
I play Death and died

What if the beautiful kingdom you have always loved became your hell because a prince you once thought will be your knight in shining armor is nothing but a monster, will you do anything? Can you walk straight or jump into the fire if that means justice? Can you keep yourself until the very end?

_anixgchel_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Can I?

The NEWS didn't reach outside Vigan that made Axel feel relieved knowing Gina will not have any knowledge about what she had done to Yvan, she will definitely lose it.

As the Vice Mayor requested or more applicable to say paid to manipulate and stop the media from knowing about the tragedy and more importantly the letter that will have a great impact to their families image.

All the copies in the social media and other sites were deleted.

Vice Mayor DaCio is very devastated and full of sorrow with his son's death.

"I didn't even notice how much you've been in pain. I am a fool for not knowing you are feeling the weight of world in your shoulders. I should have done something. I should have ended things by myself." Romulo uttered, Yvan's father.

He massaged his temples while drowning himself with liquors in his office.

It turned out to be a suicide base on the letter written and the statement of Anita.


Wow! How much do they think will it cost to pay for what they have done to me and to my family? Will everything be okay and done when they just got hurt? Are they out of their mind?! They should be happy now! They don't have a demon inside their home now.

Just one more.

Today is Yvan's funeral and it is open to the people of Vigan as he and his family are very much loved by the people their.

Romulo almost got a heart attack while the ceremony is being held so he was advised to go home and rest.

I went to the lake.

I waited and waited...

Until he finally came.

This is their favorite spot. Romulo and Yvan.

Until this peaceful paradise became a hell for them... no... until they decided, them demons, to make this place a hell for my family.

"Son, forgive me. I was not able to save you from your nightmares." Romulo is pouring his tears out with so much pain.

Huh? So that what makes you a better parent? As long you are protecting your child, as long as they are safe and warm, no matter how evil what they have done you should protect them?

Like father, like son. Both are monsters, pretending to be a sheep but is definitely a sly fox.

"You are a monster! You are a bad person for what you did to that girl's family. To her." I stopped walking because of what I heard.

"Monster! Only monsters can do that, Yvan!" Romulo shouted while pounding his chest.

"I died the moment I knew what you have done! Do you know that, Yvan?! Huh?!" His voice is trembling and cracking. He is choking with all of his emotions building up.

"But who am I to turn my back to the only person I have in this world? I am just a father who only have his son. I cannot let you be imprisoned. I am too scared because you were to scared that your future will be ruined. We're selfish. But what can I do? I am a fool."

"Ytan Van. Your mom chose that name, she said she will decide for your name because your last name will come from me." He suddenly became calm.

I don't know if he regrets what he did, 'protecting' his son. Does he regret not putting him in jail and manipulating everything and keeping my family and I from getting the justice we deserve? Or is he regretting that he wasn't able to protect him until the end that lead Yvan to kill himself.

Nobody knows I killed Yvan. From everyone's point of view it is suicide. And I don't think they should know the truth. Like how nobody even knew what my family and I have experienced from their family.

If he knew that this time would come that his son would take his own life because of what happened, will he choose to put his in jail instead of loosing him forever?...

...And not because he knows that is what is right and family deserves justice.