
I Obtained the Pirate System

Leon an orphan is trying to make ends meet to live. Working on various ships or trying to find some work. however, one day he is offered a job. this job is pretty dangerous however the pay was beyond excellent. So Leon decided to accept the job. however, once he was aboard the ship and he takes off it is attacked by a leviathan. When Leon Opened his eyes again he saw that he was on a deserted island. But then something weird happened.

WorldEater_11 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


"Oi brat get up!"

Hearing this Leon suddenly felt pain all over his face and other parts of his body but it was mostly his face. 

"Ow fuck!" 

Cursing Leon saw a burly man with tanned skin and a sword on his waist. He looked down at him with a stern face "We're gonna reach the port soon"

With a sigh, Leon got up "Do your job"

'Yea yea'

"Yes Captain"

Despite putting on a respectful expression internally he was cursing the captain. Getting up from the floor he walked up toward the deck and as he did the cool sea breeze hit him. 

Making his way to the kitchen which was very untidy which caused Leon to sigh. Grabbing the clipboard Leon entered the place where all the goods were.

"Let's see" Leon checked off the items one by one. Once everything was accounted for and he cleaned the kitchen, he went back up. Giving the clipboard to the captain he then looked at the blue ocean sea. 

Leon was an orphan and was trying to make a living through odd jobs. However, he heard that someone was going to the continent of Aurelia. It was a new city so there were a lot of opportunities to get new jobs and make money.

"Land ho!"

Hearing the voice Leon turned his head to the right. There he saw an outline of a big island. 


Hearing the noise Leon then looked back at the sea to see a fin before it disappeared.

Soon however he got ready to depart from the ship. After the ship docked Leon was about to leave the ship but before he could he heard the captain "Hey brat"

Turning Leon saw a bag flying toward him. Catching the bag Leon opened it and his eyes bulged.

"That's your pay of 32 Pence" 

"Thank you, sir!" Bowing, Leon made his way off the ship. Looking around Leon was impressed. Despite being discovered 3 months ago this place was bustling with activity.

Walking around Leon then snapped out of his Daze to see if he could get any jobs.


"Damn," a curse left Leon's lips as he sat on a barrel. Throughout the day Leon tried to get a job however with no luck. It seemed many people had the same idea as him causing many jobs to be filled.

"Hey handsome~" Hearing the alluring voice Leon turned to see a busty girl wearing extremely revealing clothes and makeup.

"Wanna spend the night with me?" However, Leon shook his head.

While he wouldn't have minded he was currently broke and didn't want to spend all his money on a one-night sexual experience.

"Guess I'll find an inn and hope I can get a positive result tomorrow"

After finding a good inn Leon asked for a room. But before that, he asked for some food.

"Your total will be 6 Pence"

Paying the money he waited for the food. After waiting for a bit, the steaming food was delivered by the waitress. 

Instantly he began to devour the food. Leon had been starving for a while but as he ate he started to think about what he could do. He needed to find a job and fast, however, it seemed it was quite hard. 

But there was one way he could earn money. That was to become a legacy and join the guild. 

They hunt down pirates and protect ancient artifacts.

Anyone can join the guild and become a legacy. Well if they have certain artifacts of course.

Legacies are people with special abilities. They can become extremely powerful and some even started nations. They first have to register that they're indeed a legacy. From there they do quests for the guild. However, there are a few who go rogue and those are called pirates.

They steal ancient artifacts and sell them on the black market or use them to get stronger. 

Leon did want to become a Legacy however, he didn't have a secret artifact. In fact, he only had the clothes he was wearing which he stole and the money he got from odd jobs.

With a sigh, Leon finished his meal but before he could get up someone else sat at the table.

"Mind if I take a few minutes of your time?" 

Leon looked at the man who sat at the table. He observed the man, with an elegant appearance and fancy clothes Leon deduced that he was a big shot.

"Uh, sure" Leon was wary of the man but he didn't show it and was prepared to make a run for it.

"Are you looking for a job?" He asked causing Leon to squint his eyes "Indeed I am"

A smile appeared on the man's face "Well I can give you an opportunity, how about it?"

"How much will this 'opportunity' give me"

While yes Leon was looking for a job he wasn't going to slave away for peanuts.

"320 Crowns"


Leon froze. 

For perspective, 100 pence was worth 1 shingle while 100 shingles were worth one crown. 1 crown could allow a commoner to live for 10 years. 

With this amount of money, Leon could live comfortably for the rest of his life. However, he narrowed his eyes at the man "What is the job?" Leon asked. 

Leon wasn't a fool, nobody just gives money away unless you're the king himself. If they were offering this amount of money the odds of his survival didn't seem so great. 

"Oh nothing too special," he said waving his hand "You are merely transporting something"

Leon looked at the man deadpan "You will have to travel through the Cryptic Strait"

"Yeah no" Leon instantly got up "I ain't killing myself"

The Cryptic Strait. 

It is a place that is considered to be deadmans land. It is filled with dangerous creatures and weather causing many people to avoid that place. Not even the 8 strongest pirates would go in there for treasure. Nobody who entered that place ever made it out alive. 

"Now, now there is no need to be hasty" the man gestured for Leon to sit down. But then an idea popped into Leon's mind. 

Sitting down Leon asked, "Why me?"

"We believe your talents are adequate for this mission" 

Leon thought for a moment "Pay me half up front" 

However, unlike what Leon expected the man nodded "Sure why not" 

Leon was surprised "What?" 

"But before that can I take this as your answer of confirmation?" the man squinted his eyes but for a brief second Leon saw it. The man's eyes grew a light shade of blue. 

'Shit! He's a legacy!' 

Cold sweat poured down Leon's back. Tossing the bag toward Leon the man left while putting on a hat. 

'Damn my luck"