
Ancient Aura

The twenty-six Werewolves overwhelmed the Cavalrymen.

If it continues like this, Reiji didn't even need to join the fight as he already knows the outcome of the battle. 

"F-formation! Do not be afraid!"

The other bald priest realized that they were no longer in an advantageous position. He has to organize the Cavalry and assist them if he wanted to survive!

"Hymn of Rejuvenation!" The priest held his crystal necklace as he cast a powerful support skill. This allowed the panicking Cavalrymen to feel refreshing energy as they started to regain clarity in their minds.

"Protect the Priest! They are just some beasts! We have killed many of them before! Do not be afraid!"

"That's right! It is surprising but this is not scary at all!"

"Follow my lead!"

The Priest felt satisfied as soon as he saw the Cavalrymen regrouping under the onslaught of the hungry Werewolves.