
about... me

My name is Athena and I am living in a world like yours. There are a lots of humans, but... there are also creatures, that ... Even one human did not saw them. They think that they are just myths and legends. Like dragons, mermaids, vampires, lycanthropes And witches. Our word look like just like your world. America, France, Japan... In France we have a king. Russia is country of barbars, that want to have everything. Test everything. They believe that the legends are true. In my world is only one pure phenix and two mixblood phoenix. Sad... One of the legend says: If last phoenix will die, our world will be in a great chaos. No pure water, no green fields. Just death and pain. I want to see last phoenix. And I want to protect her. But I have some... little problems. I have dark and fire magic and I can't control it. Everytime I try to use my fire powers the magic... It look like my dark power eat my fire power. It is scary. But my mommy says that I shouldn't be scary. It is my magic. Unbelievable, but strong and extremely powerful. If I will be scary, the magic will rule over my body and take a lead. Because it will never respect me for my weakness. My parents

died when I was six. They was blinded one year earlier. Demon took their life's. Not even one hair left. I was alone. I don't want to be in a child house. I know that it's extremely dangerous for me. So I traveled by myself. It wasn't easy. Because anti_black magic society want my death. But I don't want to be death. I know I have something to do in this world. I want to be someone. I don't want to die ... nameless... One time anti_black magic society was battling with me. That day ... I thinked that I could die... My last day will be in my blood and in my tears. Only because... I killed human in fear of him. Rule number one - don't kill human by magic. They mustn't know about magic.

I just wanted to have home again... to have someone tu hug.. to have someone to say: I love you.

That was the end of my life... But ... strange think happend. When I opened my eyes I saw a man. He was sitting next to me and looking from window. I was scared. - I don't want to be here.... I shouldn't be here- I thought.

,, Don't move... Or it will be opened again." he said. The voice was gentle and kind. I was surprised by that. I didn't know what he thinked.

,,Your wounds... it will be opened again, if you will suddenly move..." he looked at me. He had only one eye. I was shocked even I can not open my mouth. I had too much questions.

,,I will answer your questions... But you need to rest." his voice. It was like lullaby. - Is he an Angel?- I thinked.