
Chapter 3145: Threat_1

Ning Fengzhi's expression darkened instantly as he spoke in a deep voice, "Do you all truly mean this??"

In a flash, both Gu Rong and Chen Xin stood up, their bodies suddenly bursting with terrifying soul power fluctuations…

"We simply cannot pretend not to have seen everything that just happened!!"

"Sect Master Ning, what…what are you doing? Are you intending to make a move against us?"

"He is just a child after all, is Sect Master Ning sure he wants to make enemies with us??"

"Sect Master Ning, the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect is also one of the upper three families, but why are you so partial to Xu Sheng? Could it be that the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect has already become a lapdog of Martial Soul Hall!"

They were somewhat puzzled as to why the former would so favor someone who might plunge the upper three families into crisis!!

As soon as the words were out, Chen Xin suddenly lashed out, appearing instantly in front of the man who had just spoken, grabbing his neck with one hand...

Then, with a cold tone, he said, "What did you just say? Say it again if you dare, and see if I won't kill you!!"

The latter felt a suffocating oppression overwhelming him and strained to say, "Sword... Sword Douluo, I…cough cough…I didn't say anything... didn't say anything!!"

Is this the might of a Super Douluo Level expert?

Although he himself had reached the Title Douluo, in the opponent's hands, he seemed no more than an ant that could be crushed at any moment!

Seeing this, Chen Xin was about to give the other party a lesson…

But Ning Fengzhi stopped him, saying, "Uncle Sword, let him go!"

The former hesitated for a moment before finally releasing his grip…

After the man fell to the ground, he desperately gasped for breath…


Ning Fengzhi cast a cold glance at him, "I can pretend I didn't hear what you just said, but if there is a next time, don't blame me for being ruthless!!"

He had not expected that he was considering the interests of the upper three families!

Yet they had the gall to defame the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect as Martial Soul Hall's lackey!

If it weren't for them also being a part of the upper three families, they would probably have already died at Chen Xin's hands!

This immediately caused a change in the expressions of the other representatives…

"Sect Master Ning, our words just now were a bit extreme, please don't take it to heart!"

"Indeed, indeed, Xu Sheng is just a child for now, whether to take action against him is still up for discussion!!"

"Yes, yes, it's just a minor issue, not worth getting angry over, Sect Master Ning. We of the upper three families should stand united, not be at odds with each other!"

Hearing these words, Ning Fengzhi's expression finally softened a bit…

"The reason I don't want the Great Sects to take action against Xu Sheng is that he is exceedingly important to Martial Soul Hall!"

"Should anything unforeseen happen, Martial Soul Hall will certainly not let it go!!"

"If we really get into a fight to the death with them, we of the upper three families definitely won't get off lightly, and might even end up with severe casualties,"

Of course, what's most important is that if anything happens to Xu Sheng, the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect would become Martial Soul Hall's primary target!

Having listened to this, the representatives of the sects, though still holding their previous attitudes, toned it down a bit…

"Sect Master Ning, how about this—let us return to our sects and report this matter to our Sect Masters. After all, none of us present have the authority to decide!"

"Indeed, whatever promises we make, if they are not confirmed by our Sect Master, they will be pointless!"

"You're right, we don't want to earn the infamy of breaking a promise!!"

"I also think this is feasible. Let the Sect Master make the decision!"

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi hesitated. "Letting you all go back? This..."

If these representatives were to return, things could get out of control!

If they really were to act against Xu Sheng, the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect would have no way to stop it!

With this thought, he couldn't help but turn to the others, "Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, what do you think?"

Chen Xin sneered. "Hmph, Feng Zhi, they've just made a promise and are already going back on their word. Do you think they can be trusted?"

"Don't let us from the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect be the first to suffer when things go wrong!"

Just now, he had seen through these people's façades; they were utterly untrustworthy!

Gu Rong spoke in a deep voice, "Feng Zhi, I'm afraid this might be the only solution. They all act on orders from their respective sects. Only the Sect Master's decision will be effective."

After all, they couldn't be kept here indefinitely!

Otherwise, it would severely impact the relationships between the sects.

Ning Fengzhi thought deeply and nodded. "Well, let's do it this way, then!"

"However, I hope you all will keep your word, and not deceive me with lies here!"

The faces of these sect representatives suddenly brightened, and they nodded hastily. "Of course, Sect Master Ning, we do not wish for a mere Xu Sheng to cause discord!"

With little else to say, Ning Fengzhi stood up. "If so, then I will trust you all. Please, return to your sects."

With that, the sect representatives showed no intention of lingering any longer. After a brief exchange of gestures, they left the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect...

Watching their figures grow distant, Chen Xin's expression turned grim. "Feng Zhi, is this really alright? If we let them go, we won't know if they act against Xu Sheng, and we can't stop them!"

Truth be told, he had even considered slaughtering everyone present just moments ago!

Because only the dead can ensure no news is leaked out!

Gu Rong sighed and shook his head. "Feng Zhi is also at his wit's end. Now that the matter has been brought to light, we can only hope the leaders of the other two great sects don't act too rashly."

After a pause, he inquired, "But I'm a little puzzled, Feng Zhi. Weren't you determined not to inform the other sects about this? Why have you suddenly changed your mind?"

Ning Fengzhi heard this and shared his inner thoughts. "If we don't reveal the matter of Xu Sheng now, it'll be too late to speak of it later!"

If Xu Sheng were to grow stronger, even if all the powerful individuals from the upper three families came together, they might not be able to kill him!

Beyond that, there was another factor!

Through Ning Rongrong's interactions with Xu Sheng, he realized that the latter held no malice toward the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect!

He even felt grateful for their help; otherwise, Ning Rongrong's impulsive intrusion into the Martial Soul Hall could have caused even greater trouble with her temperament!

Chen Xin crossed his arms and scoffed coldly. "Feng Zhi, I think there's more to it, right? Could it be that you've decided to favor him because Xu Sheng helped Ning Rongrong?"

Although he couldn't pinpoint Feng Zhi's exact thoughts, making a rough guess wasn't a problem!

Ning Fengzhi didn't deny it but chuckled bitterly, "This... perhaps. I feel that Xu Sheng might not necessarily be an enemy of the upper three families. Who knows, he could even become an ally."

If he was wrong, then he would have simply misjudged someone.


