
I really don't want to open a harem here

Mu Xiaoxiao never imagined that he would get hit by a truck and die, and transmigrate to a 2D anime world, not to mention get the legendary Goldfinger one day. [Ding! As a mortal, you dared to challenge the world and set foot in this chaotic world; your brave choice gives you a Rating: S] 'It hasn't even been five minutes since I traveled, and there is an S-level reward... Without a little bit of defense, could it be that I also have the appearance of the protagonist?' He thought seriously Being a Protagonist can be said to be a legendary start Anime world where he is a protagonist with a system, open a harem, and reaches the pinnacle of life or something like that. He was already imagining his bright future 'It's just that the system said what kind of chaotic place, what does it mean? Why can't I understand?' Coming all the way, he approached the warehouse at the back of the school, And then "Nanao, you don't want to see Katase being kicked out of the main selection, do you?" "You--" He never thought he would see such a scene on the first day, Fuck, this is too exciting, right? No, why do those two people look familiar... Relying on his many years of experience, he finally searched for those memories from every inch and corner of his brain, and after finding out who these two were His face changed drastically. "Fuck" _________, (This is a Translation) (Warning: This Novel contains Explicit Content, so read at your own risk.) As for NTR It does contain Netori( The one where Mc steals the girl), not Netorare. After all, it's a harem fanfic in the NTR world, so every girl he'll meet and save would obviously have a Boyfriend or a childhood Sweetheart, so it is obvious... ____________ Read Advanced chapters on Patreon.com/abhi28

Abhii_28 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
261 Chs

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That's right, mice! And there were rats all over the floor!

"I said, use dirty things to deal with dirty things,"

Mu Xiaoxiao had no intention of raising rats.

He just used his animal affinity to let them help temporarily.

As for what they were going to do to help... why bother asking?

"What are you going to do?! Don't come over! Don't come over!!! Don't!!"

Kamekura Gouzou was finally terrified.

He had a bad premonition..a very bad one.

But he was surrounded by rats and had no way to escape.

And if he wanted to rush out, countless rats would climb up, densely packed and in groups.

"What do you want to do to me?! What on earth do you want to do?!" he yelled crazily.

"What do I want? I heard that you are very confident in your body?"

Speaking, the corners of his mouth curved into a smile,

"Kamekura Gouzou, I wonder if you will continue to be confident in your abilities after losing that thing?"


Surprise, shock, and fear!

His expressions now looked more to his liking as the rats progressed step by step.


Snapping his fingers, he gave the final order.

"Go ahead and see how it feels to watch these rats eating away your lifeblood bit by bit...be careful, don't bite anywhere else."

"No, it's impossible!! No, no...don't come here!! Don't come here!! Don't!!"

Having that thing chewed off by a mouse or something...was unacceptable!

But there was no way to stop it...

Watching the swarm of rats swarm up, the crazy ugly bastard tried to rush out of the grass but was quickly caught up by the rats, climbing up his trouser legs and body!


"No——!! Don't——!!!"


With his eyes bulging as

Mu Xiaoxiao said the melodious wails continued to echo and tear the sky apart.

Mrs. Azuma and the others covered their mouths and turned around and ran away.

They ran outside the grass and retched constantly, not daring to look here again.

After the rats left, the ugly bastard lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, his eyes bloodshot and gray, and it seemed he had lost consciousness with his eyes open.

[[Ding, it's detected that the host has executed justice: kills the villain and destroys the defense line!

Not only did you destroy the villain's body, but you also shattered his mental defenses.

The method was brutal... but it didn't completely obliterate his mind. Evaluation A, Earn rewards—"

"Skill points: 15."]

The reward was, as expected, mediocre, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't particularly care.

His goal this time was to eliminate this threat.

However, even this failed to destroy his mind...

Hmm..surprisingly tenacious.

But it didn't matter; retaining his own mind would only plunge him into greater suffering...

At first, he thought he should simply eliminate this pest after blowing him up, but now it seems...

He can break him even further.

Oh well...

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and saw Mira and the others vomiting. He couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I told you not to look, you would be scared."

"It's just a little... uncomfortable, it's okay," Compared to the horrified expressions of her two daughters, Mira Tsubakihara was merely nauseated. After retching for a while, she wiped her mouth, washed her hands, and held Mu Xiaoxiao's hand without any concern...

Even after witnessing his ferocity, there was no fear in her eyes, only unwavering trust.

"that person..."

"It's useless," Mu Xiaoxiao chuckled, "Don't worry, I will handle it well in the future.

Don't give a guy like this any chance."

Could it be that he's going to...

What has he experienced in these years, and why has he changed so much?

Tsubakihara Mira was not as nervous as her daughter.

Instead, she gently stroked his face and then held him in her arms.

"Xiaoxiao, doing this kind of thing and using this kind of method, you must feel uncomfortable, right..

I can understand it, I know it..."

Speaking while hugging him tightly, full of pity.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked confused.


Not feeling good?

No, I'm super happy~

Forget it...

Hug if you want to hug, anyway, this was not the first time.


Stroking his head for a while, Tsubakihara Mira reluctantly pulled her hands away and looked at the two daughters in the distance.

She was a mature person and also the person involved, so she didn't have any fear or anything regarding what he'd done, but her daughters might be terrified of him.

It's better for her to explain clearly.

Although she had a lot of things to say, a lot of emotions inside her heart..but.

Speaking a few more words, she walked towards the girls..


As for Mu Xiaoxiao, well..he just stood still at the place.

At that time, his face was expressionless, and he had already cursed in his heart.

Damn, that guy actually dared to say anything about stealing his woman, and he even screamed in front of him; how could he bear this?

At that time, he wanted to go up to him personally and...break him to pieces..

So, now that he was watching him sink into despair and pain little by little...needless to say, he felt happy.

It didn't matter if the reward was less.

As for how to wipe this case afterward, it was actually very simple for him...

He didn't make friends with that strange nurse for nothing..

"Mu Kun, thank you,"

At that moment, Azuma Hisato, still wearing a professional suit, walked up to him and expressed her gratitude.

"Although I know you didn't come here for me... but you still saved me..Really, thank you..thank you so much.."

She had watched the scene from the beginning to the end, and although she felt uncomfortable and all, but just like Mira, her eyes did not show any fear.

As one of the person facing despair, she knew exactly how much impact it had on her.

So, there was no pity for the ugly bastard, it's just the slightly uncomfortable feeling..in her heart that he was here because of someone else.

Forget it.

In the end, it didn't really matter for whom he was here...he saved her..that's all.

Without him, what would have happened, she didn't even want to imagine.

"Didn't you complain a lot when you came to drink with me that day? You can rest assured now, Sister Azuma," Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged.

"You still remember,"

She also remembered what happened that day.

Although she was drunk, she still remembered what happened at that time, such as telling him all her grievances, asking him to call her sister, jumping on him, and so on.

Looking back now, it was really too.

Too... I can't find a proper word to describe it.

"I remember it quite clearly...but forget about this...Sister, you are looking quite beautiful in this outfit."

"This is just that person..." Mrs. Azuma blushed and pulled up her tight skirt, "I'll change my clothes when I get back!"

"Why do you need to change? Just wear these clothes.

Didn't Kamekura Gouzou arrange a secretary job for you? You will work in his company," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled sinisterly.

"Don't let the bargain you got for free go to waste. He can't go back anyway. You can do whatever you want in his company."