
I refuse to be maidenless but at what cost

Clothstain is a world that is empowered by sexual enlightenment, by understanding one sexual fetish, or sexual beliefs, or even by understanding and embracing one's sexuality on a deeper and much more spiritual level, one can awaken the ability to manipulate certain universal energy called Erotic force, through the aid of the Erotic core, a lawful concept that many people mistakes as an actual physical core as it acts as the heart of reaching one's true self, although not everyone could reach the basic level of enlightenment needed to manipulate this universal force that even the Gods are dependent on. Morgan is one of those many people who have no hopes of awakening, as he does not has the qualifications much less the deep understanding of his own sexual preferences to awaken in the first place, despite being the adopted grandson of the strongest Succubi slayer of the era, Sir. Joshua of the Cumsalot family, a fallen noble. But after his grandfather's death against a climax-ranked Succubi, his grandfather's last wish, was for him to stop being a pussy, and start getting some pussy, determined to not fail his grandfather, Morgan who was one of the Village herbalists finally got a girlfriend or so he thought because one year after his grandfather died, the woman he loved, didn't allow him to touch her, much less kiss her, and to make things worse he was Cucked by the village chief son who was a queer. And after being cursed by him with a curse that will make everyone around you, hate you, and despise you, he was pushed to the brink of suicide, until a mysterious book suddenly fell from the sky, and when he opened it, the book introduce itself as the Harem system and gave him a mission. [Greeting host I am the Harem system] [Now creating Mission] [The Main mission Thot begone has been created] [Mission synopsis: Set your Ex-girlfriend on fire] [Rewards: The skill of Gender manipulation, who doesn't want to turn into a woman and a male at will] (A/N) Weekly goal 10 power stones= 2 chapter release 20 power stones= 4 chapters release 50 power stones= 8 chapter release 100 power stones = 14 chapters release Start voting now for more chapters guys _____________ Ps: the arts not mines

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46 Chs



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10 power stones= 2 chapter release

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100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

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I gaze at the ethereal beauty that, is the high cliff below me, the raging torrents of water and the huge and spikey rocks at the bottom can make a human-like myself see the other side in no time.

Even if I wanted I can't survive the deadly drop that is below me, and if by some miracle I do manage to survive it wouldn't make a difference reason being, I will be eaten alive by either river trolls or sperm fishes.

And if that fails, I will most likely drown as I cannot swim to save my life in the slightest.

One more step.

And it's all over.

That all it was going to take, to end my suffering.

I don't have anything else left in life anyway, so this one more step that is the downfall of a broken cucked one such as myself was not a matter of thinking twice, because in this cruel and unfair world that we live in, once marked by the crest of social destruction, one's life is over by default.

The very crest that was invoked upon me is the very embodiment of social downfall in this world.

It is a Crest given to prisoners and sexual offenders, it can be seen even through one clothes making it impossible to hide, it is always put at the center of the host's chest, to make sure other sees it.

How this Crest works is simple.

Even a natural born idiot can understand it, because once marl you will not be allowed in any city much neighboring villages and kingdoms alike, even passing merchants will not sell you their valuables, people slander you, while adventures would kill you out of pure disgust.

And the worst thing is, no one cares about you, you would be lucky if anyone even recognize you as a human, reason being even slave traders see you less than crap, and finds you as an unusable item, at least that's a plus.

The sad thing is, I am practically fuck, it's even more sadder that I don't even have a fig to smoke for the last time on my way out, truly why is reality so unfair.

The only option left for me are but two, none of which is merry or good for me in the slightest, the suicide attempt, well it's not an attempt as I will jump off this cliff and save myself from embarrassment, emotional damage, and abuse that is to come.

That is the first option presented to me, one that is both a mercy, and alternative to the problem.

Or I can go with the second choice, which is the only option left that I can really take, but If I am being honest, it just a longer route to suicide.

And that is to travel a treacherous journey, to the land of the rising boner, a place located at the edge of the world, the Masochist Kingdom, the thing is, to get there would take three years by cart, and another seven years if I decide to walk there.

And let's say by some miracle, I do reach there, the only occupation they have is gladiator-related ones, and im, not a fighter hell the only talent I have is potion creation since my main job is creating healing potions since im a herbalist.

"Agh every fucking time I think about the occupation I chose as my way life for the last eighteen years im reminded of my dear old Grandpa, a fallen nobleman who hale from the Cumzelot family."

Sir Joshua Cumzelot, of the Cultured kingdom, a knight who once serve under the savage king second general, before becoming a legendary Succubus slayer.

The kingdom itself is located at the center point of the world, on the Buzom, of course the name of this planet is called Clothstain.

But enough of that, the planet is irrelevant at this moment, back to my grandfather Sir Joshua.

He was once a well-known Succubus slayer, called Trojan, which means the Unleash one in Culturmanian.

Sad to say, grandpa died trying to save this worthless village from an ancient evil that was sealed years ago at this very village in the era of the heroes, a Climax rank Succubus, if you were to convert that, into the power ranks of us human savages, then she was at least a G-Cup rank monstrosity.

And due to old age, grandpa wasn't as strong as he was when he was in his prime, nonetheless he hang on to the end.

The battle was legendary, it lasted for twelve days and eleven nights, and all that could be heard was the furious battle cry and moaning coming from the Gangbang woods, in the end, she left grandpa like dried-up prunes that was already dried up but you get the point.

But that man was strong, I could still remember his last words to me before he left me to see his creator.

"Morgan....stop being a whiny bitch and get laid, don't be maidenless like me... get up be a man, and get your balls, shaft, and head wet... also avenge me."

But I couldn't even make him proud for once, I stop being so timid, I tried to break out of my shell, and when I finally decide to stop acting like a whiny bitch, and confess to my childhood crush, everything was going fine till I was cucked by village queer, who is also the son of the village chief of pussy village.

The sad thing is, he is gay, and he still stole my girl, "Damn him", what the fuck did I do to deserve this, he took everything away from me, even my clothes.

"Ass is ass he says, fuck you, and your stupid name, who the fuck names their children Cake anyways, what kind of drugs were your parents even on when they name you cake, really with his last name I am starting to wonder if I will ever eat cake again."

Yes, the person who stole my bitch of a ex-maiden is named Cake Pussy, damn I got cucked by a guy with a stupid name and a lot of money.

Sigh and I follow grandpa's advice too, I can still remember it clearly as he said.

"I am a man of ass, but im also a man of huge tits, I like them small, I like them big, but a woman with an ass that is not fluffy, round, or soft, is a man in my book, so please Morgan gets a woman with a nice ass, not fat, but ass, only get a nice BBW during the winter or cold rainy days, but despite that, you need a woman with a nice ass, remember when you're fucking her from behind, you need something to hold on to, when your legs give in."

"Yes grandpa, should I also wear protection."

"That's illegal."

"Why though?"

"Because the law says so."


And I work my ass off to get my childhood crush to become my maiden, but what does she do, cheat on me with a queer, I tell you the world we live in today's Era, this alone let me give up hope for humanity, strange to be honest I never really like humans, I was just born that way, never knewed why, never cared either way.

But as I began to think about humans, I also start to think about grandpa, who was exception as love him dearly, no homo.

So much so, just thinking of him, and how he was gone was too much, I couldn't resist the urge to cry, my grandfather really embodies the saying bros before hoes.

"Sniff...sniff I failed you, grandpa, I couldnt even get me some coochie before I die."

Now that I think about it even my last moment was pathetic as fuck.

However with those words said, I gaze at the ground before me, as I was about to take one step forward, and it all, but as soon as I push myself slightly forward, I heard a loud explosion that went off behind me.


Immediatley, I respond as I look at the thing before me, at the center of the crater, smoke was rising from the ground, but when I was about to go inside the crater itself, something weird happen, a weird pink light suddenly began to blink, and when I look.

I immediately question to myself.

"What the hell is that?"

I ask as I witness the weird pink light suddenly begin to emerge from the smoke, and when I look there it was a giant black book, with a giant goat head with heart eyes drawn on the cover.

It came towards me, which made me flinch a little even saying.

"Aghh.... don't hurt me, at least make my death quick."

But as I bunker down on the floor hoping and praying to the devil... "cough" "Cough" I mean God so that it doesn't torture me.

I felt nothing which shock me, and with all my courage I open my eye, and I notice it did nothing at all, instead it opens up, as it flips to the first page.

I instantly gaze at it out of curiosity, and when I look, I notice a weird and incomprehensible language.

"What the hell is this, I have never seen a language like this before."

I said as I touch the page, but as soon as did that something weird happened to me, it was but a moment in a person's life, naught but a glimpse of someone's memories began to flash in my head, no it was but a portion.

My head began to hurt immediately as the image of multiple things began to play in my mind and the voice of a man could also be heard, who was this man I wondered.

[I was a king, loved by the Gods]

"A king?"

[Or so I thought]

"What the hell is this...Aghhh my head."

[Onward to battle my wives and concubine if you have to die to slay the enemy before you, then do so with pride, and honor]

"So many women.... so much blood, and corpses everywhere, shit what am I seeing?"

The scene switch once more, this time to a woman who was dressed in a suit of armor, she had a scyth in her hands, and she wore a black veil that covered her face, and behind her, was an army, of mysterious women all dressed in a full-body latex suit, from head to toe, they all wore Kitsune mask upon their face making them hard to tell from one another.

I could not see the face of the woman with the scyth, but her voice was powerful, every sentence she said shake me to the very core as if her words alone hold power unimaginable.

[Who are we, my sisters]

[We are the shadow of Solomon, we are the veil that shades his pride, we are the necessary evil needed for this world, we are the claw that strikes down his enemy, we are the Scarlet pandamonium, we have no face or name as we are one and the same, the will of the king is all we live for]

[Sing higher my sisters, glory to the king, onwards onto death, give them HELLLL!!!, let your corpse and blood be proof of your immeasurable loyalty, we shall live forever in his memories, kill them all, leave none alive, to hell with the false gods, the Harem king is the true God, he who sits on the throne usurpation beckon them, kill, kill, kill, kill, killkillkillkillkilll!!!]

"What the fuck am I even watching?"

I said to myself in aww.

[Sing higher, sing higher, sing higher, sing higher, sing higher]

The image of brutal war and merciless execution of many was shown to me, the scent of the world being burned to ashes was as vivid as the pain in my head, the army of countless women, and the sea of blood that follows them could be seen felt and smell as the world was coated in the smell of iron.

Not a single man was in sight as their were countless amounts of woman of all shape and sizes, thick and petite was all that could bee seen.

[Sing higher, sing higher, sing higher.]

These two words play over and over, again and again, in the back of my head till I start to repeat them myself.

[We are Pandemonium]

"The scarlet order, that cleanses the world of its impurities."




"Enthusiastic in everything we do."

[We have no enemies]

"Because they are all dead, and no witness shall be left behind."

[We are]

"I am."



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