
I Promised to be Nice

The adventures and memories of Yena as she moves to Aecrea in order to fulfill her promise. Will she be able to forget her ruby eyed, blackhead childhood love, or will she find a new hubby? Why does she need to be nice? What happened in Oswell? Read to find out more!! Two chapters weekly*

tpi13 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


***Back in Oswell***

"Alright, everybody. This is Beatrice Von Stein. She just moved to Oswell. She's the daughter of Marquees von Stein. Let's give her a warm welcome into the 6th grade." The class cheered as Ms. Oh introduced a new friend. She had bright red curls that bounced when she walked.

Yena was bored out of her mind. She hated going to school and seeing people 'Ooo,' and 'aww' at her. She sat in silence and watched as a new red toy walked into her den.

The bell chimed three times to signal that it was lunch time. A few seconds later the door flew open as a black-haired boy ran in. "H-here is your l-lunch, M-master" he said. He places a juice box and an apple in front of her and stared for approval.

Yena chuckled at the boy. He was her puppy. Black streaks covered his glasses, and glasses that covered his ruby eyes. She got up and patted his head. "Good boy! Come on!" They headed outside.

Beatrice watched confused while the rest of the class seemed used to that scene. Just then a girl locked her arms in Beas'.

"Hi. I'm Ava. Don't mind Yena. She's always like that. It's best to just stay out of her way." She smiled. Ava hoped that Bea got her message and would heed her warning.

Bea knew what she meant and smiled back. "Ahh, yes. Thank you for letting me know. "

Ava showed Bea around the school and introduced her to the other ladies.

Meanwhile, Yena and her puppy sat in the empty field behind the school.

"I.. I t-thought I-I saw a new girl in your class" the puppy barked, "W-what d-do you t-think of h-her?"

"Why do you care?" she replied. She was angry.

"S-sorry." he trembled.

"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry."

Puppy shivered but then remembered. He took out a box from his sack and opened it. Inside there were bandages and medicine.

"I stole this from Uncle." he stared. Yena stared back, her face became empty.

She took off her jacket and revealed the cuts on her forearms that were made by a horsewhip. There were more on her back. More scars on her parsley white skin. But that wasn't something her Puppy could see.

The boy automatically began to patch her up and whimpered. Yena looked forward to the fields. " Why are you crying? It doesn't hurt the Puppy. Don't worry?"

"Y-you.. You c-can al-ways c-come w-with mee" the boy murmured.

"Oh yeah? What can you do?" she laughed. The boy finished patching her up and looked down in disappointment.

Yena turned and smiled at her puppy, "Thanks Puppy" she wiped the tears on the boy's smooth flushed cheeks.

Puppy was captivated by Yena's smile. When he was with her, she smiled differently. It was more relaxed. More innocent. He smiled back at her.

She frowned and took off his glasses. She played with it while the boy protested.

"Please g-give it b-back"

Yena turned again and lifted his ebony bangs that covered his eyes.

"Like rubies!" she smiled, " these gems are mine"

The boy froze and redness overcame his face again. His heart pounded like war drums telling him to move. He darted his head away, but Yena's hands kept his face from moving.

Yena was done playing with her puppy. It was time to get a new pet. She stood up and patted her dress.

"Let's go back"

The boy followed.

Puppy was Yena's first target. She slammed her hands on his desk on the first day of kindergarten. Of course, Puppy was afraid of Yena's temper, but he also liked Yena.

They got to Yena's classroom but Puppy was reluctant to enter.

"I-I have s-something t-too do" he managed to squeak.

Yena rolled her eyes. "Fine" she enters. The boy tried to chase after her and even called her name, but she just ignored him.

In the room, the girls arranged their desks in a circle chattering about Beatrice.

"Where did you come from?"

"What shampoo do you use on your hair?"

Beatrice just laughed and didn't respond. They weren't letting her respond anyways.

"I hear you're engaged with Earl Ernestien" Ava said.

All the other girls gasped in anticipation.

"Ah, yes. He is a very nice boy. I was looking forward to being in school with him, but he hasn't even come to see me"

"I didn't even know Earl came here. What grade is he in?"

"Phoebe!" gasped Ava. She gave a look as if telling her not to ask.

"How do your curls stay curly?" asked another girl. They continued like that until the bell rang.

Classic, Yena thought. She's just like the others. I thought she would be different.


When school ended, Yena waited for her Puppy to come. He usually escorts her to her carriage, but today he didn't show up. Yena waited for a while and then realized that Puppy told her he couldn't escort her today. She was too busy looking at the field to remember.

She looked out the window and watched as carriages left one by one. And then she noticed Puppy's black streaks gleaming next to that redhead. She escorted her onto his carriage and then proceeded to enter as well.

Yena smiled, interesting.

The next day Yena waited for her Puppy to come. He was late. Everyone stared at Yena still seated at her desk. Disgusting, she thought and got up. Puppy was waiting for her by the door.

"Yena!" he cried.

But, Yena ignored him like he was air and walked right past him.

"Y-yena, I'm sorry… I… I..."

"I wonder if there is a bug buzzing in my ear cause all I can hear are excuses"

"Yena, that's not fair. I haven't even said anything yet."

She continued to ignore him and the pair walked in silence until they reached the field.


"It's master."


"You know I don't like sharing my belongings. So tell me. Why did you and that curly tomato go home on your carriage yesterday?"

"She… she's my cousin."


"Yes, my cousin. She's my aunt's brother's daughter… she just moved here and my uncle told me to watch over her. I'm sorry Yena."

"I guess this is better than lying. I just wished you would have told me before."


"Red hair huh? And red eyes. I guess that sort of makes sense." Yena took off the boy's glasses again.

"Let me see your eyes again and I'll forgive you." she jest. But the boy immediately toppled over her pinning her to the ground. His hands grasped hers entwining their fingers together. His bangs fell down and tickled Yena's forehead. Yena could see his eyes clearly.

Puppy's shoulders were broader than Yena had imagined. They already covered her from the sun.

'He's getting taller than me. Just a few years ago I was the tallest in our class.'

She chuckled, but the just boys stared at her. Intently. Sadly. His eyes are so clear unlike the others. Ruby red. Mine.

After a few seconds, the boy shook with reality, rolled next to her. His head was throbbing.

Yena got up and said, "Come on, let's go back"

But the boy laid faced down in the grass. His flushed head popped up and said, " umm… Yena. I think you should head in first…"

Weird, Yena thought, but maybe he just doesn't want that tomato head to see him. She headed back.

The boy banged his head on the ground. It wasn't the only part of him attacking the field.

Did you get the last part? maybe read it again (hehehe). I'll try to post more often! Thank you for reading! Please rate my novel and comment!!

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