
The Path of Truth: New Enemies, New Allies, and a Familiar Face

"Alright. Kufa, did you bring your sniper?" Kazaki asked while standing on the cliff. She looked at him and Kufa took his sniper out of the case and laid on his stomach.

"If it's a mission like this, I have to. It's time to cleanse this realm of those bastards." Kufa said.

I crossed my arms and my Yaoke formed in my eyes then I stared out into the opened as the wind blew. It's been a few days tops and Kazaki decided to deal with a few of my new enemies with me. Kufa looked through his scope and took a deep breath.

"There's an Outpost approximately 541 feet from our current location. Those scum have the nerve to set up camp on our home. Who doesn't Nymphira think she is?" Kufa asked.

"That's about 0.30 miles...Walking distance it would be pretty far, but we don't wanna risk being seen. If things get ugly, snipe." Kazaki said.

"Roger." Kufa said and put a mark on his targets.

Kazaki ran off and I followed her. We ran down the path leading to the Outpost. We made it a quarter of the way and I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bushes and got down. A truck was driving forward and its headlights were bright. Kazaki saw the truck and I shapeshifted into a child and ran in front of the truck. The truck quickly came to a halt. One of the men got out and walked to me. Kazaki watched and saw the other man walk out the truck.

"Who is that child?" One of them asked.

"I don't know...it seems like she was separated from her family." The other man crouched down.

He went to grab me then I transformed back and took the knife from the sheath on my leg and cut his throat open.

"What the-" The other man grabbed his gun and aimed it at me but saw me gone.

I slowly became visible and wrapped my arm around his neck and put him in a headlock, holding the knife to his eye. He grunted a bit and began sweating.

"Talk." I said.

"There are some supplies in the truck here..! Take them!" The man said.

"Where are your friends..?" I asked.

"At the Outpost, 329 feet away from here." The man grunted.

I pushed him away and he stumbled forward. He turned around and aimed his gun at me again. Kazaki came from behind and sweep kicked him off his feet and the gun fired. I grabbed the gun and she kneed him in his stomach and he groaned. He tried to fight back, but Kazaki snarled and her teeth became sharp then she went for a strike but the man dodged. I set up reflective screens in the air and marked the man. I shot a bullet at a screen and it bounce off the other screen then hit the man directly in his head. Kazaki was a bit shocked and looked back. I unloaded the gun and took the magazine out the gun then looked at them.

"Let's go." I said and walked off. Kazaki calmed down and followed me quickly.

Kufa kept watch over us and we managed to make it to our destination without any issues. Kazaki pressed a button on her earbuds.

"Kufa, come in. How many are there?" Kazaki asked.

"Six." Kufa answered.

"There are six." Kazaki said.

I nodded and walked up to the Outpost and shapeshifted into one of the guards we killed. Kazaki hid in the shadows and her bloodthirsty red eyes shined in the darkness. I walked to the Outpost and the men looked at me.

"Where is your truck?" One of the guards asked.

I was silent and I kept getting closer then stopped. I looked at the six and closed my eyes.

"It was caught in a bit of a mishap. My partner didn't make it unfortunately." I said.

"Mishap? What happened?" He asked.

"This." I vanished and appeared on top of one of the guards and took out my knife and slit their throat and turned normal.

"It's Yufumi! Kill her now!" The guard bellowed.

They all began shooting at me. I deflected their bullets with my knife and vanished. Kazaki ran up behind one and snarled and bit down on their shoulder and he yelled. I appeared behind the next guard and stabbed his chest and kicked him forward to another guard. Kazaki pulled back and the guard aimed his gun at Kazaki and fired. She dodged it and her eyes glowed as she manipulated his blood.

"Your blood belongs to me!" Kazaki said and caused all of his blood to exit his body and enter hers. The more blood she obtained the stronger she got.

I dodged the bullets quickly and grabbed a guard by his hair and jumped in the air and tossed him up.

"FIRE!" I commanded.

Kufa aimed and fired his sniper and it travelled across the air and hit the man directly in his head. I landed and looked where Kufa was and nodded. He nodded back and kept a steady aim.

"HQ! This is S-134! We are taking heavy damage! Requesting back up!" A guard yelled.

"S-134 this is HQ! We can not send back up at this time! Do what you must with what you have!" HQ responded.

"How...unfortunate. You follow me here...and can't even handle me. Pathetic!" I kicked his face and walked towards him. "If you really wanted me dead, you wouldn't have stopped at following me!"

I bellowed and stomped on his face and the demon side of me smelled his blood and my mouth watered. I placed my hand over my mouth and looked surprised.

"That's the Oni in you. You're bloodthirsty. You can't escape your own origins." Kazaki said. "Go ahead...Take your share.."

A guard yelled and dashed towards me and went for an attack. I dodged it and grabbed his face. My mouth watered a lot and I opened my mouth and my teeth grew sharp. I panted and whined a bit. I imagined how hurt Yui would be if she saw me like this, but I needed it though, my body longs for it. I gave into my temptations and bit down on his neck and he yelled in pain. I pulled back and wiped my mouth.

"Blood Type S-O9..." I said and looked at the guard. "You're just a human...In fact they were all humans. These enemies....are Demon Hunters.."

Kazaki looked at me and I calmed down as my hunger for blood disappeared. The guard fell on the ground and slowly died. Kufa teleported to us and put his sniper back in the case.

"Heeeyyyy! We're a bit late!" An angel flew down and looked at Kazaki.

"Aiko, why are you here? We have it handled." Kazaki said.

"I know but I was flying around and saw this beautiful woman slaying! She's amazing!" Aiko smiled.

Aiko was an angel who was outcasted by her clan as well. She had blue wings and a dim gold halo. Her eyes were golden as well. She had her hair in some fancy ponytail also.

"Yae, this is Aiko. She's one of my good friends and we usually go out on missions together, but since these enemies are targeting you, it's only fitting that I go with you." Kazaki said.

"Hello! Oh I really like your style as well. You've got to teach me your skills." Aiko smiled.

"Sure." I nodded and smiled.

"We better head back home. Danger beasts come out at night and we don't wanna deal with those. Especially with their dumb Omnilock passive." Kufa said.

"Right." Kazaki said.

"I'm gonna stay out a bit longer. I gotta find clues to their motives. I fear their target isn't only me." I said.

"O-Okay, just make sure you come back home alive." Kazaki said and walked over to me and rubbed her nose against mine.

"I will don't worry." I smiled.

"Yeah we can't lose our new sister that quickly." Kufa smirked and walked off.

They all headed out and I began my search. I scavenged around then heard footsteps coming behind me.

"I didn't think you'd be alive after that.." A familiar voice spoke. I stopped and looked back then my eyes widened.

"Variska..?" I said softly.

"That bitch Nymphira betrayed me. Sending these Demon Hunters after me to steal the Core of Trinity! All the years I put into worshipping her!" Variska said.

"How are you alive..?" I asked and walked towards her.

"The Core of Trinity saved me...and brought me here because you were here. There's a problem...if the Core of Trinity escapes my body...I will die." Variska said. "So I have a proposal. We have a common enemy now, let's work together."

She offered her hand and I looked at her. I blinked a bit, eventually taking her hand and accepting her offer.

"Now you see the truth...As long as you're an ally, I'll protect you." I said and smiled.

She smiled back a bit then looked back and heard a danger beast emerging from the ground. We escaped and ran down the road.

"So you're with the Oni huh? Must be nice having a family again huh?" Variska smiled.

"I haven't had a real family since my past life. Now to have one is a breath of new fresh air." I said.

"I'm with Spirits named Phantoms. They took me in after I woke. This is where we part ways for now." She said.

"Yeah. It was nice seeing you again." I said.

"It's nice to see a familiar face and now being able to fight along side you...I'll see you later." She waved and walked the other direction.

I returned home and was greeted by Ibu and she held my hands.

"Welcome home big sister!" Ibu smiled. "Come on let's play!"

I was dragged into the house by Ibu and saw Mom sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking tea with Li Mailin. Oki was sleeping with her head on Yayoi's lap.

"Hey Mom! Hey Li Mailin." I greeted.

"Welcome back dear." Yayoi looked at me and smiled.

"A successful mission?" Li Mailin asked.

"Yep!" I smiled happily.

"Come on! Come on!" Ibu hopped up and down excitedly.

I followed Ibu up the stairs and we went into her room to play. Honestly it was a heartwarming feeling to return home to them. To a real family. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. Finding out Variska was alive was a shock and hearing the true intentions of my new enemies left me wondering, why did she bring only humans? They aren't fit for a hunt like me or Variska. Who is our true enemy?