After accidentally hitting a distracted high schooler, young truck driver Alce finds himself mysteriously transported to another world. Now left with nothing other than his truck to rely on, Alce tries to survive in this new world overflowing with dangers and mysteries.
The sound of screeching brakes and tires skidding off the asphalt road shattered the immense tranquility that had been present on Alce's mind all morning. Immediately, as he spun his truck in an attempt to dodge the oncoming vehicles and distracted high schooler, images of his life to this moment flashed across his mind like a sped up sideshow.
Unable to stop the truck on time, it crashed and tumbled until it's former shiny exterior turned into a muster of broken parts.
In the process, Alce's body had become bestrewn with various injuries and a few bones were also broken as a result. The last thing he felt was the collision of his head against the dented truck top and everything before him seemed to go black.
A feeling of numbness expanded within him as he seemed descend into a state of complete and utter darkness.
At the young age of twenty-four, Alce Woodrow met his end in a fatal car crash.
But due to some unknown circumstances, his body was nowhere to be found.
Till this day, the truth about his crash and disappearance remained a mystery to all who heard of the story. Especially to those who were present to witness the scene.