

"As this statement came out, Wei Xiaofeng staggered back two steps and exclaimed, 'Teacher Xu is alive... alive again!!'"

Although the other class zero students didn't react as dramatically, they all showed expressions of surprise...

Zhang Yangzi asked curiously, "Didn't the staff just say that Teacher Xu's consciousness couldn't return to his body? What's going on?"

Wang Jinxi calmed down his previously brewing emotions, "Calm down, calm down, it's a good thing that Teacher Xu has come around!"

Xu Xiaoyan, wiping the corners of her teary eyes, said excitedly, "That's wonderful! I thought Teacher Xu was really going to be trapped in the Virtual Space."

Even Xie Xie choked up a little, turned his head aside, and huffed, "Hmph, you made me touched for nothing, I thought something had really happened."

Gu Yue and Tang Wulin didn't say anything, but both felt relieved in their hearts...

Long Hengxu rubbed his eyes and, seeing that what he was seeing was not an illusion, looked dumbfounded at the staff member beside him and asked in confusion, "What... what's going on here?"

The staff member glanced at the data displayed on the instrument, and said in shock, "This... This doesn't make sense, according to what's shown on this device, this teacher shouldn't be able to leave the Virtual Space at all!"

Just who is this teacher from the East Sea Academy?

Not only can he somehow connect to the Virtual Space in the Spirit Ascension Platform at will, but he can also leave whenever he wants!

If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe such a bizarre incident could happen!

Regaining his senses, Long Hengxu shook his head, pushing aside his doubts, "Never mind, never mind, it's good that Teacher Xu has awakened. Thank you for your trouble earlier!"

The staff member gave an awkward laugh, "No... no trouble at all."

Fearing his appreciation, the staff member felt somewhat guilty, as he hadn't actually done anything to aid the teacher's recovery...

Long Hengxu didn't say anything more and immediately went to Xu Sheng's side. After carefully checking him over, he asked with concern, "Teacher Xu, are you alright? You had me very worried."

Xu Sheng stood up from the instrument at a unhurried pace, smiled lightly and said, "Director Long, are you worried about receiving reprimands from the Dean?"

Upon hearing this, Long Hengxu's face turned abruptly dark, and he forcefully agreed, "Heh, it's half and half, I still care quite a bit about our academy's teachers!"

Ignoring him thereafter, Xu Sheng turned his gaze to the expectant faces of the class zero students and said faintly, "Your performance in the Spirit Ascension Platform this time, to tell the truth, I'm very disappointed!"

Zhang Yangzi reacted in disbelief, "Dis... disappointed? Teacher Xu, we did defeat that thousand-year-cultivation Crystal Bear."

Xie Xie also spoke discontentedly, "That's right, it surely can't be disappointing, can it? Teacher Xu, you're being too strict!"

Tang Wulin also expressed his confusion, "Yeah! I think everyone's coordination was pretty good this time, why would you be disappointed, Teacher Xu?"

Gu Yue also frowned and said, "Teacher Xu, isn't the word 'disappointed' a bit too much?"

Although their coordination in this trip to the Spirit Ascension Platform wasn't as perfect as imagined, it had its commendable points!

Little did they know that once they had spoken, Xu Sheng's dark eyes became serious, and he earnestly swept his gaze across each of their faces...

Then, he coldly said, "Good? Is this how you apply the combat experience I taught you? If you are proud of just this level of ability, then that is truly foolish!"

This was not an act; he was genuinely a bit disappointed!

Because the combat experience that he took considerable time to teach was not reflected at all in the battle!

It was as though everything he had done was a waste of time, meaningful for nothing!

Upon hearing this cold reprimand, the staff member was dumbfounded, thinking to himself, "Is... is this really a teacher from the East Sea Academy?"

He had watched the earlier battle and couldn't help but want to praise the students' coordinated performance, yet to this teacher, it was unsatisfactory cooperation, even causing anger!

Hearing Xu Sheng's uncompromising words, the smiles on the faces of class zero students also gradually faded away...

Memories of the knowledge learned in class began to resurface in his mind…

Then, bowing his head silently, his eyes filled with deep shame…

Indeed, if he had applied the practical experience taught by Teacher Xu, he wouldn't have encountered those crises in the battle with the Crystal Bear!

Long Hengxu, feeling the heart-palpitating atmosphere, forced a smile and said, "Well… Teacher Xu, please don't be angry anymore. They are only first-years, after all. Being able to achieve this much is already quite good!"

The sudden outburst from Xu Sheng even startled him…

After all, in his impression, Xu Sheng was always gentle and kind to everyone and had never lost his temper like this!

The icy expression on Xu Sheng's face gradually faded, returning to his usual demeanor…

In a soft voice, he said, "All right, I don't want to say much more here. Let's all head back to the academy."

Seeing this scene, the oppressive atmosphere finally eased quite a bit…

Especially the students of Class Zero, who all took a deep breath and felt as though they had come back to life…


By the time the group returned to East Sea Academy, Wu Changkong, who had been waiting outside the Class Zero classroom, noticed the students' ashen faces and couldn't help but become curious…

So he turned to Long Hengxu and asked, "Director Long, what happened to the Class Zero students?"

Long Hengxu sighed, "Nothing much, they probably just performed poorly in the Spirit Ascension Platform and made Teacher Xu angry!"

Upon hearing this, an expression of surprise spread across Wu Changkong's face as he thought, "That guy can get angry??"

That man who always maintained a smile and was so approachable – he could actually get angry?

Wu Changkong simply couldn't imagine what that would look like!

As Long Hengxu's eyes caught a glimpse of Xu Sheng approaching, he gave a slight cough, "Cough cough…"

Wu Changkong quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the suddenly appearing Xu Sheng…

Xu Sheng gave a slight smile and said, "Teacher Wu, you've been working so hard recently. Let me take over your classes for the next few days."

Upon hearing this, Wu Changkong's face darkened abruptly…

He never expected that he would have his class taken over one day!

With a trace of displeasure, he said, "Teacher Xu, this doesn't seem to be very proper, does it?"

Xu Sheng was not annoyed and continued to speak with a smile, "Teacher Wu, don't forget that I am the head teacher of Class Zero, so… thank you very much!"

After that, he patted Wu Changkong on the shoulder and stepped into the Class Zero classroom…

Wu Changkong clenched his teeth and exclaimed, "Xu Sheng…"

However, Long Hengxu grabbed his arm and consoled him, "Cough cough… Teacher Wu, I also think you've been quite worn out recently. Why not take this opportunity to rest for a while?"

On hearing this, Wu Changkong just gave Long Hengxu a cold glance, then turned and left without any hesitation…