
Chapter 182: Kneel Before Me, You're Not Worthy! (Please Subscribe)_1

Measure Sky erupted with intense tremors, "Buzz buzz buzz!!"

Then, as if pulled by some force, the entire Angel's Sword slowly levitated between both hands...

In the center of the Angel's Sword, dazzling golden light burst forth, causing everyone present to squint...

The next moment, the sky above Giant Sword Mountain was painted with a layer of dim grey clouds, immediately flashing with a spectacular scene of lightning and thunder...

The Red-robed Guardian, gazing at the phenomenon in the sky, murmured, "Is this the ritual to summon the God of Angels?"

Citun wanted to raise his hand, but found he couldn't move at all, and thought in shock, "The Angelic God Inheritance is indeed powerful. Even though I feel no pressure from Soul Power, our movements are completely restricted!"

However, without kneeling on one knee, Xu Sheng suddenly experienced a sharp contraction of his pupils...

His chest was struck hard, and he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood with a pale face, "Puh!"

Qian Renxue looked back at the blood-spitting Xu Sheng and hurriedly called out, "Xu Sheng! Are you alright?"

But when she wanted to go over, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by Qian Dao Liu!

Qian Dao Liu, with a grave expression, said, "Xiao Xue! Don't go over! Otherwise, you will also receive the punishment from the God of Angels!"

He is the Messenger of the Angel God, and Qian Ren Xue is the inheritor of the Angel God; only the two of them need not kneel!

Xu Sheng now suffers a blow after disregarding advice; it's his own doing!

Qian Renxue's worried gaze locked onto Xu Sheng, "But..."

Seeing Qian Renxue's distracted heart, Qian Dao Liu shouted angrily, "Xiao Xue! Focus on receiving the legacy! Don't think about anything else!"

Xu Sheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand and mustered a weak smile, "Don't worry, Ren Xue, I'm fine."

Qian Renxue struggled and bit her thin lips before slowly turning away...

After seeing Qian Renxue turn away, Xu Sheng thought to himself, "I don't even know what happened, and suddenly I was severely injured. Is this the power of a God?"

It's a force that is completely on a different dimension than so-called Ultimate Douluo and Title Douluo!

Citun, who knelt on one knee, saw Xu Sheng's predicament and advised, "Your Highness the Holy Son, you better kneel down."

Snake Spear also agreed with an ugly expression, "Yes, Your Highness the Holy Son, it's the Angel God we're dealing with; kneeling is not a matter of disgrace!"

"Your Highness, you are indeed powerful, but the other is a true God!"

Xu Sheng glanced at the three of them indifferently and, without speaking, silently directed his gaze toward the lightning-studded sky...


Qian Dao Liu, looking at the unusual events in the sky, reverently chanted again, "Great God of Angels, please heed the call of Your faithful Messenger! Descend!"

With Qian Dao Liu's repeated chanting, the light emanating from Measure Sky became much more intense...

In an instant, the stone statues' longswords inside the cave were controlled and pulled from the rocks, and thousands of stone statue giant swords flew out toward the exterior of Giant Sword Mountain...

They quickly arranged themselves in a strange Sword Array in the air, then all plunged into the ground below...

Following that, a very ethereal figure of an angel suddenly began to materialize above the Sword Array...

It was a hundred meters tall Angelic Goddess, beautiful to the extreme, with three pairs of lifelike white wings unfolding behind her. Then, one after another, pieces of Angelic God armor slowly covered her slender figure...

Once the Angelic God armor completely enveloped her, the closely shut golden pupils of the Angelic Goddess suddenly opened, looking down with an attitude that seemed to scorn all worldly things...

At the same time, a ripple of terrifying pressure spread, permeating in every direction...

Looking at the miracle before them, the Red-robed Guardian's eyes widened, "Is this the God of Angels? This oppressive force makes me feel like nothing but an ant in her presence!"

Citun swallowed in his throat, and thought to himself in awe, "So powerful! This is a force that could destroy everything!"

After glancing at the God of Angels, Snake Spear hurriedly bowed his head, fearful of offending the God of Angels!

Qian Dao Liu quickly spoke respectfully, "Respected God of Angels! I am your loyal Messenger! And she, she has come to receive Your inheritance!"

The Angelic Goddess ignored both Qian Dao Liu and Qian Renxue, and instead fixed her gaze on Xu Sheng below...

Seeing this, both Qian Dao Liu and Qian Renxue frowned, with a sense of ominous premonition gradually rising in their hearts...

Afterwards, the Angelic Goddess spoke to Xu Sheng below with a tone that dismissed everything, "Insignificant ant, you, why do you not kneel before me!"

Xu Sheng stared coldly at the Angelic Goddess, "Want me to kneel to you? You are not worthy...!"

The Angelic Goddess' pupils suddenly condensed...

Before Xu Sheng could finish speaking, "Bang!" his chest was hit again, and he was sent flying backwards, crashing into the wall...

The Angelic Goddess looked at Xu Sheng smashed against the wall and said coldly, "Insignificant ant, you are still the first mortal to see a God and not kneel! However, this foolish thought will only cause you to lose your life!"

Smashed against the wall, enduring the pain, Xu Sheng felt that his internal organs had clearly shifted!

Xu Sheng slowly walked out from the wall, took a deep breath, and said solemnly to himself, "I'm afraid another strike would truly be the end of me!"

The Angelic Goddess, with pupils ablaze with a golden light, showed a strong killing intent and said sharply, "Insignificant ant, I will give you one last chance!"

Indeed, a God from the Divine Realm should not lightly strike a person from the Lower Realm, but that does not mean they cannot!!

Seeing the Angelic Goddess preparing to strike again, Qian Renxue bent over and pleaded urgently, "God of Angels, I beg you to spare him once!"

The Angelic Goddess swept an indifferent glance at Qian Renxue...

Her tone cold, she said, "You have not yet received My God Position, and you have no right to tell me what to do!"

Seeing this, Qian Renxue's complexion turned uglier...

Qian Dao Liu sighed, "Xiao Xue, don't say anymore, you're only going to anger the God of Angels!"


Bearing the pain in his body, Xu Sheng conjured an Ice Rose Sword in his hand, then pointed it at the Angelic Goddess. Beneath his feet, the terrifying soul rings, Eight Red and One Gold, slowly emerged...

He said coldly, "I've said it before, to make me kneel, you are not worthy!"

The Angelic Goddess, upon seeing Xu Sheng's soul rings, showed a hint of surprise on her stiff cheeks, "Oh?"

This insignificant ant actually possessed a Golden Million Year Soul Ring!

The next instant, the surprise on the face of the Angelic Goddess vanished, and a strong killing intent rose in her pupils, "An ant is still an ant, after all."

The next moment, a scorching light burst from the Angelic Goddess's body, hurtling toward Xu Sheng with a speed invisible to the naked eye!

At the same time, knowing he couldn't see the attack, Xu Sheng clenched his teeth, and the ninth golden soul ring under his feet shone brightly...

The Ninth Soul Skill, Teleport: It can absolutely negate an attack of any level once and can transfer it to another location to be unleashed!

The next second, the scorching light from the Angelic Goddess struck Xu Sheng...
