
I Reincarnated as a Pokemon

*English isnt my first Language so there will probably be a few Spelling errors here and there* My Name's jack 17 years old i lived a pretty Ordinary Live. average Grades in school. i had friends and Loving. Until the day that changed everything.... it Was a day like any other i was in the Mall with my friends Then suddendly i heard screams and shots the last thing i felt was a sharp pain in my head before everything Faded to Black.... when i regained Conscience i was in a Black abyss i couldnt feel anything then there shined a blinding light and in Front of me stood...... *This is my first novel pls dont expect too much from me :D Btw in this universe pokemon didnt exist. i will try to keep the chapters at least 500 words long.*

That_Guy68 · Komik
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33 Chs


/Alarm clock Ringing\ RING RING RING

"aaah i hate school" I thought to myself while slowly opening my eyes. I looked over to the Clock to see that it Was already 7:35 "Shiiiiit i woke up wayyyy too late gotta hurry!!" I jumped out of my bed put on some clothes Brushed my Teeth and ran out of my house and jumped on my bike.

To my own suprise i actually made it to school in time yes it Was like 2 min before class starts but i didnt come too late! i entered class right the Moment the Bell Rang. I sat down on my seat.

Paul: ey why did you almost come late again?

Me: sry i overslept

Paul: you always sleep too long haha

Me: no i dont

Paul: Well nevermind how about we go to the mall after school?

Me: sounds great!

Paul is basically my best friend ive known him for 9 years at this point. The Rest of the school day went over without and special things happening. When the last class ended i packed up my stuff and met up with a Paul at the Front of the school.

Paul: come on lets go i heard there was a new comic store id like to visit.

Me: Alright Alright im coming.

we entered the Mall and walked towards the comic Shop when Suddendly behind me i heard Shots and screams.

i saw people running in all Directions then i saw Men with guns in their hands shooting into the crowd. I lookes over to Paul and we immediately started running in the other direction. But Then out of nowhere i felt a very sharp pain in the back of my head i Fell over as my Vision started to fade to Black.

the next time i opened my eyes i Was in a Black abyss i could not feel anything not my Arms, legs or hands just nothing. Did i just die? i thought to myself is Paul alright what happened to him?? i hope hes okay...

suddendly in Front of me a big very blindling light shined straight in my face i couldnt even keep my eyes open then the Black abyss i Was Stuck in turned to white.

???: Hello wandering soul

Jack: what? who is there??

???: fear not young one

Jack: Tell me who you are??

???: i am Arceus and i am here to grant you a new life.

Jack: what do you mean "New Life"

Arceus: Well as you may know you died and Well i am here to grant you a second life in another Dimension

Jack: Where??

Arceus: i will Reincarnate you in my World the World of POKEMON under a new name and Form

Me: Form??

Arceus: from now on you shall be called celebi! I wish you the best of luck!!

Me: noooo wait i have so many questions

then Everything disappeared and my Vision faded yet again...

and thats how my Story started.

To be Continued.