

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden and unexpected death by the hands of a Truck-kun, our protagonist finds themselves in a bewildering new existence. From the hope of being whisked away to an isekai fantasy world to the dread of facing oblivion, their journey takes a shocking turn as they awaken to a barren landscape engulfed in flames. Strangely, they discover themselves transformed into a sentient planet, thrust into a role far beyond their wildest imagination. With a system to guide them and a cryptic "Chance of life" warning, they embark on an odyssey of self-discovery and cosmic significance, grappling with their newfound identity while navigating the challenges of their surreal new existence. As they confront the possibilities of their celestial future, our protagonist embarks on an extraordinary journey that defies all expectations and redefines the very meaning of life itself.

Emman_Tipdas · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue (I JUST DIED!)

Well shit, I just died. It took me a while to realize it, but yeah, I got hit by Truck-kun and now I am dead as a skunk. Why a skunk? I don't know I'm dead! I was just walking down the street making my way downtown walking fast faces pass and I'm home bound nanananana nana nananana… wait that's a song. You get the point. I was just minding my own business then suddenly boom! I heard screeching sounds and when I looked around a fucking semi-truck was on its way to curb stomping me. I was so shocked that my body froze and I may or may not have pissed my pants but I won't admit it! It was just a rainy day. I just hoped that my best friend would do as we promised if either of us died before the other, the one who was left alive would destroy the other's hard drive, as best friends should do. But looking on the bright side, since I was hit by Truck-kun then I might be destined to be Isekaid! Now that's a plus. I hope I get isekaid to a fantasy world where there are cat girls and cat boys as well. Hey I don't discriminate. Or maybe I'll be born as a duke or a very handsome prince and I'll build my harem! I was so excited that when I opened my eyes I was dumbfounded. Instead of the grand palace or a forest surrounded by beautiful elves, all I see is a barren land that is on fire! It is a hellscape! Wait… why can I see the entire world? Wait, was I born a God or something? That's so cool. But where is the system that would guide me? 


"System Menu!"


[Name: Unknown]

[Race: Sentient Planet]

[Level. 0]

[Chance of life: "Don't even think about it"]

[Number/s of Life: -0000000000000000000]


"Wait what? … WaIT WHATTTT?


Thus the start of my new life as a planet begins? T - T