
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs


Today was the second day of the royal hunt and it was nearing dark. Our team decided to kill 1 more mythical beast and then find somewhere to spend the night. Caliban killed a low-level beast with his lighting, killing it in one strike.

"This is our 18th beast core," Caliban said as he picked up the remains of the low-level mythical beast.

"If we keep up the pace, then we should be able to win the royal hunt," Kai said.

Dustin nodded in agreement. "It has only been 2 days since we started and we already collected so many beast cores, 10 low-level beast cores, and 8 medium-level beast cores."

"Yes, without Caliban and Kai here, I don't think we would have been able to kill so many beasts within the same amount of time," Rino added.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I jumped in front of Rino, creating an ice shield on my arm to block the sudden appearance of a low-level mythical beast that was about to attack Rino.

I flinched as the mythical beast bit into my ice shield. It bit it harder and harder until the ice shield finally broke. Before it could bite me, I felt strong arms pull me out of the way.

I looked up to see Dustin. He wrapped me in his arms and used his Earth magic to create a mud barrier.

Dustin was hugging me tightly and I was pressed onto his hard chest. He was about 5 inches taller than me, and I perfectly fitted like a puzzle piece against his chest.

Dustin then let down the mud wall when he heard Kai's shouting that the beast was killed.

I realized I was still hugging Dustin and I quickly stepped away from him, adverting my eyes, praying to God that my face was not red.

Then my teammates began to look for places to spend the night.

"I think this is a good place to set up the tent," Rino said to Kai. Rino was pointing towards a clearance in the forest which was big enough to set up the tent.

However, before we did so, we heard a loud roar.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Was that the dragon? When I had got hit by a truck, I requested that I be reincarnated in the same world Kai was. The goddess of reincarnation told me that the world that Kai was in was that out a book and she also granted me a cheat ability. I could only use it one time. The cheat ability she gave me was being "immune" to death meaning if I were to be killed, then I would be revived only once. I asked her whether or not this revival ability worked on other people, and she said that it only worked on those who are the same as me, a reincarnator.

If I wanted to revive a fellow reincarnator, then all I would have to do is feed them some of my blood, however, when I do so, my cheat will disappear because it is only one-time use.

She then sent me information regarding the book through my brain, so I know what was happening. If I was correct, then this must be the dragon who is looking for its lost treasure.

I made eye contact with Kai and he understood. The only ones who knew what was going to happen was me and Kai.

Swish! A gust of wind suddenly knocked me off of my feet.

Roar!!! I looked above me and I saw the dragon. The dragon's mighty wings flapped, causing strong wind.

"Everyone! Split up!" I heard Kai shout.

Kai and Caliban broke of running in one direction while Rino went in the other.

I grabbed Dustin's hand and ran in the opposite direction. I only glanced back once and it seemed that the Dragon was following in the direction where Kai and Caliban ran off too.

As Dustin and I ran, I felt my feet give away and we both tumbled deep into the ground.

I groaned in pain.

Dustin fell next to me, and we were both soaking wet because we fell into a huge puddle of water. Water was dripping from the top of the cave and into the puddle of water.

"Where are we?"

We both got up and looked around. It seemed like we were in some kind of ancient cave.

I looked up and cursed my luck. It was already nighttime and the cave that we fell into was very deep, so it was too hard to climb up without any rope.

The cave opening revealed the starry night sky.

Dustin broke me out of my thoughts when he said, "Rowan, what is this?" He was pointing towards some writing that was written on the cave walls.

When I looked closer, I found that it was actually in English!

"Can you not read this?" I ask.

Dustin nodded. "It most is some advanced writing, I thought that since you were the 4th prince of silvan, you might know something about this."

I inspected the writing closer.

All it said was: Dragon's Treasure Lies through this Passage Way

I laughed out loud.

What the heck?! So simple!

"Why are you laughing?" Dustin asked me.

"It says that this is the dragon's treasure. The dragon we saw was looking for its stolen treasure. Decades ago, young adventurers stole the dragon's treasure from its lair and ran off while the dragon was sleeping. Thus, the dragon spent all this time looking for its treasure. I am guessing that the Dragon was finally able to break through the barrier that is surrounding the forest after many years and that is why it is running rampant." I said but I wondered how did the adventurers know how to write in English. Were they perhaps reincarnators like me and Kai?

"How do you know all of this?"

I smiled. "It's a secret," I said.

"Do you want to go through this tunnel to see if the Dragon's treasure was hidden here?" He asked.


We walked through the tunnel and we walked straight for a couple of minutes until we arrived at a huge door. I pried the door open and we walked through. We both gasped when we saw what lied beyond the door.

Piles and piles of treasure were stacked up in the room. There were gold, silver, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, and much more. The room was also filled with elaborately decorated swords and weapons as well crowns and tiara could be seen.

Dustin picked up a dark green sword which hilt was encrusted with emerald

Dustin looked over at me in shock.

"This is a mana sword!" He said excitedly.

A mana sword is different from a regular sword. Only highly skilled blacksmiths have the power to form such a sword. The mana sword can absorb the user's mana and be able to produce it through the sword, making the attack much stronger. For example, a fire user can input their fire mana into the sword and the sword would generate flames, creating a flaming fire sword that would be stronger than a regular attack spell that an ability user would be able to produce.

I looked around to find anything I could use and I found a diamond jeweled sword. I picked it up and I found it to my liking.

"What do we do with all of this treasure?" He asked.

"Eh, just leave it there, when we come back, we could tell them that there is a huge amount of treasure in this cave, I have no use for it anyway."

He nodded his head and we walked back from the treasure room.

"I suggest that we spend the night in this cave because it is too high to be able to climb up with no robe. We are going to have to wait until morning for help to come because we don't have the signal flair. After all, Kai had it. They will most likely rescue us when they don't see us through the cameras of the monitoring device that is being displayed to the nobles." Dustin said.

I nodded my head in agreement and sat in the corner of the cave and Dustin took the other corner.

Drip Drop Drip Drop...

Droplets of water rhythmically fell onto the cold cave floor. I was soaking wet and cold. I started to shiver when I felt a gush of cold wind.

"Take it off." I heard Dustin say and I stared back at him in shock, my eyes almost popping out of my head when I saw he was naked, yes, butt naked. When did he take off his clothes? From where I sat, I could see a clear view of EVERYTHING.

His sexy defined abs, and even his huge...

I blushed and covered my wet chest with my arms. "Wh-what do you mean?" I stammered.

Dustin came closer to me, our faces centimeters apart. I could smell a fresh scent of mint coming from his, my favorite smell. Before I knew it, I found myself leaning in to kiss him.

(A/N: Yes, they are kissing each other while Dustin is naked lol)

Dustin's eyes widened a fraction before he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.

He grabbed my head and kiss me roughly. Dustin's lips smashed against mine as if he wanted to destroy my mouth. He was like a hungry beast and I the prey. I opened my mouth which allowed Dustin to push his tongue in my mouth. He grabbed my head firmly as if he was afraid that I might escape.

When we finally pulled back from each other, our faces were flushed and were panting heavily. We pulled our head together and our forehead rested against each other.

We gazed into each other eyes.

Dustin grinned at me. "Rowan, that was not what I meant."

I blinked. Huh? "What did you mean then? You tried to take off my clothes!"

He smiled with slight amusement. "I meant to take off your clothes so that they can dry, or else you will catch a cold."

I felt my face turn red.

Omg! How could I have misunderstood him! Then, doesn't that mean I am the real pervert, after all, I was the one to kiss him first!

I turned around to quickly take off my wet clothes in a matter of seconds and when I turned back I found him looking at me.

I cupped my hands in front of my face in embarrassment.

I felt his hands on my wrist and he pulled my arms away from my face.

"But, I liked it. I like you."

What?! He likes me?!

(A/N: A confession? So suddenly? LOL)

As if sensing my questions, he smiled at me.

"Yes, I like you, Rowan Silvan. Although we met a few times during these past few months, you are always on my mind. I find myself constantly thinking about you."

"I-I like you too!"

Dustin smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

After we pulled apart, I asked, "Does this mean we are dating?"


We smiled at each other.

Then Dustin pulled me to his bare chest and hugged me tightly.

I looked up in shock. "W-what...."

"We are cuddling so that we can be warm."


Thus we slept in each other's embrace for the entire night.

The Next Day (morning)


I opened my eyes when I heard someone calling our names. It sounded familiar.

Dustin was still sleeping next to me and with a start, I realized that we were both still naked. I quickly put on my dried clothes and shook Dustin awake. He woke up and got dressed.

"Rowan!? Dustin!?" The voice called.

Hearing the voice again, I yelled out, "Who is it?! We are trapped here!!!"

"It's Rino! Hold on!"

Dustin and I looked at each other and got closer to the entrance of the cave. Sunlight peaked through and when I looked up, I saw Rino and another man with blonde hair next to him. The blonde hair man sent rope down and he pulled both of us up.

"Thanks," I said to the man.

I looked closer at him and he had white skin and blue eyes. If I am not mistaken, then this man must be the Captain of the Royal Knights, Helios.

"Your welcome."

Just then, Dustin said, "Who are you?"

The man smiled and took out his hand. "My name is Helios Rician, the Captain of the Royal Knights."

I was right, I thought.

I glanced to the side and was quite shocked to see Rino staring intently at the Captain with a blushing face.

Did Rino have a crush on the Captain?

"How did you guys meet each other?" I asked Rino.

"Last night, after we split up in groups of three when I was running away from the Dragon, I ran into the Captain. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. I wanted to stay here in the forest to look for you guys, but Helios told me it was too dangerous so he kept me company. Although Helios had the teleportation mana crystal, I did not want him to use it because it could only be used twice. One for arriving and one for leaving. Then you would have to get another one from the grand magician. We were about to give up, however, we noticed a huge hole in the ground which was where you guys were located!"

"I understand, let's go! We must inform them that there is a Dragon on the lose!"

Helios broke the teleportation gem and opened a portal. We all went through the portal and we were back where we started.

It was unlike what I expected. All of the nobles were gone and the only ones left were the King's and Queens as well as their children. Also, only Asher's team was there.

"There is a Dragon!" I yelled.

The 4 Kings all nodded then the King of Asten said, "We know, we were informed by Asher's team last night, thus we ordered all of the attending nobles to go back home and the rest of the teams are already back at the Academy, your team was the last one."

"What do you mean that our team was the last?"

"The rest has long been eliminated as they used their signal flare so that the royal knights can rescue them. I have sent the rest of the royal guards to accompany the nobles home beside Captain Helios and Commander Dayton."

"Your majesty, are we going to rescue Caliban and Kai?"

The King of Asten shook his head no. "I am afraid that it is a waste of energy. They are probably dead now. Last night, we lost control of our monitoring system and all the camera are dead so we do not know where they are right now."

"But we have to do something! They might still be alive!"

"Rowan." I turned to look towards the King of Silvan, my father.

"It is not worth the risk." My father said.

"But Kai is your son Father!" I shouted with desperation.