
I Marry A Rough Man

The assassin Lin Ruan Ruan traveled through time. The original owner was a stuttering widow who was bullied and couldn't lift her head. After punching the evil mother-in-law and kicking the scum uncle, she successfully obtained a divorce letter as she wished, only to be chased by the steward of the rich master's family. In a fit of anger, she casually picked up a rough man and became his wife. She thrived in business, opening shops and making a fortune. Just as she began to enjoy her good life, war broke out. However, she only gathered information through her shop and handled a few scumbags within. How did her black-market shop's reputation spread throughout the city...

Moonlight1480 · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 38: No Silver Her

Disappearing for many days without a word, and upon reappearing, he didn't offer any explanation, only saying he was going to take up a post at the county office.

Lin Ruanruan felt that no matter how much she liked this rough man, she wouldn't approach him again.

So after Bai Cheng'an finished speaking, she merely gave him a cold look without saying anything.

Not only did she remain silent, but she also put down her chopsticks and took out the jade pendant she had long since redeemed from her sleeve.

The jade pendant, a vibrant green, was gently placed on the table by her.

Bai Cheng'an, who had been eating with his head down, glanced over and his eyes lit up.

He hurriedly put down his bowl, picked up the jade pendant, and looked it over from every angle, as if confirming it was indeed his.

"No... no... no mistake."

Lin Ruanruan asked softly, with a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

From tomorrow on, they probably wouldn't see each other again.

"No mistake, it's this one." Bai Cheng'an grinned broadly and put the pendant away.

Lin Ruanruan twitched her mouth but said nothing.

"By the way, after I leave tomorrow, you don't need to worry about Master Ding causing you trouble. Those servants who caught you last time accused him of colluding with bandits. After we dealt with the bandits, we also raided his house."

Picking up his bowl again, Bai Cheng'an spoke softly.

Lin Ruanruan snorted without giving a direct response.

She had already learned about this from Mrs. Fang and her son, so hearing it again didn't stir any emotions.

"Those servants, some have left and some have scattered. No one will bother you anymore."

Seeing her remain silent, Bai Cheng'an repeated.

"Okay." Lin Ruanruan replied softly.

"I didn't do it to help you, it was just for the bounty from eradicating the bandits."

After some thought, Bai Cheng'an took out a banknote from his pocket. Lin Ruanruan couldn't see the amount, but she heard his transparent excuse loud and clear.

Had he not said that, Lin Ruanruan wouldn't have associated this with helping her at all.

But his unnatural expression and the emphasis on not helping her made her realize the truth.

"Were you... you... helping me?" Lin Ruanruan couldn't help but smile and asked softly.

"No," Bai Cheng'an denied decisively.

But his evasive gaze couldn't deceive Lin Ruanruan.

"Okay." She nodded and said nothing more.

However, her previously gloomy mood suddenly lifted, and she felt much lighter.

She picked up a piece of spicy shredded potato, Bai Cheng'an's favorite dish to mix with rice.

"After I leave tomorrow, this wooden house will be yours. Do you want to live here or rent a small courtyard in town?"

Lowering his bowl to catch the food she offered, Bai Cheng'an's eyes shone brightly as he looked directly at Lin Ruanruan.

For a moment, Lin Ruanruan even felt he was about to invite her to join him in Linyang City, where the county office was located.

But until the meal ended, he didn't say another word.

Only after Lin Ruanruan cleaned the dishes did he take out that banknote and a few silver coins.

"I thought about it, and you shouldn't stay here. Take this money and buy a small courtyard in town, it will be easier for you to do business."

The banknote was the bounty from eradicating the bandits, despite his claim of doing it for the money, he gave it to her in the end.

A warm feeling flowed through her heart, and Lin Ruanruan's eyes turned red.

This rough man was indeed straightforward. Didn't he realize his thoughts were written all over his face?

She hadn't noticed before, but now with a change in mood, she saw that his eyes were full of tenderness.

Since he had disappeared for so many days to help her, if she still held a grudge over his abrupt departure, it would be petty.

She took all the money back from the table and stuffed it into Bai Cheng'an's hand.

"I... I... I don't want the money."

Her eyes were firm.

"He didn't even bother to check the amount on the silver note.

After all, compared to this honest man who never lies, this bit of money was nothing at all.

She could earn her own money anyway.

Men as honest and straightforward as him might not be easy to come by in the future.

"You don't want the money? Are you planning to stay here?"

A gust of wind blew outside. Since it wasn't dark yet, the door of the wooden house was still open to let in light.

A few trembling leaves drifted inside, coincidentally landing on Lin Ruanran's hair.

It was a small round leaf that trembled slightly on her head, like a lively butterfly.

Unfortunately, the girl sitting on the chair opposite Bai Cheng'an stared with wide eyes and didn't notice at all, just pulling a sweet smile and looking at the person sitting across from her like that.

She clearly saw the momentary tremble in Bai Cheng'an's eyes.

This man was clearly stirred by her, yet he still had the appearance of not understanding romantic feelings.

Seeing the other reaching out, she didn't flinch at all, but instead smiled even sweeter.

That large hand reached towards her cheek, as if about to touch her face.

Lin Ruanran's heart trembled fiercely, even her breath held, afraid of interrupting his involuntary affection.

However, the hand did not touch her face as she expected, but instead touched the top of her head.

It wasn't quite a touch, just a light stroke. When it left her head, there was an additional dried willow leaf.

Lin Ruanran's smile froze for a moment. My goodness, was she just imagining blushing and heartbeats?

Bai Cheng'an seemed to feel that his behavior was somewhat improper, so he placed the willow leaf on the table and cleared his throat.

"If you don't want to go to town, then stay here. Just be careful because this cabin was originally built for hunting, and there are many poisonous snakes and wild beasts around."

After hesitating for a moment, he still took the silver. After looking around, fortunately, although this wooden house was quite old, it was still habitable.

Moreover, it was almost winter now, and things like poisonous snakes were less likely to come out. It wouldn't be too late for her to leave once she found somewhere else to stay.

However, Lin Ruanran just nodded gently, a hint of cunning flashing in her eyes.

How could she possibly stay here?

For a man who would even go after bandits for her, would she easily let go?

Standing up to close the door of the wooden house, Lin Ruanran began to prepare for her bath as usual.

The wooden tub for bathing was not large, but half a pot of water was enough.

At first, Bai Cheng'an didn't think there was anything wrong with her scooping water into the tub until the girl started loosening her clothes, and his face suddenly changed.

"Wait, are you planning to bathe?" His usually honest voice sounded tense, showing how flustered he was at the moment.

Turning his head away, Lin Ruanran naturally nodded.

"I'm still here." Bai Cheng'an looked embarrassed.

Lin Ruanran smiled. She wasn't blind; of course, she knew there was another person in the room.

"Wait for a moment, I'll leave first, then you can bathe."

Almost fleeing, the usually honest Bai Cheng'an left with unsteady steps.

If there had been a threshold at the door, he might have stumbled over it.

Behind him, Lin Ruanran smiled, as charming as a demon.