
I pleaded I begged but never again

keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. This phrase is literally what raised the people who betrayed my family. Imagine ; not even know we were in a constant death trap , thinking we were living among friends and family . well too bad cause we thought wrong and paid a hefty price for it.

Rainbow_Artist · Fantasi
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8 Chs


"You don't need to do this Leighton, please stop, have mercy."

Mother choked on her sob, I was so confused, Mother in the grip of lord Leighton who placed a knife to her throat, father surrounded by close court members and guards whose swords aimed for his chest and throat.

Absolutely nothing made sense I was frozen but the struggles Mother made to get out of lord Leighton grip brought me to the realization we were surrounded there was no escape

" Those traitors father trusted them." I sneered inwardly

"Woman would you stay still, I just need the guards to find your daughters so I can what their reactions as I kill their parents." I closed Ambers ears so she wouldn't here what lord Leighton said then picked her up to search for a place to hide her but before I could start my search a guard I hadn't seen coming snatched Amber from my arms .

"Give me my sister you monster." I shouted,

But the guard looked at me emotionlessly and walked away. I tried following him but was roughly carried by another guard who took me to the room my parents were.

Father and Mother were still in the state I left them in and Amber, were was Amber? I asked myself as my eyes searched the room. I spotted the guard who took amber she was still in his arm looking terrified but the guard was holding a dagger what's he going to do with that dagger?

"Hello niece nice of you to join the retirement party for your parent as King and Queen of Arelston." I tried struggling out the guard's grip but couldn't. I felt so helpless.

"Don't bother niece just enjoy the show." he said with a tight smirk

"Leighton let my family go they've done nothing wrong." Father pleaded already in tears " "Ohhh, but that's not possible I told you didn't I?, I always get what I want I wanted your kingdom I've gotten it. well, as soon as I kill your pathetic family, your daughters who you protected so much , never letting anyone see or touch are now in hand. I don't need Amber so I'll dispose of her but don't worry your beautiful Hazel will be alive for the time being In the mean time she can be an entertainment to my guests."

" Why are you doing this to your own brother." I ask with a stern face.

Lord Leighton laughed non stop like a maniac then suddenly came to a stop " why? because he was star, the perfect child, he was born with the natural gift and because the kingdom was handed to him while I deserved it more.

"But I'm still going to get it." he said with a menacing look then slit Mother's throat. "MOTHER!!! no, no, no please don't do this ."

"Oh, I shouldn't? Well It's too late."

" LEIGHTON YOU BASTARD" father shouted as he tried to get to mother who was already lifeless but to no avail. Lord Leighton gave a bored look then gestured to his accomplice, In the bat of an eye my father was stabbed multiple times. "Please I beg you, have mercy." he looked at me with that same irritating smirk as he took the dagger from the guard who was holding Amber, Amber was crying, calling out to Mother and Father but they was no answer so she just kept on crying

"Please she's just 5." I cried out In sorrow. "Doesn't stop her from dying though." lord Leighton raised his arm to strike then I felt a clothing on my nose and I blacked out .