
Chapter 21 The Kind Eldest Sister-in-Law

Xiaodie's waist was really slender, giving rise to that stunning curve of her waist and hips.

Shen Fu's hand rested on top, and he really wished he could be more pure-hearted, but how could that be possible.

A pair of large hands massaged her waist, turning cool after applying the medicine, "Is it here?"

"A little lower."


"Lower... hey, why are you touching my butt!"

Shen Fu grew annoyed as well, his face turning red with suppression, "You apply it yourself, I'm not dealing with this!"

Bai Shengnan tried to reach the spot herself, and although it was possible, it wasn't without effort, there seemed to be a bruise there that needed to be rubbed out firmly.

"Old Shen, you should do it," Bai Shengnan cajoled, "I promise I won't say anything else."

Shen Fu remained unswayed as she crossed her arms and declared, "Do you really want me to act coy!"

Only then did Shen Fu start again, having rubbed just twice, "I can't really apply much force squatting like this, how about we go to the bed."

"You..." Just as Bai Shengnan was about to accuse Shen Fu of having ulterior motives, she remembered her promise and swallowed back her words, "Fine, the bed it is, it's bigger, so there's more room to work with."

She was confident in her own physical strength, figuring she could probably make a novel-writing weakling convulse with just one finger.

The patient was already lying down, Shen Fu kicked off his slippers, and straddled Bai Shengnan's legs, a position better suited for exerting force.

Then he lifted his vest a bit, pulled down his shorts some, and applied some medicine to promote blood circulation and reduce bruising, "I'm going at it with both hands, it's going to be very painful."

"How bad could it... ah!" Bai Shengnan's face lit up, that's the stuff!

Maybe feeling it wasn't quite appropriate to yell like that, Bai Shengnan immediately quieted down, silently enduring.

Xiaodie's body had a fatal attraction for Shen Fu, so to rid himself of distracting thoughts, he chatted with her to keep his mind busy, "Bai Shengnan, how old are you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious if all people with a split personality are the same age."

"That can't be, I'm a year older than Xiaodie, she even has to call me 'sister'."

"Oh, then that makes you my auntie-in-law~" Shen Fu chuckled.

"Yeah," Bai Shengnan was delighted too, "So you better show some respect normally, did any uncle ever get fresh with his auntie-in-law."

"Mhm, mhm, usually it's with a younger auntie..."

"Mhm!" Bai Shengnan turned her head and gave Shen Fu a glare, huh, men!

Shen Fu looked at her face, flushed with the effort of holding back, and said with a smile, "If you want to scream, just scream; I know my hands are not lightly pressing."

"Ouch~" Bai Shengnan really did let out a cry, "didn't expect someone who types to have such strong hands."

"Of course, I've broken so many keyboards over the years, and I also go out for a run every day, frequently hitting the gym as well."

"Then let's go for a night run together later!" Bai Shengnan perked up.

Shen Fu gently patted her, "Let's not today, I see you've got a bruise on your shoulder too, let's properly work that out today, I'll even use the Shen Family's Secret Skills, we can start tomorrow."

Bai Shengnan sighed, "Tomorrow it'll be Xiaodie though."

"I'll get Xiaodie to exercise too, you wouldn't know it, but fighting that one fight brought out so many issues, sitting for too long really can lead to sub-health."

While they were talking, another phone call came through.

Shen Fu sighed, "You've become nationwide famous today, it's probably someone looking for you again."

Shen Fu checked the phone, huh? "Officer Guo?"

"Shen, is your injury okay?" Officer Guo inquired with concern.

"No problem, I'm already home. You were still thinking about me."

"Haha, good to hear it's fine. We've finished up things here and even had a meal with Manager Zhong."

"So it all went well?"

"Yeah, very smoothly. With police-citizen cooperation, we easily apprehended four thieves who had lost their will to fight."

Of course, their will to fight had been beaten out of them by Bai Shengnan.

Knowing Guo's penchant for chattering, Shen Fu figured it would be a while before he finished. He put his phone down, switched it to speaker mode, and continued his movements over Bai Shengnan's waist with both hands.

"Ah..." Bai Shengnan made a strained, comfortable sound.

On the other end, Guo's face went red, "Oh, it seems like I've called at a bad time. Maybe we can talk about this tomorrow."

Yo, he's stumbled onto something here. Shen Fu chuckled, "No, no trouble at all. I'm just giving Xiaodie a shoulder and back massage. She did a lot of exercise today and her back muscles are sore."

"Oh, I see~" Guo sighed again, really, what a good husband, just like how he washes his wife's feet every day!

"So I'll keep it short then. I've heard from Manager Zhong that not only do you write novels, but you've also started a company?"

"Just a little studio, nothing fancy."

"Ah, is that so?" Hearing Shen Fu play it down, Guo hesitated, worried that he might be imposing.

Shen Fu said, "Uncle Guo, just say what you need, you've never been the type to beat around the bush."

"Then, does your company still need people?" Guo asked awkwardly, "The salary doesn't matter, it's fine if there's no benefits package."

"Uncle Guo, you couldn't have asked at a better time," Shen Fu laughed, "My studio is actually looking to expand, and we are short on hands. Are you looking to introduce someone for a job?"

"Not an outsider, it's for your sister, my daughter~" Guo suddenly perked up, seizing an opportunity.

"How old is she?"

"23, just graduated from university. The salary doesn't matter, I just don't want her sitting at home. I want her to step into society, interact with living people. This kid is driving me crazy."

Then Guo told Shen Fu about his daughter Linlin's situation: she graduated from a prestigious university, became unemployed upon graduation, didn't want to find a job, and stayed at home working on self-media, writing articles for other people's WeChat public accounts, and creating scripts for short videos.

She could earn three to four thousand a month, which was enough for her daily expenses, but Guo was worried that she was getting depressed from being at home alone and hoped she could get integrated into society.

"Ah, your daughter is exactly what our company needs!" Shen Fu spoke sincerely. Ugly Orange was operating too many things alone and was struggling, desperately in need of someone to share the load.

"You sure this won't cause you too much trouble?"

"Look at you, talking like that, as if you're an outsider," Shen Fu was also very sociable, "Just have your sister come in for an interview. She'll get the usual salary and treatment. Don't look down on us for being a small company, that's all. I'll send an address and contact information later, she can start working whenever."

After ending the call and with the food delivered, Shen Fu moved Bai Shengnan's tank top back down to cover that patch of porcelain skin.

"Let's have dinner, Auntie. We can continue afterward, and I'll treat your shoulders too."


"Don't you think your sister Xiaodie has found herself a good man?" Shen Fu started his charms.

He had to conquer each of the eight sisters one by one, only by obtaining their blessings and approval could Xiaodie truly let go of the burden in her heart.

Bai Shengnan gave Shen Fu a glance and shook her head disapprovingly, "A bit too weak I think. Seems like there's not much muscle on you."

As she said that, she unabashedly lifted her brother-in-law's T-shirt, revealing Shen Fu's abs.

Shen Fu suggested, "You could go higher, then you'll see the chest muscles, the quality's not bad either."

"Tch~ It's just so-so," Bai Shengnan said, pretending to be unimpressed. She hadn't expected this pretty boy to be more than just a facade. No wonder she felt so weak and floaty when she woke up that day~

Oh no, why was she thinking about that day again? She couldn't keep thinking about it - it was already hot enough in the summer, and it was making her hotter!

She buried her head and wolfed down her dinner before finally getting up and giving Shen Fu a look, "I'll go in first, be quick~"