my strength, I began pushing the walls with all my limbs trying to get out. After a few moments, I could start hearing cracks indicating that my actions are yielding results. A few more pushes and finally, I broke out freely.


I was immediately struck with wonder the moment I saw what was in front of me.

I'm in a middle of the woods.

Oh, I was not wonderstruck because of the scenery by the way, I mean the place where the goddess were was much more imposing than this. I'm just in awe because of the sudden realization that I really was reincarnated in this world.

And after composing myself, I went to look at where I came from, and from what I saw, it seems like I was inside something that looks like an egg which is also encased with rocks.. probably looks like a meteorite? Which probably means I fell from space? what. whatt.

Anyways, looking inside the egg from where I came from, a familiar thing brought attention to my eyes..


The [Encyclopedia] that used to be a button somewhat materialized into a book buried with blue sticky liquid inside the egg. Wow, that liquid looks disgusting but for some reason, it oddly calms me whenever I stare at it.. meh, probably one of my weird side I never knew I had.

So I took the [Encyclopedia] from the egg and tried to open it. oops, I dropped it. I still can't seem to have much control with my hands huh. I mean, I never had claws this long back when I was human (or any claws at all).

I still can't open this book though, is it locked? I placed it in the ground and tried inspecting it. I might look like an idiot right now, but how the hell does this thing work? Is this just some souvenir from the goddess?

Just then, when I was about to toss it (just for fun), I saw something like a gem embossed at the back of the book.

Damn... if this is how to unlock it, then I really looked stupid a few seconds ago.

That's what I've thought when I pushed the gem, and at the exact moment I did it, a holographic screen that seemed like originated from the book appeared.



[From: Celezia]

[Congratulations on your Reincarnation! This book serves as your basic manual in order for you to know common knowledge regarding this world, you can also access your [Map] here, although it only records the places you've already explored, you can also update it by feeding it another map. fake maps won't work though. After reading this message, you will also receive the skill [World's Language] as I've promised. You can also see your current stats whenever you say it verbally while thinking about it appearing. Well, that's the most of it, and again, Have a good life!

PS: Try not to lose this book since we can't give you a copy]

and as soon as I've finished reading that message, another window popped up in front of me.

[The skill [World's Language] has been obtained]

[ The skill [World's Language] is conflicting with the racial ability [Opscurian] ]

[ The skill [World's Language] is set to incomplete. Fulfill certain conditions to unlock its full capabilities]

What? I think I got the gist of it.. soo my skill [World's Language] is defective or something?

Oh yeah, that goddess said something about my status.. Imma try it.. mmmmmmmmm...



Name: Yukiko Kikuchi

Species: [Opscuria]

Lvl: 1

Title: [Extraterrestrial]

- Cannot be appraised.


HP: 200

MP: 0


Str: 300

Def: 500

Agi: 100

Int: 500

Luk: 30



[Poison Nullification] [Acid Nullification] [Camouflage] [Regeneration lvl. 1] [Heat Resistance lvl. 1][World's Language (lesser)]


Ooooh! Oooohh damn I can finally talk!! and this looks cool too! I even got some skills right from the start! But zero mana? What could I possibly do in order to increase that? mehh, as usual, let's think of it when the time comes that I'd need to think of it! hmmm.. Let's see... ooo, Camouflage?


[- Reduces detection rate by 80%]

Eh? So it's not totally invisible? meh, good enough!

Aside from the defective [World's Language], all the others seem to be resistances against debuffs. I'd probably need those in the future, so I'm not even mad! I even got a title called [Extraterrestrial] that makes me unable to be appraised, so appraising magic exists? I'd really love to have one.

But maybe I can actually use appraisal magic? I mean, I'm a reincarnate and all (that's what happens in the stories I've read in the past). So just like how I did it with the status, I focused on the egg where I came from, and thought of appraising it while saying,



uhh.... yeahp, nothing happened. good thing no one saw that.

So I can't appraise huh... that would be hard.

speaking of hard, I would probably have a hard time living starting now. I'm getting hungry, what should I eat?

While thinking what to do with food, I took the [Encyclopedia] and started walking when suddenly..


I fell.. Dammit! I'm still not used with these legs!

As I tried to get up, I've also realized that being a bit hunched feels weird. I wanna stretch my back so badly. aaand that's what I did.


that felt good! I even accidentally moaned from the bliss that I've experienced just by straightening my back! Well, it's not like someone heard that anyway.


or actually someone did?

startled by the sudden sound, I looked at the direction where it came from. And from what I saw, it looked like a girl in her teens dropped her basket full of fruits (though not sure cuz they have a weird shape, but they probably are)...

As I stared at her, her face was so pale and it seemed like she was full of horror and in verge of tears.. or not, cuz she started crying the moment I've thought about that. Does she really love her fruits that much?

I tried approaching her but the second I lifted my right foot, she suddenly jerked, turned her back, and ran.

Just as I was about to think what just happened, I suddenly realized that I'm a monster now...


Did my species change come with mental retardation? I mean? Hello me? u there bruh?

Meh, what happened already happened. I just went over to the basket that fell and just as I've thought! It looks like fruit!

I tried to take one fruit but the moment I held it on my hands, I crushed it. Just how delicate are their fruits here?!

Looks like I have no choice but to eat it on the ground.. I'm really starting to look like a monster now.

I tastes... nothing? I can smell its sweetness though? well whatever, I'll just eat until I'm full.




A few minutes have passed after I started eating, and now I'm probably full. I think I remembered that my species only needs to eat at least once a month?

Now, I wonder what should I do? Find a shelter perhaps? I'm pretty sure, judging from the girl's reaction earlier, I can't live in a village.. What would a monster expect anyways?

I should try finding a cave or something here. So I picked up the [Encyclopedia] and started finding for some suitable place for me to stay.

It's kinda annoying how I need to keep holding this this book, but after seeing that I can't use appraisal, I gave up on the thought of having an item box.




I probably walked for almost an hour, and from what I can see, there are still only trees around me.. Come to think of it, isn't this a forest? Where are the animals or monsters at? I was planning to tail some monsters like a goblin or something and take their homes hehehehe.... buuut yeah, I can't seem to find one. I've even recorded a lot of mapping already on my [Map].

To be honest, I am really looking forward for my first monster encounter, so I could feel what it would be to fight something. I mean, if I were a human, I'd be scared to death... probably.. But I am pretty confident on my body right now, so I would at least want to test it. Meh, I think I'll just wander around until I find something, no need to rush myself..


- meanwhile at a certain village.

"It was there!!! It did not look like an ordinary monster at all!! It... It could be a demon!!"

the sobbing girl exclaimed towards the group of people surrounding her.

"Calm down Erica, slowly explain to us what happened. Don't worry, we will do something about that monster that you're talking about, so please tell us everything that you saw..."

A burly old man told the girl that whose name seemed to be Erica.

The man's name is Rokvir. He was a former adventurer that retired and was appointed as the new village chief a few years ago.

A few moments ago, Erica, his daughter, came running towards the village, screaming that a vile demon was lurking in the woods. Rokvir was even shocked to see his daughter like this. Despite being a female, since Erica was the only daughter, she often subjugate monsters near the village and even joining the men in hunts. To think that a monster would drive his daughter to burst into tears by its mere presence, it is something he would not overlook.

"As I've said, when I was gathering fruits for supper, I saw something like a boulder that fell from the sky... I was curious so I went.. just to find a creature.. probably bigger than Father... it had a head that looked like a wyvern's... but with a horrid body that stands with two feet.. long limbs with vicious claws... dark plates on its body that seemed like its armor... It looks like a nightmare I've never seen before. I was still able to compose myself and hid when I first saw it.. but then it roared towards the sky with a sound I never knew a monster can make. It was unlike any dragons' nor any type of beast's.. It sounded like the screech of thousands of swords bending and crushed.. I lost myself and accidentally dropped my basket.. It noticed me.. those eyes that shone blue glared at me.. I was about to draw my dagger but the moment It tried to approach me, I knew I might die.. so I ran... I ran as fast as I can towards here..."

Rokvir, while listening to his daughter's story, could still hardly believe what happened.. He was a seasoned adventurer that was even known throughout vast lands.. His knowledge about monsters and demons would be considered top-notch, but even once, he never encountered something like what his daughter told him.

If what his daughter said was indeed true, this poses a great threat towards the village.

"Erica.. tell me where you've found it.. I'll form a subjugation party and we'll try to hunt it down.."

"B-But Father!! You can't!! It's too dangerous!"

"Who are you talking to? I've been in countless dangerous situations, this one would be no different. We'll come back with the head of that monster you're talking about! No one makes my daughter cry and comes out alive!"


later that night, Rokvir and his men prepared to hunt the monster at dawn...

Wow... people actually read my story!

Thank you guys for giving a positive response om the first chapter!

This is actually the first novel I wrote, which was made by impulse.

I'm actually busy cuz of college, but when I saw the response of the first chapter, I just can't help but to write a second one.

I will try my best to actually continue to update the story if people liked it!

Once again, Thank You~!

PS: It might take time but, ya know~ quality takes time!! jk I'm just busy lol.

Vanilllacreators' thoughts