
The Truth of Katsuguchi's Dream

"Master...It seems that Yufumi is immune to my Path Killer Ability and Destiny Manipulation. What is the next course of action..?" Trickster asked.

"We have no choice then. If Yufumi obtains the Ancient Hero's power, we automatically lose. His power rivals that of Stella's...We can not allow her to obtain that sort of power. Do what you need to do to stop her." A male voice said as he sat on his throne.

"Your wish is my command.." Trickster smirked and vanished.

Katsuguchi stood beside a tree and looked at the sky and held her hand up. She looked at the ring on her finger then Miyachi walked up beside her.

"Why are you attacking the Humans?" Miyachi asked.

"I thought it was obvious." Katsuguchi said. "Revenge. They will pay for what they've done to us Demons."

"Okay, but what does Stella have to do with this goal? Why do you want to take her down?" Miyachi asked.

"Because, she's grown weak. The demons look up to her, but she's off her game. The Underworld needs a real ruler. Someone with enough power and leadership to lead the demons in the right path. I will become the Head Demon and lead the Demons into the correct path." Katsuguchi said.

"Is that right..?" Stella asked as she was leaned against the tree and became visible.

"Stella.." Miyachi looked at the tree and stepped back.

"I've fallen off. Yes that is true. Fighting isn't a passion of mine anymore, but it seems my calling is to fight. Fight for my home. I have a goal, to regain what I've lost. Regain that piece of me that is no longer there. There are things you'll never understand about me...And you never will." Stella said then looked back. "You wish to take me down. I'm right here. And just for you...I will take off my limiters, just so you can realize why I am still feared."

Katsuguchi looked at Stella and lowered her hand. Stella got off the tree and looked at Katsuguchi. She walked from the tree and both eyes formed the Konrangan.

"The other Demon Princesses don't believe in Yufumi...that she can fully acquire the Ancient Hero's power. I for one believes she can, she will do the impossible..bring peace to the Realms once again..end this neverending nightmare. That however doesn't matter right now, what matters is how are you going to defeat me? An Omnipotent Being. I have enough power to erase this world if I wanted but I'd end up killing innocent people." Stella said.

"You'll see how I have enough power! I will take you down! You're not invisible and I'll prove that right now!" Katsuguchi bellowed and transformed into her Demon Mode and dashed to Stella. She went for a punch and rippled through Stella's body and slid forward in shock.

"Don't you see? You'll never amount to me." Stella said and looked back. "I'm just holding back a bit before I absolutely destroy you."

"Such a Kamidere..." Miyachi said.

"Shut up!" Katsuguchi dashed towards Stella again and went for a barrage of attacks.

"I was once lost when I lost everything in my home...but Zofia opened my eyes to the light again. Even when I had Kufka, I felt alone on the inside. But now...I'm back to the old me." Stella caught Katsuguchi's fist and looked at her. "You can't beat me...so why are you trying?"

"You're still a coward in my eyes...leaving for 11 years and thinking you can just come back? What are you even fighting for? You are fighting just to fight? What are your goals?" Katsuguchi glared.

"I'm fighting to make sure my family is safe. I'm not losing anyone ever again. Why are you trying to get revenge? What is your goal? Your dream? The way I see it, you'll just end up getting the Sacred Realm involved then we'll be at the Zodiac Ages all over again. The 12 Zodiac Gods will have to arise once more and end the war. We are trying to avoid that outcome. So why can't you see that?! Your need for revenge will make us repeat History!" Stella said. "Two of the Zodiacs have already risen up. The Ancient Hero who is the Leo and Libra. Don't you see what you and the Humans are doing?"

"I don't care! Too many of my kind have died by the Demon Hunter scum!" Katsuguchi said.

"There would be no demon hunters if the demons didn't attack the Humans." Stella said.

"So this is all our fault?!" Katsuguchi glared.

"Ever since the Zodiac Ages when Hades decided to attack the Human Realm. You should've known about Hades and his effect on the Spirit, Sacred, and Human Realms. He is the cause of the endless wars. Now that he's dead means there's another source that's continuing this war." Stella pushed Katsuguchi back.

"Katsu.." Miyachi watched the events.

"No...you just hate us because those demons took away something you loved! None of this is our fault! I will destroy you!" Katsuguchi glared.

Stella saw the evil aura manifesting inside of Katsuguchi. The hatred, the pain, the obsession to kill..she understood Katsuguchi, but she didn't want it to continue. She closed her eyes and transformed into her Devil Mode.

"Katsuguchi...Your pain...your hatred...I understand it. Your obsession to kill and get revenge. I was the same as you, I understand your view...but if you want peace sometimes you'll have to fight your own kin to obtain it!" Stella vanished and punched Katsuguchi's stomach and blew her back. She appeared behind Katsuguchi and wrapped her arms around her waist and suplexed her from the sky.

Katsuguchi groaned loudly and Stella released her. Katsuguchi stood up and found herself in a reality where she saw all of her cousins dead. An angel slowly descended and summoned a cross and placed her on the cross.

"N-No! No! I won't be purified!" Katsuguchi struggled to escape from the cross.

"You shall understand this is the reality you'll be headed if you continue like this." Stella said and her Konrangans glowed brightly.

"Stop it! Please! Stop it!" Katsuguchi looked afraid then the angel summoned light arrows around Katsuguchi. "Stop it!"

The arrows began flying towards her body and Katsuguchi screamed then Stella released the false reality and Katsuguchi fell to her knees with tears in her eyes. Stella closed her eyes and grunted as black blood began coming from her eyes.

"Please...no more...I just don't want to lose anyone else who's important to me...I want this war to end as much as you do...I swear." Katsuguchi sobbed softly. "Please don't kill me...please.."

"This is the first I've ever seen Katsu break...what did Stella do..?" Miyachi asked.

"You understand the truth now. You saw how you were going to die." Stella said then wiped her eyes and opened them.

"Visual Linking..?!" Miyachi said in shock.

"If I were you...I would rethink fighting for either side. I would choose Revelation. You should fight to see the bigger picture. One force is manipulating both the Humans and the Demons and it isn't Omusa." Stella walked off. "That being is coming from the Underworld. You should be more of your own person instead of a puppet for the Underworld...because you are being manipulated by your own home."

Katsuguchi wiped her eyes and sniffled then looked at the ground. Miyachi ran to Katsuguchi and looked back towards Stella and she was already gone. Katsuguchi just wanted a moment to herself to regroup and reflect on what Stella said. Miyachi nodded and stood up then vanished, leaving Katsuguchi to think about what she's gonna do now.