
I Must Save the World

I have seen the end of the world. Even if I am broken and covered in curses, I will change it.

LivingWisely · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Welcome Party

[Test completed. 

Time: 0:10.46 

Performance: 10

Final score: 990.]

Not a bad score. 

Although it's not enough to get in the top ten, it should put me in the upper half of this year.

I smiled as the illusion faded away, returning to the auditorium.

As soon as I returned, I felt dozens of gazes on me.

"Was that… direct interference?" Someone muttered.

"Impressive. As expected, there was a reason why he was admitted to Central Academy."

"True. Using direct interference so smoothly against an enemy with superior mana is not easy."

"Such a shame."

"Yeah, in the end, there is a reason direct interference is seldomly used."

"It's a dead end."

I ignored the gazes mixed with surprise, admiration, and pity and returned to my seat.

Soon, the gazes moved away, losing interest.

As expected, despite my overwhelming performance, they did not think highly of me.

Well, considering the nature of the abilities I just showed, that is normal.

Unlike most abilities, the spells I used fall under the category of direct interference. This kind of spell is not very popular, and at higher realms, they are virtually useless.

I'm aware of that, but in my circumstances, they are a very convenient kind of spell.

Once I returned to my seat, the principal looked at the students with a smile.

"I'm elated. Every one of you showed a performance worthy of a student from Central Academy. Watching so many talented kids performing so outstandingly fills me with glee.

"Of course, some of you performed slightly worse than others, but don't worry, you will have ample time to show your capabilities in the academy. Today is just the start.

"Finally, I want to exhort you to work hard. Central Academy rewards outstanding students, but it's a cruel place for the lazy and unmotivated. If you don't work hard, you will be left behind by your peers, and in the worst-case scenario, you will be unable to graduate."

The principal moved his gaze through the auditorium, looking at every student with a solemn expression.

Many students could not help but gulp nervously.

"Remember, studying here is an honor, but also a responsibility. Never forget that. Good luck in the next three years."

With these words, the principal finished his speech.

A loud applause resounded throughout the auditorium.

"So he is the Uncrowned King, huh? What an impressive aura." Vanessa clapped in admiration. She almost had stars in her eyes.

"Yeah, he is amazing." I agreed.

I should go to see him later.

After the principal left, a young man, probably a senior student, walked up the stage.

"Welcome to Central Academy, juniors. Today is your first day here, and we have a surprise for you. Please follow us to the main hall, where we prepared a welcome party."

Several students cheered.

When we arrived at the main hall, we found it decorated lavishly. There were several tables filled with food and soft music filled the place.

When we went in, we saw a tall girl with long straight black hair and ice-cold blue eyes standing at the front.

From just a glance, you could feel an extraordinary aura coming from her, as though she was a sharp sword ready to be unsheathed.

"Welcome, juniors. My name is Seela Steerl, student council president of Central Academy." She spoke up, her solemn voice filling the hall and silencing any noise. "I hope you enjoy the welcome we prepared for you, and take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your classmates. Also, no matter your background, all of you are equal here. I hope none of you shows me something unpleasant, or you won't like the result.

"If any of you need any help, you can find someone from the student council, we are here to help."

With these words, she bowed slightly and walked off.

Immediately after that, the party started.

Although it was called a party, it was more of an opportunity to socialize. The goal of this was to allow the students to get to know each other and to give the visitors a chance to introduce themselves to any students they are interested in.

Not all the students admitted to Central Academy are from prominent backgrounds, so many visitors take advantage of this opportunity to offer sponsorships to the students who may need them. They also use this party to get to know the most promising students and attempt to leave an impression on them.

Some people also came to us, although most of them came to talk to Lina. After all, she showed a more impressive performance compared to mine.

I did not mind it; quite the opposite, I preferred it this way.

I'm a bit of an introvert.

Plus, I'm feeling tired after having to survive an assassination. I'm not in the mood to entertain other people.

Just then, someone familiar walked toward us.

Long black hair, sky-like blue eyes, and an ice-cold expression.

The student council president, Seela Steerl.

And at the same time, our eldest sister.

As soon as she reached us, her cold expression melted into a doting smile.

"Linsley, Lina. I'm happy to see you again." She hugged us without caring for the glances directed our way.

Lina was a bit embarrassed. I, on the other hand, hugged her back.

Seela looked at me and rubbed my hair.

"My cute little brother. I heard you were feeling unwell earlier. Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine now."

"Really?" She put the back of her hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. "That is good. But if you are feeling unwell again, tell me immediately, okay?"

I nodded with a wry smile.

It seems like my big sister is as overprotective as always.

At that moment, I felt something in my pocket vibrate.

I furrowed my brows slightly but quickly returned my expression to normal before my sisters or Vanessa could notice anything.

"Sister, do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked Seela.

"Huh? Oh, go straight to the right. Should I go with you?" 

"Of course not." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, young miss. I'll follow the young master to make sure nothing happens." Vanessa indicated immediately.

I agreed helplessly, after all, I knew they won't allow me to wander alone.

Plus, there is no need to hide what is about to happen from Vanessa.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I made sure it was empty and cast an isolation spell to prevent the sound from leaking out; then, I took out a butterfly-shaped accessory from my pocket.

When I input my mana into the accessory, a cheerful female voice sounded in my mind.

[Congratulations, Linsley. How was the entrance ceremony?] 

"Something happened."

The voice immediately became solemn.

[What do I need to do?]

"Someone tried to kill me. I need you to find them."

It's time to get to the bottom of it.