
I Own a Brothel in Another World

Alastair Carter is a 27-year-old marketing and management teacher like many others around the world. Well... maybe besides the fact that he teaches some of that world's prodigies, but it's just a small detail. Even though he loves fantasy novels, he has never expected getting sucked into a fantasy world himself. I mean, who does? Follow Alastair and find out how he will deal with this predicament. Will he be nominated as a hero? Will he save the world in crisis or focus on looking for a way back to Earth? Or perhaps, will he settle down and live peacefully? This is the beginning of a great tale... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Chapter Ero-meter: [ * ] - A bit of explicit content [ * * ] - Around half a chapter of lewds [ * * * ] - WAIT?! IT'S ALL F***ING LEWDS?! Main release day: Monday. What to expect: Some light management, a status system in the background, some slavery, wholesome lewding centered around the MC, a slice of life story and loads of lovely monster girls. What NOT to expect: Depictions of rape, mindbreak or abusive mind control, NTR, heavy sexual abuse and other heavy stuff. The title is not a "bait", but please don't expect fully devoted "hot" chapters every other release. It all depends on the flow of the story (which is still a Slice of Life) and might come to a moment where stuff may happen often, but not all the time. Socials: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Saileri Discord Community: https://discord.gg/uPjt6DJ

Saileri · Fantasi
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239 Chs

The Return of the Prodigal Son

We venture back to the stall of the goat lady. Somewhere midway, a young boy with little horns runs into us and we explain that we might be who he is looking for. After noticing the chieftess by our side, he agrees, most likely assuming that we wouldn't lie with the leader right next to us.

But, I don't think there are that many Humans here to make it hard for him to recognize us.

When we reach the outdoor kitchen, our order is ready and waiting for pickup. The kind cook offers it to us for free after spotting Codae, but Sirgia politely refuses. She pays for us since we have agreed that she should be the one to handle most of the interactions. It's meant to make others more comfortable than dealing with a Human.

To some extent, of course.

I consider getting one more fantasy pizza for the family we are going to visit, but I don't think I can wait any minute longer. The two of us have also lost all the appetite we had so this one should be enough for Mrs. Ayumi and her son. Thankfully, we've picked a mild one so it shouldn't be a problem if they aren't the best with spicier seasonings.

The food itself comes in a wooden tray surrounded by slightly raised edges like a pizza box that lacks the top to cover it. It's fairly understandable considering the fact that they don't have such things as cardboard here. Unfortunately, it makes the delicious smells float right into our faces.

Promising to return the tray either today or tomorrow, we move on. Codae takes the lead and guides us through the village while explaining a thing or two about it. We hear some more details on the old town's creation and fall. She also expands on my father's story, sharing some more events besides the battles with us, from her perspective as a young Racconkin.

I say young, but she's twenty-eight. By her customs, she's already long past her younger days, but in my opinion, she's pretty much in her prime. A stunning girl like her would steal hearts back on Earth. With that athletic body and prominent curves? Even without her charming ears and tail, she would have been a dream of many.

Nevertheless, we stroll towards the outer edge of the village, where the cottages are more spread out. Some have bigger back or front yards while others use that additional space for personal farming and cultivation. With most traffic revolving around the core of the settlement, this is the best place to take care of one's crops and animals in peace. And that's why we can spot the few homesteads constructed not that far from this section.

The house we are heading to doesn't stand out much from the other ones. It's a simple one-story log cabin with maybe like a handful of rooms inside, judging by its size. It doesn't have any produce in the front, but the small area bears some flowers set in pretty formations. They aren't untouched, though, so they don't seem to be for sale. The owner might simply enjoy tending to them, but someone doesn't worry as much about not damaging them during their games.

Codae stops us a short distance from the cosy home. "Let me speak with her first. She isn't someone who would be shocked by a Human, obviously, but it's still nice to announce that you are bringing in a stranger."

"Of course." I nod. "We'll rely on your judgement."

"Don't worry. I won't spoil the surprise." She smirks playfully. "I need to have a good angle on her face when she hears it."

From the impish glint in her pretty eyes, I easily understand that there's at least some friendship between the two that exceeds the usual relationship between a chieftess and her subjects.

We wait as she stalks to the door and knocks on it lightly. After about a minute, they swing partially open and I catch the first glimpse of the lady who I can consider my step-mother. However, since I've never really considered my previous caretaker a real mother, I might as well just start doing so with this one instead of getting technical about it. Just from her appearance and general presence, I can sense how friendly and cordial she is.

Ayumi, as Daki has implied, is a pure-blood Catkin with pleasant brown fur. Her gentle, feline snout is adorned with honey-coloured eyes. Even those Beastkin-specific vertical pupils of hers seem to radiate warmth instead of a warning. Her actual hair is a shade darker and flows bountifully around her face and to the back, reaching somewhere to her waist. It's fairly wild and untamed but in an adorable manner of someone looking effortlessly pretty.

I don't blame my old man for losing the fight against his convictions there, honestly.

She wears a simple cream blouse and light blue cotton pants. From their quality and state, I can tell that she fortunately isn't struggling financially. I don't know if it's thanks to the village's care due to her being the mate of their hero or her own efforts and talents, but I would have hated to see her live in complete poverty after losing her husband, even temporarily. 

If she accepts our help, we will make sure she never lacks anything. But, we can't be hasty here. We are complete strangers right now. Even after introducing ourselves, we can't just shower her with gifts and goods, overwhelming her with our goodwill. Some more compassionate people can become troubled by too much of it as they start feeling like their own work is invalidated.

When Codae gestures back at us, the woman glances our way and I respectfully nod my head in greeting, doing my best not to stare at her too intensely, which is damn hard when you are looking at someone you can consider your mother that you never knew you had. I really don't want to creep her out.

Thankfully, a delicate smile tugs at her snout as she returns her gaze to the chieftess. I'm not sure how we have been introduced, but Codae waves at us to come closer while Ayumi disappears into the house. We follow her instructions and arrive at the entrance.

"She went to fetch Noah and we should wait in the guest room," she says.

"Of course, that's the name he's chosen." I roll my eyes with a soft smirk.

The chieftess glances at me curiously. "What's so special about it?"

"Back at home, it's a rather meaningful one, often associated with peace and rest. Some could say he has found his peace and was ready to rest, but we know that something interrupted it," I explain briefly.

"Huh. We never knew. I wonder if Ayumi does." She hums. "Anyway, get in. It will be rude if we aren't there when they return. The rest is in your hands. I'll keep myself on the sidelines to act as emotional support for both of them since they know they can rely on me."

"Got it. Thank you." I pat the kind chieftess on the shoulder a few times in appreciation and we go inside.

The house is as plain in there as it's outside, but it has its own charm. It's clear that they don't need much to live happily as sporadic decorations and furniture fill the narrow corridors and small rooms. Walking to the more spacious guest room, we pass by the neat kitchen and two bedrooms, one most likely belonging to the kid.

We take a seat on one of the comfy sofas and wait while Codae rests her shoulder against the precious grandfather clock, spreading protective energy over the room. A moment later, Ayumi comes back with a half-blood boy who bears similar features to her, in the form of short hair, ears, and tail. He looks about ten tops, maybe. They move to the opposite sofa and sit side by side, looking at us a bit hesitantly but as kindly as they can.

"Cute…" Sirgia whispers with wide eyes locked on the boy.

I nudge her gently with my elbow as the mother's ear flicks to the sound.

"Sorry…" She reddens quickly. "He just looks so much like you when you were younger, Master… If you had adorable cat ears…"

I try to smile warmly at the woman, hoping that she can pardon my ensnared mate for her unintended comment.

"Hello," she begins with a melodic, calming voice. "I'm Ayumi and this is my son Noah. The chieftess said that you are travellers from the Human lands who are passing through the village and there's something you would like to talk about with us."

"First things first, do you mind if I set this down?" I ask while gesturing at the food and she politely points at the table between us with her palm. "Thank you. Please, help yourself. We were intending to eat it alone but changed our minds afterwards. Chieftess Codae can confirm that it has come straight from the stall of a kind goat lady."

Ayumi takes a peek at Codae, who nods in confirmation. Seeing as her son is eyeing the pizza like he wishes to hunt it down to the end of the realm, she sighs quietly and nods too.

"Yay! I love seasoned flatbread! Thank you, Mister!" The kid grins at us and launches an attack on the snack, catching himself midway and doing his best to handle the torn piece with at least some decorum.

I chuckle warmly and wink at him. "You are welcome, big guy. It's also a personal favourite of mine and my father. It's a simple but great meal that can bring up your spirits at any time. Say, would you mind if I asked how old you are?"

He turns to his mother before speaking, which is appreciated as it shows that she or they have taught him a lot about both respect for adults and the rules of talking with strangers. Her lips have thinned a little at the mention of my father, but she's quickly recovered. Receiving a pleasant smile in response, he looks at us again.

"I'll be ten the next full moon!" Noah announces proudly. "And you, Mister?"

"Almost twenty-nine," I respond with some flair too.

Which means that with his disappearance thirteen years ago when I was fifteen, my dad spent about four years in this world before settling down with this lady. It's certainly enough time for him to grow accustomed to Naharren and become strong enough to face the Abyssals even as a baseline Human. He definitely made whatever he could out of his Class, which has to revolve around projectile-based weapons judging by his memorial.

A fitting one for an elite sniper like him.

"Nevertheless, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Carter." I lower my head courteously, but Ayumi flinches faintly at the way I address her. "This is my mate, Sirgia Forgegraver. I'm Alastair. Alastair Carter."

She blinks a few times, slightly surprised, and sneaks a peek at Codae. The chieftess gives her a nod to confirm that I'm not lying and the feline lady turns back to us, visibly unsure about how to respond. Her eyes are firmly locked on me as I try not to smile too hard.

"Wow! That's like us!" Noah gasps in amazement. "You could be my older brother!"

I snicker and glance at the big guy. "Do you want a big brother?"

"I always did!" He hops up and down in his seat. "Especially since Dad said…"

All his energy seems to vanish as he recalls his father and I step in quickly. "Hey. It's all good, lil bro. Dad is an incredible guy. He wouldn't lose to some weak beast or monster with how strong and resourceful he is. Right, Mom?"

Ayumi searches my face for something rather deeply, possibly connecting a few facts my father could have shared with her about his past life, but ultimately, she either doesn't find it or isn't confident enough to believe she does and starts getting up, looking a little unwell.

"I apologise, but—"

"Earth sure is a beautiful place, isn't it?" I say gently and she halts mid-motion, all her fur standing at attention in a charming wave. "Especially the United Kingdom. Though, it almost always rains there, which sucks. Fortunately, they have umbrellas to protect themselves. There's even a very famous one in Bridgetown. It's almost always closed for renovations when you go to see it. Bollocks."

Noah snickers with his mouth full of pizza. "Shhh! Mom gets angry when you say that! It's a bad word for—"

"Testicles…" Ayumi falls limply back onto the couch, eyes wide and unblinking. "It's a British word for testicles…"

"So he did tell you all about his past. Complete softie, just as expected." I smile at her cordially.

"Not even the chieftess knows…" She throws a glance at the Raccon woman, who is now much more interested in the conversation than initially. "But… That means you are…"

"I'm sorry it's this late, but I'm happy to finally make your acquaintance, Mother." I make a deep bow and fish my old wallet out of a spatial ring, opening it up and pulling out a piece of paper which I place on the table between us. "I'm Connor Carter's firstborn, Alastair Carter, as mentioned earlier."

"No way!" Noah shouts in shock, pressing himself strongly against his mother as she takes the photo of me and my father side by side at a gun range. "You really are my older brother?! So the story about Dad being from another world is not just a bedtime story?!"

"You should be back on Earth…" Ayumi whispers in disbelief, definitely noticing the slight similarities between the twelve-year-old me and her own son and husband.

"And he should be too." I point at my old man. "Albeit missing, so I think this is a huge step up. Everyone assumed he died thirteen years ago. I knew he was too good to be snuffed out like that, with no traces left behind."

"I can confirm Alastair's words," Sirgia chimes in for the first time. "I have seen some of his memories related to Earth myself, including those he shared with his parents. However, I should say parent, because I'm sure you are aware of their circumstances."

The woman nods, one hand covering her snout as her eyes begin to water. She drops the photo and stands up so quickly Noah drops onto the sofa with a startled grunt. Anticipating her next move, I rise too and let her crash into me with a bear hug, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck as happy sobs escape her lips. Since she's fairly shorter, she can embrace me comfortably without it being awkward.

I hug her back, of course, as my eyelids start their silly dance. The warmth I experience doesn't come only from Ayumi's body and ticklish fur. It comes from within. It's not really something I have ever gone through with my actual female parent. Some could argue that it's the same as when Grandma embraces you, but they know nothing. Sure, she most likely loves you unconditionally too, but nothing can replace the warmth evoked by the one you consider your mother.

And different races, world, time or not, I truly see this kind lady as my mom.

It takes us a while to separate, during which Noah just sits there in slight confusion. He still has a hard time processing this and doesn't know if he should run up to us, laugh from joy, or such. Lending a handkerchief to Mom, I help her sit down at her previous stop, returning to mine soon after, feeling Sirgia's fingers wrap up around mine.

"I can't believe this really happened…" Ayumi speaks through a few remaining tears, a wide smile curling up her feline features. "That you are here…"

"Trust me, I was just as surprised when I was summoned with a group of students by the Goddess." I chuckle warmly. "Perhaps not as much as half an hour earlier when I learned that Father did somehow get here too. Looks like it runs in the family."

"If so, I hope that evil woman lands in the middle of an ocean…" Sirgia mutters under her breath.

"Goddess?!" Codae speaks up, silent since the moment we have sat down. "That's what you meant by heroes of our own?"

I make the sigil pop up and smirk at her. "Yeah. Did he perhaps have something like this too?"

She gapes at the altered symbol and slowly shakes her head. "I don't think so. None of the stories and legends mention a mark."

"And neither do I," Ayumi adds. "I think he would have told me about being a Summoned Hero if he shared everything about his past."

"Figured. But, that's not important now." I wave it off.

"What do you mean by not important?" Codae scoffs. "We have an Envoy of the Goddess in our village! And I haven't noticed!"

"That's because I don't flaunt that status anywhere. Those friends I have mentioned are actively pushing back the Abyssals. I'm just lazing around and taking care of people I hold close, like my mate here. I'm escorting her to her homeland so we can resolve a few family issues," I explain. "According to the Goddess, I shouldn't have been summoned with them and it was an unexplained accident. She didn't demand anything from me as I turned out weaker in the beginning and did her best to provide me with enough support to live comfortably here since I couldn't go back. So, don't stress over it and treat us as you would any other guest. Well, with the exception of being the son of your great saviour, I guess."

As I chuckle alongside Ayumi, my words seem to placate the village leader a bit and she doesn't look with as much worship at us. Perhaps the part about not taking the Hero's responsibility upon myself helps.

"You really are my brother, then?" Noah asks expectantly.

"That I am!" I grin at him. "It looks like you had some hints about me, but I had no idea I had such a big and strong younger bro. Have you been taking good care of Mom in Dad's place?"

"Of course!" He nods eagerly. "Dad always said you should be kind to girls, and especially the girls that you like! Mom is on top of that list! I always help when she asks me to!"

Jumping off the couch, the cat-eared boy runs up to me and stands in front of us with a big smile.

Plopping a hand on his short brown hair, I ruffle through it with a bit of strength, causing him to laugh. "Good! He would definitely be proud of you! You are up for a big praise from him when he comes back from his mission!"

"Do you know when Dad's coming back, Big Bro?" Noah glances at me hopefully with one eye open as I fluff his cute ears.

"Unfortunately, I don't know yet. But, I'm going to look for him now that I learned that he is around," I promise the little guy.

"You are leaving too, then?" He turns a bit sadder and I slow down my caresses.

"I'm on an important journey right now, escorting this lady here home and back. You gotta protect the girls you like, right?" I say seriously. "But, now that I know where you live, I'll figure out a way to come for a visit regularly as soon as I can. We will definitely bring you some gifts on our way back from the capital city of Dwarves."

"Cool! I heard they have the best toys!" Noah waves his arms, then glances at Sirgia. "Is this my new sister-in-law, then?"

My slightly rosy-cheeked mate smiles at him shyly. "Hello. I'm Sirgia. Yes, I'm your Big Brother's mate. If you would like, I can make you some toys I used to play with when I was little. I often make lots of things for him. He says I'm the best in the world, you know?"

I don't think I would normally get to hear Sirgia say such things about herself like ever, but in front of a cute kid, she throws aside her timid humility and leans into the act. She definitely isn't lying, so it's not that there's any problem with that. And even if she was, you just can't help yourself but put some flair for the little ones.

"Really?!" My little bro gapes at her with his eyes almost popping out. "Yes, please! You are the best sister-in-law ever! I think you are going to be right under Mom on the list of girls I like the most!"

My petite lover giggles charmingly, getting even more reddish. "I bet you will change your mind after finding the girl that will become your mate. But, for now, I'm happy to be second. Should we build something together now? I have all my tools on me."

"That's ace, Sis!" He jumps in place, invoking a quite peculiar shout of joy, and grabs her hand. "Come on, I'll show you my room!"

Sirgia manages to sneak a quick peck on my cheek before he drags her away. "I'll play with Noah a little while you guys talk comfortably."

She lets herself be pulled away and they soon disappear in the nearby corridor with the sound of laughter behind them.

"Such a nice lady," Ayumi comments with a cordial smile.

"That she is," I agree with her, smiling too. "I'm really glad we stumbled on each other. If not for that fateful encounter, she most likely wouldn't have been with us today. Humans were going to execute her after she was framed for poisoning a noble."

"Sick bastards. Typical Human behaviour." Codae snarls viciously before remembering herself and ducking her head. "Sorry."

"No offence taken. I witnessed lots of it directly." I shake my head. "I wish I could say it's different in my world, but in some places, it might actually be worse. There are no other races on Earth and Humans still hate and persecute each other for the simplest things and differences."

"I remember Connor mentioning that a few times when he talked about the wars he took part in," Ayumi adds somberly. "No matter the realm, people will always find a reason to oppress others."

Cold silence falls onto the room as no one says anything for a while. Mom is the first to break it.

"So, you aren't going to ask how long?" She glances at me.

"I know perfectly well how long," I reply with a sigh, aware that she's referring to Dad's second disappearance. "The current Human King told me a few things about that operation. I know the exact date and place of that unfortunate disaster. That's also why I'm almost certain Connor is okay. He would have instantly picked up the signs of that conspiracy."

"Conspiracy?" Codae tilts her head as she moves to sit down next to Ayumi.

"We are currently in the process of chasing down the people who have assassinated the previous king, his father, on that very battlefield," I reveal, shocking the women greatly. "We are almost certain they are the reason why the defence failed."

"I can't believe it…" Mom covers her mouth. "So many people must have lived there, though?"

"They would stop at nothing to achieve their nefarious goals, I'm afraid. Blasting the capital open was in their plans too, if things went south too much." I shrug lightly. "Nevertheless, if Connor was there to aid the efforts, he had to spot the hints. He's been trained to be perceptive. And he is a smart guy, knowing that he won't be able to change the outcome of a war on his lonesome. Which means he has escaped at the first opportunity… Or that he has been captured, now that I think of it."

"No…" Ayumi whimpers quietly and Codae wraps her arm around the feline lady.

"Don't despair much, Mother." I try to smile at her warmly. "If that's what happened, he definitely found a way to make himself appear valuable. From what I know, they forcefully recruit help for their cause. There's a chance they bound him to do their bidding. That might sound awful, but having in mind that we have infiltrated this cult and are in the process of dismantling it, we might possibly find him without having to look too hard. He's a military asset. They will put him forward to defend themselves."

"I don't think that's as good as you imagine," Codae notes cautiously. "Someone might strike him down before he gets to explain his actions."

"My direct subordinates are handling this case," I add before Mom paints an unnecessary picture in her mind. "I'll notify them immediately. They will receive my memories of him. Does he still look more or less like in this photo?"

I pull out one more shot of my father, this time the closest to the date of his disappearance. He took it with his best buddy, who was his spotter, while they were waiting for their target above a beautiful lagoon. I was always more interested in his gun and their gear than the gorgeous view, but after his passing, it became something special.

"Yes. It's like he hasn't changed a bit, save for his clothes and weapon," Ayumi says with a reminiscing smile. "Those are very beautiful. So detailed. It's like I'm looking right at him."

"Keep them." I reach out to hand her the previous one too. "I have many. And I have ways of easily viewing my memories, pretty much reliving some parts if I wish to. We can pick out a few more later."

"Thank you. This means a lot to me." She hugs the images to her chest lovingly.

"Just as much as you must mean to him." I chuckle cordially. "I should be the one thanking you for taking care of his broken heart. There's not much that I could do as a kid to fill that hole in his chest. I'll never be able to fully repay the favour of making him whole again. It's so hard not to throw all the gifts and riches I possess at you and just say that you are my mother, that's what is yours by default."

She snickers adorably, wiping away a leftover tear. "He brought me gifts almost daily. It made him feel awkward, but he couldn't stop, saying that I deserved so much more. All I did was be kind to him. And fall for his charm so hard, like so many other females. You are so similar it hurts."

"And that's why, I'm going to do everything I can to take away this pain, starting right now," I state firmly, capturing their full attention. "There's someone I have to talk to. I will connect with my companions from here. It's an ability from my Class. To the outside world, it will look like I'm asleep. If Noah returns, tell him I was tired from the journey. My mate will catch on with a single glance and most likely demand to join me. I'll have to trouble you with a bed if I don't end by then. Sorry."

"No, don't apologise." Ayumi stands up and walks to me, placing both palms over my cheeks. "You are my son, biological or not. This is our home. You are always welcome here with your mate, friends, companions, and allies. I'll sleep in the food storage if I have to, making space for all the people you trust."

"None of that." I glare at her but then smirk playfully. "We have our own… sleeping arrangements. Space won't be an issue this time. Or ever."

"If you say so." She rolls her eyes, most likely thinking I'm acting strong in front of her. "Go and do your thing. I'll watch over you. I'll always watch over you, even if you are not here."

She presses a loving kiss onto my forehead and steps back with a sincere smile. I smile back, nod, and relax against the backrest. Taking a deep breath, I dive into myself. Perhaps sensing my urgency, the transition happens in a flash. I appear inside the quite inappropriate palace, right in front of the main door leading into the throne room.

Already feeling myself growing agitated, I push them open with more strength than I would ever have, causing the massive wings to slam into the wall on the other side with a thunderous thud. I walk forward with heavy steps, fingers rolled into fists, eyes set on the only thing in the chamber, the kneeling white-haired woman of otherworldly beauty.

"Get up from that pitiful position!" I say, certainly louder than I intend to, but it's damn hard to control myself the closer I get. "Care to say, why is it that you have decided to keep this rather significant detail from me this entire time, huh?"

As I come to a stop in front of a gloomy-looking Lumina, thankfully getting ahead of myself before shoving my face right into hers, I notice multiple people appearing in the room. Perhaps sensing my heightened emotions, all my mates pop into existence one by one, surrounding us in no time.

Before she has a chance to respond, I continue with an angry tone, a bit less loud than earlier. "Is that why I was not supposed to have been summoned by that spell? Because I would have learned of the previous failure where the kidnapped people didn't receive the status of a Hero?"

"Al!" Someone calls my name and I whip around, looking straight at Cornelia, thankfully without any other reaction I might have heavily regretted later. "We are just as pissed as you are, but let her speak. You are not thinking clearly right now. Did you ever see her show signs of being surprised about you? Not with what you are doing with your Class, I mean. Who wouldn't be surprised by that insane shit."

A faint snort escapes me but I get a hold on it before turning to Lumina again, much calmer, but still fairly unhappy. "Explain."

"I apologise." The Goddess lowers her head far. "I didn't make the connection until just earlier."

"How?" I blink at her, spreading my arms in disbelief.

"I can't perceive everything at once that happens in Naharren," she reminds me softly. "But I have witnessed an anomaly thirteen years ago that I should perhaps have thought to link with your accidental summoning."

"What anomaly?" I frown slightly.

"As Umbra's power and influence grew, the world witnessed more unfortunate events like the Abyssal raids and the spread of her vile domain in certain places," Lumina continues. "There were a few cases of her influence interfering with the stability of the realm, which resulted in random portals appearing all over the dimension. Those connected to another location somewhere else in this world, with a number of unfortunate victims who only travelled one way. Until one particular case shortly before I mended the irregularity."

"A portal to another world," I whisper as it dawns on me.

"Correct." She nods somberly. "Two Humans stumbled out of it, dressed without any resemblance to the native fashion. They carried advanced equipment and weaponry, which they initially used to protect themselves until it became useless. You know about my rule of not interfering with the world, and it has been even stricter back then, so I did nothing to send those two back."

"What about their integration?" Shino asks. "They didn't arrive here through a proper summoning."

"Thankfully, they received their Classes, most likely through Umbra's magical influence. And no, before you ask, I didn't notice anything untowardly happening to them due to that," Lumina beats my question with a quicker response. "I kept an eye on them for a little, but seeing that they were a capable bunch, I left them to their own machinations, having a lot of other things to focus my consciousness on. I have to apologise again, but I forgot about them in the grand manner of things. The world grew more and more unstable, capturing most of my attention. But if you wish for me to now—"

"No. Don't." I interrupt her gently, much calmer by this point. "I don't want you to risk anything just because you feel guilty for something you had no influence over. If there's anyone I can blame for this, it's that stupid bitch."

"I can still—"

"Lumina," I cut her off again, looking into her golden eyes softly. "I'm sorry for acting like an ass after all I have received from you. I know just how kind, caring, and honest you are, but I still became blinded by my own anger. I don't want you to hurt yourself or the world by doing anything more than critically necessary. Don't even try looking for them too much. We'll handle it."

"Are you sure?" The Goddess looks at me worriedly, searching my eyes for signs of vulnerability I might be hiding.

"One hundred percent." I nod and smile warmly. "You must have heard me down there. He is even more capable than I will ever be. He might be the reason why I got caught up in your spell. By your words, I shouldn't have been able to pass through the barrier and should have had no problems going out. Being the son of someone who has already made it through might have fucked things up. Could explain my issues with integration too. Umbra's energy might have affected me during transfer or something, already being familiar with my soul or DNA or whatever."

She sighs gently. "I can't rule that one out. There's too much we don't know about this case. I'll look into it, carefully, so don't expect much, but it might help me maintain the rightful state of the world, so I should do it anyway. I'll leave the rest to you and your allies. I've messed up way too many things already."

Stepping forward, I place a hand over Lumina's cheek, experiencing a painful burning sensation but not backing down.

"You've also made so many things better with your considerate and loving care," I say delicately while fighting the violent energy spreading through my body. "We wouldn't be here without your assistance. Hell, no one would be here without your help as the realm would have become overrun with hideous monsters by now. Keep doing what you are best at, which is maintaining the inner workings of all that cosmic mumbo jumbo that would make our mortal brains go fizzle and sizzle."

The Goddess chuckles at my language and briefly leans more into my hand before quickly withdrawing with a longing glance. "As you wish, My Champion. Now step back before you hurt yourself too severely. There are still limits to how much divinity you can withstand."

"Not for long." I point a finger at her and squint. "But I should be going back anyway. I can't worry Mom and others too much."

"Go." Elea places a hand on my shoulder as the ladies gather around me. "We'll spread the news as you wish to. We will stop at nothing to find your father and his friend."

"We might want to be careful with how we tell the mercenaries," Lyona adds. "They might throw everything else away and go into a frenzy to find their beloved master's parent."

"I'll study all the records in the castle with Rossberg," Lianne states. "If there was any mention of your father anywhere, we'll let you know right away. Also, I would love to meet that amazing woman you get to call your mother now, but I'll be patient, as much as I can."

A big echo of agreement thunders throughout the hall and I chuckle to myself. "That will be arranged. Thank you, everyone. I can't express how much I love all of you. And again, sorry for getting swept up like a jerk. I don't deserve you, ladies."

After a bunch of hugs and light kisses from my beloved mates, I fade out of the cock castle and slowly return to reality.

This is an extremely important turn of events, but I can't let it derail my entire life. I can rely on the people I love and trust to investigate while I fulfil my promise to a certain charming short girl of mine.

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