
I Met My Love Playing Pool (Bxb)

Kane Trésor is annoyed that he had to move six hours away, into a new home and even worse, share a room with his step-sister Ally. Even the new school he has to attend has the most annoying type of kids, and let's not even mention the jocks that truly believe they're up and above everyone else. But Kane has to include himself in the surrounding, that was why he agreed to go to the welcome party at a football guy's house. Kane was having a good time, but he found a few people playing pool downstairs. And that's when he met him. Jay Kalister had been intriguing from the moment he met him. He was frail, pale and had the most beautiful blond curls he had ever seen. He was way too friendly, and Kane cannot help but pursue a friendship with this boy. But there are secrets that a being kept...something happened months ago that nobody speak on, but everyone knows happened. And it involves Ally, Jay and Jasper, the captain of the football team. They did something to Jay, but nobody's admitting to it, and Ally tries to break the friendship between Kane and Jay as much as she can before he uncovers the truth. But she never realized how difficult it would be to break such a bond...certainly when feelings start to surface between Kane and Jay....

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Chapter 4 - We're Friends

"Yes," Jay spoke, watching Kane's navy eyes observe the condo, "I live alone."

Kane's eyes were two killing, admired every single aspect of the condo. It had a beautiful view of the city, a short staircase to another floor for the bedroom and bathroom. The living room was large, with a mounted television and a home theatre speaker setup. Everything was marvellous, and Kane couldn't help but slump onto the couch, the comfort he felt making him feel much more at home than his step-father's house.

"This is so nice," he admitted, eyeing the chandelier at the top of the doorway.

Jay threw his keys onto the island in the kitchen, and stumbled towards the fridge to grab water bottles. He did not condone drinking and driving, but that was the only way he was to make it home today, not wanting to leave his car at Jasper's. It was certain he would wake up the next morning with his car trashed if he left it there, and the best bet was to attempt in safely bringing the both of them back home.

He closed the fridge and threw a water bottle in Kane's direction, to which he caught easily. Jay raised an eyebrow, "You a football player or something?"

"I played football for my freshman and sophomore year," he said, "but it wasn't my scene. I was pretty good though."

"If I was you, I would not try to play for this team. They are not at all friendly."

"Why's that?" Kane squinted his eyes, examining the way Jay simply shrugged his shoulders and sat near him.

"Just letting you know what I've experienced—"

"And what did you experience with them?" Kane leaned towards him, raising an eyebrow. "Because you have a lot of warnings for me ever since I met you."

Jay watched the way Kane's eyes slowly seemed to lose their friendliness, and he gulped, glancing elsewhere. If it came down to a fight between the two, Kane would definitely dominate him. To be honest, Kane had the size and built that he dreamed of—he was not too muscular therefore not too intimidating and approachable, but he was lean and still had a built. Even his face was sculpted so sharply, his nose nicely pointy, his eyes an intriguing colour, and his voice was charmingly deep.

In the little time that they met, he envied Kane's character entirely, and tilted his head, scratching the side of his face. He didn't want to get into much details of the difficulties he went through being apart of Hales High. But all he knew was that the moment he graduated this year, he would leave this city and never look back.

"Let's just say that I'm not very liked."

Kane noticed how his face contorted into a bit of sadness, and although he chuckled, they were off-key as if he was attempting to withhold the emotion he really felt. He noticed his fingers begin to quiver, which he hid by shoving them in his pockets, and he avoided meeting Kane's gaze.

Which made him lean towards Jay, in a low voice, cooing, "Look at me."

When Jay turned to look at him, he realized Kane was a bit closer than he expected. And Kane smiled, staring deeply into his eyes as if he was peering directly into his soul, and he said, "We're friends, right? And friends have each other's back. So I have you, no matter what."

Jay could not stop thinking about these words the whole night, shuffling and tumbling in his bed, unable to let his brain fall asleep. He even stood from the bed a few times and glanced out to the living room, seeing Kane sound asleep on the sofa, a loud snore echoing across the condo. There was something about Kane that made him feel...safe, protected, and wanted.

And strangely enough, all he wanted to do when Kane had been that close to him, was to kiss him.