
I Need a Healthy Relationship for My Spirit Armor to Work!?

Story discontinued.

HACK4Writtin · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter One: Warehouse Blues.

"You are a failure human! "

You know I frankly expected to hear a lot of things when fighting the forces of evil, however I admit that maybe something like this hurt a little too much. I pondered this as I hid behind a crate in a warehouse while clutching my bleeding side.

    Some objects were thrown around, probably due to the guy's telekinetic abilities, because, of course, the vampire had them. Oh, did I mention that I was fighting a vampire? This was just the best!

Suddenly I felt the crate behind my back being lifted and I did the smart thing and tried to run before I got spotted.

    "There you are human!"

And it seems that my plan has been thwarted. I quickly dove towards the grounds as a crate flew through the air above me and almost turned me into a pancake. At this point I felt done and a part of me was willing to call quits and reason with the guy to allow me to slip away.

    Unfortunately the rest of my brain whom I actually trusted to make my decisions agreed that more likely my limbs would get pulled off before I would be allowed to walk away scot free. So I needed to get up, which I did. At that moment I was face to face with a legion of steel pipes, one of which had skewered me earlier.

    "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!"

I shouted as my armored gauntlets deflected the incoming projectiles. I had done it before to mixed results. I could easily deflect the first few batches however if my aching side was an indication I'd eventually get hit. Just as I thought it, a lower aimed steel pipe pierced my right thigh.

    "Ha! I have strucken you a second time already while I'm still unscratched. Truly I'm far more superior than you could ever be!"

I was really getting annoyed by this guy. In fact I knew that I'm going to despise him the moment I saw him. Blonde, good looking, dressed in a leather jacket and designer clothes. This guy was the definition of a douche.

    It made me ponder why a well off asshole like him even needs immortality. But I guess that you could never have too much power. Plus I'll admit that those telekinetic abilities were pretty sweet. Still I clutched my side and leg and fell to my knee while panting. My right side was pretty much in pain.

    "What, are you already defeated? Damn you really are pathetic! I was told that you spirit warriors are a big deal, but I guess that my master just overestimated you."

Ignoring this guy's cheese gradder of a voice I stood up though still clutching my side.

"I'm going to stop you!"

My voice was shaky due to the pain which seemed really hilarious to this guy because he started laughing.

    "You really don't know how to quit, ha? Well how about this since you entertained me so nicely I'll give you one hit for free."

With that he spread his arms wide, revealing his chest. This guy looked like the most confident person on earth right now.

    Shakily I raised my left hand.

"Come on, you can do it," the ashole mocked.

I took a deep breath and concentrated my shot.

"Though I'm pretty sure that the result will the…"

The vampire never got to finish what he said.

    With a shockwave a small bullet of water escaped the hole in my gauntlet's palm and blasted the guy straight through the heart. I saw it hit the opposite wall at the other side of the warehouse through the new basketball sized hole in his chest. The vampire looked at me with a final perplexed expression before collapsing on the ground dead.

    "Thanks for the free shot." I said.

The attack's name was "Deep-Water Bullet" and it was strong enough to tear through concrete and even steel. Unfortunately the recoil shattered all the bones in my palm and forearm so I rarely used it. 

With a sigh I looked at the night sky through the windows of the warehouse's ceiling. I had a feeling that this would turn out to be a very shitty day.