
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

*You are more than a kiss*


Peninah's eyes squinted as she moves uncomfortably on the bed. With blurry eyes she can see a man in white backing her.

"Young man..." She mutters slowly getting up.

"Young man what happ_" She had to halt in her speech when the man turns to her.

"Who are you?" She asked the man who only chuckles dryly at her.

"You are awake...you should sleep more we still have a long day ahead of us" The man said walking closer to her while she became alarmed.

"Where...where's Young man....who are..."

"It's strange really....you..." He leans towards her on the bed while she moves back.

"What are you?" He asked directly while Penny's eyes dilated in fear and nervousness.

"What are you gonna do?" She quizzed.

"What do you think? Make money....experiment?" He simper while Penny gasp.

"But...I don't even know what you are yet...I have to find that out first. So tell me...what are you?" He asked whilst she gulped down her spit.

"If I tell you....will you let me go?" She says and he laughs.

"You are funny . Why should I? I think I've got myself a big fish...there's no way I'm letting it go...absolutely no way" He laughs at her.

"I will tell you...what I am. Instead you have to promise me something" She said while he stopped laughing.

"What do you want?"

"I'll tell you that after telling you what I am first"

"Well...that's fine by me. So what are you? What kind of a monster...are you? Alien? "

"I'm...a mermaid"

"What? A...a...FISH??" He thought for a moment then suddenly guffaw scaring Penny herself.

"Yeah...that solves it" He went to the desk and took a vascutainer which was filled with blue blood.

"It's blue... Your blood"

"My blood?" She mumbles.

"I think...I just hit the jackpot" The doctor grinned sinisterly.

"My promise...you haven't forgotten right?" She asked the doctor who ignored her and just grins staring at the blood in his hands.

"You have to fulfill your promise if you don't you pay for it." She said again now and then doctor faced her with a smile.

"Sure....so what does our little mermaid wants?"

"Let me go"


"Let me_"

The doctor began cachinating stopping her in her request.

"funny you seriously" He points at her.

"You promised"

"So? Hey...I just got you who can bring me billion of dollars how on earth do you expect me to let you go" he smirk then checked the time.

"Ohhh it's 8pm now....we'll move when it's get a little more late"

"Where are you taking me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He snickers while Penny just clench her fists.

"You'll die" She said abruptly making the doctor looks at her.


"If you fail to keep your promise with a mermaid...then you die"

"Ohhh I'm scared" The doctor shudders jokingly.

"That's why you shouldn't have promised in the first place"

"Why don't you go ahead....and kill me" He smirk.

Penny sighs seeing this is not gonna work. She would have used her power but she mustn't hurt a human with it. Else she'll have to suffer the consequences.

"I'm thirsty....can I have some water...Please?" She requested and he nodded.

"I should take extra care of you...since you'll be doing a lot of things for me later" He sneer and went to get her a glass of water.

"Here" He extends the water to her and instead of her taking the water she placed her palm on his which is holding the glass cup.

"Look at me" She commanded in a different tone entirely and the doctor couldn't help but obeyed strangely. He looks directly into her eyeballs which suddenly bringing out a blue color which wasn't there before. He became hypnotized

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Alexander Milton"He replied immediately.



"Listen to me"


"You don't know me"

"I don't know you"

"You don't know what I am"

"I don't know what you are"

"You didn't see me today"

"I didn't see you today"

"You are tired from working all day"

"I'm tired of working all day"

"You want to have a long sleep"

"I want to have a long sleep"


"Yes" He obeyed and walked to his seat. On getting there he sat and within a minute he slept off. Penny heave a sigh then got away from the bed.

She picked up the vascutainer containing her blood which he had dropped earlier then ran out of the office.


"Young man..."Penny ran around looking for Jason. The hospital was big and full of people that she doesn't even know where to start from.

Still running around she bumped into a nurse who seems to recognized her.

"Oh! You're that lady! The one brought along the guy from the car accident. I was wondering where you went. What are you doing here?"

"Where's...Young man. I can't find him no matter how I look."



"He hurt his leg badly. Apart from that there are no other problems so he should be okay" The nurse said to Peninah who just watched the unconscious Jason on the bed with splinted leg.

"Will...will Young man be okay?" She asked shakily.

"His condition is quite good so you don't have to worry. I'll take my leave now" The nurse smiled before excusing them covering the curtain. Penny walks to Jason with teary eyes.

"Young man..." She mutters taking his hands in hers.

"Please get up...i miss you already..." She said as a tear escape her eyes.


Muffles sounds makes Penny woke up.

She looks at Jason and saw him groaning in discomfort.

"Young man...young man" She tries to wake him up but he won't. He keeps squeezing his face and groaning nonstop.

"Are you okay? Does it hurts?" She asked worried.

"It hurts..." He mutters still with his eyes tightly shut.

"It hurts?" Penny whispers back. Her eyes drifted to his leg in splint.

"Don't worry young man...I'm going to make sure you aren't hurting. I'll take all your pains away...I promise" She said to the groaning Jason then moves to his leg.

Pointing her hands to it...she used her power on his injured leg and immediately it cured. His face relaxed and Penny wipe the sweats of his forehead with the back of her palm. However, even with the pain gone he still feels restless...he got hold of Penny's hand on his forehead and held it tightly to his chest.

"Should I sing for you?" She mutters looking at him. Jason held unto her hands tightly and she pats it gently as she began to sing.

🎶cry if you want...I'm okay...I'm okay...even if I say those words...so tell me a story...so tell me your sadness...you still make my heart fly... 🎶

Maybe it's the song or her sweet voice. It somehow seems to soothes his soul that within some minutes he slept off peacefully. Penny smiles as she watch him sleep soundly.


Jason opens his eyes slowly just to be meet with Penny's face right in front of him. Her breath fans his face softly as she seems to be sleeping soundly. He didn't bother to move or wake her up. Instead he stares at her his eyes scrutinizing every corner of her face. However Penny suddenly snapped her eyes open making him flinched with widened eyes.

"Young man you're awake!" She grins happily while Jason's eyes dilated in its sockets.

"You...you why are you on the bed with me?"

"Because we slept together last night" She replied simply.


"Huh. Like this holding hands" She showed him their intertwined fingers which Jason seems not to have noticed.

"What the..." He removed his fingers from her immediately sitting up.

"Hey get off! What do you think you're doing to a patient!"

"I...love sleeping with you like this. It feels so warm"

"Aren't you getting off you pervert!" He glared.

"Let's sleep some more Young man" She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly laying him down on the bed abruptly.

"HEY! Let...let go...you..." He tries getting her off him but Penny wasn't ready to let go. She kept grinning as she embrace him tightly.

"Put him on IV and let him get a scan"

"Yes doctor"

Jason heard the doctor's voice and his eyes grew big.

"Hey...let go...now...please I_" He closed his eyes pretending to still he's unconscious when the curtain was suddenly pulled.

The nurse and the doctor gasps on seeing the position the two were.

The doctor clears his throat while the nurse smile knowingly.

"Mr Jason...how are you feeling this morning?" The doctor asked while Jason refuses to answer still with his eyes closed.

"How is he feeling?" The doctor asked Penny instead.

"Very much better..right young man?" Penny nudge Jason.

"Seems he's still very much asleep. Doctor why don't we come back when he wakes up?" The nurse suggested while the doctor nodded.

"Should we? Then we'll come again...and right...sorry for barging in suddenly"

"You can continue what you were doing earlier...don't mind us" The nurse chipped in while Penny nodded smiling.

"Yes we will!" She giggled while the doctor and the nurse excuse them closing the curtain back.

"Ugh so embarrassing..." Jason mutters not even trying to pull Penny who has stayed glued to him away anymore.


"Hello..." Jason greeted the nurse at the reception.

"Yes hello..." The nurse smiled back.

"I'll like to process my discharge" Jason said tapping his fingers on the desk.

"Oh...aren't you the guy brought in yesterday from a car accident?" The nurse asked while Jason cleared his throat.

"Oh! I clearly remembered you were injured yesterday"

"I'm okay now..." He forced a smile.

"No...your leg...wasn't it in splint because you were critically injured? I clearly remembered you were in a lot of pain because of it" The nurse said again while Jason looks at his left leg which was still in splint.

"You're right? Why am I walking fine...when I'm supposed to have hurt it?" He asked himself.


"...Isn't it strange doctor?" Jason said to the doctor who was looking at his leg CT Scan.

"It's indeed strange according to what I'm seeing right here.....it should at least take two weeks to heal...I'm surprised to how...you're already okay"

"It doesn't even hurt a bit...doctor what's happening? Am I okay?"

"Of course you are Mr Jason. Rest assured...it's nothing big. You must have just had a quicker recovering. Nonetheless if you feel any pain at the slightest please make sure to visit the hospital then. We can never be too sure."

"Oh...okay then..."

"Get the prescribed medicine and make sure to always take them always at the right time."


Jason keeps looking at the window thinking about what happened to him recently.

"The car had no problem...i examined the wheel and the brake. They were okay...it's strange how it suddenly stopped working as you said are you sure you weren't drunk then?" What the mechanic said replayed in his head...so as what the doctor said about his leg.

"It's all strange...really strange" He mutters to himself shaking his head. He heard a grumbling sound which makes him turns to peninah who was already staring at him.

"What?" He eyed her.

"Young man what do I do? My stomach is singing again..." She pouted while he couldn't help but scoffs.


"This looks delicious" Penny salivate on the meal served in front of them.

"Dig in...so your stomach will stop the annoying song" Jason said while she beamed.

"Thank you Young man" She started digging in the food eating like she had been starved for days.

"Ouvh! Hot!" She spat out the soup she had rushed into her mouth back into the bowl.

Jason scrunch his nose.

"How gross..." He mutters while Penny fans the soup.

"Young man...aren't you eating?"

"Do I look like I wanna eat right now? You're so gross seriously" He extends the tissue for her to clean the soup which had soiled her mouth.

"Why? Do I eat that too?" She asked while he scoffs.

"You think it'll be delicious?" He asked back.

"I bet it will" She grinned while he knocked her forehead.

"Ouch!" She winced rubbing. Jason stood from his seat and wipe her lips with the tissue before sitting back.

"Ahhh...it's for that" She said and also took the tissue.

"I've wiped it off already" Jason said while she gives him a sly smile.

"What are you doing?" He asked her suspiciously.

"I'm going to take this home so you can do this to me every time I eat" She replied.

"Why would you do that? That's theft and more so...we have napkins at home. Why would I even do that for you everytime you eat?"

"Because I like it...though it would have been better if you used your lips" She licks her lips intentionally.

"What?? You....wow...you are unbelievable aren't you? Wow...I can't believe you just said that seriously"

"Young man...can't we just kiss already now? Why don't you just wanna do it. Think of it I could have just done it when you were sleeping or off guard but I didn't"

"Exactly why didn't you?"

"Because I want you to do it. I think...it'll be sweeter like that" She grins.

"You must have done this to a lot of guys uh? You must have kissed a lot. That's why you're being so shameless right now"

"No that's not true. I've never kissed before. Nobody likes me so...I'm sure they don't wanna kiss me either"

"What? Wait! Did...did you regain your memories?"

"I've always been alone...I felt more like an outcast in my father's home. There were no one by my side...every day I just live in pain...hoping for the day of my freedom. I finally got it now....so I'm happy. I'm happy to be with you Young man. You make me wanna live. You gave me a reason to live." She smiles sweetly at him and he just sat there staring back at her saying nothing.

"Young man...can you promise me something? Even if you can't kiss me now...can you please let me remain by your side. I...really have no one else except you."

"Why me though? There are a lot more people around...why me?"

"Because...It's you...you're my only psycho Young man" She smiles while he scoffs.

"That word really gets on my nerve..." He looks away.

"Though I've other psycho....there's still no one...who can match up to you. For me...you'll be the number one psycho....in Peninah's life" she finished while he stares at her not finding a word to reply her back. He just stares.

"By the way Young man...that thing has been singing for a while now...why aren't you stopping It?" Penny asked referring to his phone.

"Oh...oh my!" He quickly picked up the phone he hadn't realized had been ringing.


"Margaret?" Jason called on sighting Margaret as he enters the bar.

"Oh! Look! It's my nephew! My nephew is back!" She giggled throwing her arms around him. Jason sighs.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be out here drinking...what if someone sees you?"

"It's nothing...I just had a little drink....just a little"

"How many bottles?"

"Just one! Didn't I do well?" She quizzed drunkenly while Jason only sighs.

"Where's your manager? You should have least gone to Rolex bar....it's dangerous to be drinking alone in a bar like this"

"My nephew is being a nag tonight...why? You think you're my boyfriend? Uh?"

"What's the problem?"

"Where's your girlfriend? You didn't come with her..." She looks around. Jason held both her shoulders making her face him.

"Tell me Mag...what's is the problem with you?"

"Jason....I'm so jealous. I'm so jealous of her" She whinned while Jason scoffs.


"You...can call her your girlfriend anytime or anywhere. You can't even do that to me. You can hold her hand...laugh with her and protect her publicly but...you can't even do that with me"

"So you're jealous?"

"She even lives with you...you two are together everytime"

"Then...would you come live with me? Honestly you know I can easily do all these things you listed out with you without any problem. I can even do more...kiss you...go on a date with you...let everyone know you're mine...but Mag even if I wanna do those things...would you let me?" He staring at her deeply while she looks away taking her seat.

"You have no right to be jealous Mag...absolutely no right"

"Then what do you want me to do? Leave everything? Quit everything just to be with you? Do you even know...what I go through to be where I am today? To be what I want?"

"Do you also know...what I go through everyday....trying to understand you? Margaret...we've been together for some years now...do you think it's easy....to understand you and your work every f**king time?"

"You should...cause you know well what it means to me"

"I...can also give you a future you dream of. Together....we can do it too"

"How? Are you going to promote me or what? Will you become a CEO of an entertainment company for me or...set up a stage for me to sing on everytime?"

"You are really mean"

"Jason" She tries to hold his hand but he moves away.

"Listen....let's just continue as we've been uh? Look at yourself too do you think...you can afford to make someone else's dream come true...even when you don't know yours? Jason...I'm trying my best too...I'm trying to understand you too you think that's f**king easy!"

"Then you don't need to anymore! You don't need to try and understand me anymore Margaret...stop trying to understand me now. I'll stop too. I'll stop thinking and worrying about your future or any other thing so please! You can stop now. I don't need your understanding"

"Jason!! You know what..." She paused and swept up her hair.

"Let's just forget about it...we're gonna get nowhere with this"

"No...we're indeed getting somewhere. I'm done with you now Margaret. I'm done trying to please or hold onto you. I've done the best I could...now...i want to take a rest."

"What...? Jason you...you dare not" She glared.

"You shouldn't have complained...you shouldn't have called me out here tonight...at least....we would have just continue been happy...even just by knowing we still belong to each other. You just ruined everything Margaret. I hope you have a good life with your so called dream. I'll try...to live well...with my girlfriend also. At least she has time for me" He said obviously pained before turning back on her.

"Jason!! Jason don't you dare leave! Jason! I'm warning you!! Jason!!" Margaret called after him but he paid deaf ears and just walked out without looking back.

"JASON! YOU JERK!! YOU JERK! JERK!! JERK!! ARGHHH!!!" Margaret went on her knees crying ruffling her hair in process.