
I Marry A Rough Man

The assassin Lin Ruan Ruan traveled through time. The original owner was a stuttering widow who was bullied and couldn't lift her head. After punching the evil mother-in-law and kicking the scum uncle, she successfully obtained a divorce letter as she wished, only to be chased by the steward of the rich master's family. In a fit of anger, she casually picked up a rough man and became his wife. She thrived in business, opening shops and making a fortune. Just as she began to enjoy her good life, war broke out. However, she only gathered information through her shop and handled a few scumbags within. How did her black-market shop's reputation spread throughout the city...

Moonlight1480 · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 35: Why Are There So Many Familiar Faces?

The palm was as hard as pig iron, and the voice was robust and honest.

Without even looking back, Lin Ruanyuan guessed who had grabbed her.

She turned her head slowly, and sure enough, there was Bai Chengan, frowning deeply, looking displeased.

After disappearing for so many days without any reason, he showed up with such a grim expression.

Men, no matter how honest they look, are all unreliable.

With a cold snort in her heart, Lin Ruanyuan did not hurry to shake off his hand.

On the contrary, she pulled out a sickeningly sweet smile and held Bai Chengan's big hand with both of hers.

That big hand noticeably stiffened for a moment. But this wasn't the first time Lin Ruanyuan had done such a thing. Bai Chengan glanced at her without saying much.

"Wife?" Fu Tian exclaimed.

"You bitch, you really got married!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his chest hurt sharply.

Fu Tian was weak and crippled. Bai Chengan, who once punched and sent the head servant of Master Ding's house flying, had a fist that was too much for him to bear.

Half lying on the ground, Fu Tian, with only a trace of blood on his mouth, suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.

This punch was far heavier than the one that knocked out Lin Ruanyuan's tooth.

Fu Tian was hit so hard that he spat blood and passed out, rolling his eyes.

"Insulting my wife? You're courting death." Bai Chengan frowned, his voice as cold as ice.

When he called her "wife" with that honest voice, Lin Ruanyuan's heart trembled.

This man was going all out to help her out of trouble, even calling her "wife" twice...

If he hadn't disappeared for so long without a word, Lin Ruanyuan would have been willing to marry him just for those two words.

"Murder! Help, murder!" Mrs. Fang, after seeing her son knocked down, was stunned for a moment. Then she came to her senses and started shouting loudly.

Mrs. Chen also took a step back, looking at Lin Ruanyuan and Bai Chengan with even more fear.

"If you don't leave now, he will really die."

Bai Chengan, annoyed by Mrs. Fang's shrill cries, took a step forward and said coldly.

Under Mrs. Fang's frantic crying and shaking, Fu Tian woke up.

Hearing that he was about to die, he ignored the pain in his chest and got up, limping away.

Afraid that if he ran slower, this strong man with a face full of black stubble would kill him.

Trying hard to escape, but one leg was weak. His limping, constantly looking back appearance made Lin Ruanyuan laugh out loud.

Seeing this, Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Chen were both angry at Fu Tian's cowardice and afraid that Bai Chengan would really catch up and beat him again.

They hesitantly ran after Fu Tian, looking back every few steps.

A farce ended with Bai Chengan's hard fist.

When everyone had gone far, Lin Ruanyuan stopped her wild laughter.

The nearby stall owners were now afraid to even look her in the eye, fearing that this fierce woman would cause them trouble.

She let go of Bai Chengan's hand and began to pack up her things at the stall.

Now that he was back, she could return to the wooden house to pack up her few belongings and return the jade pendant to him.

She had some loose silver left, enough to rent a small courtyard nearby tomorrow.

After saving some money from her stall, she would leave this place.

Oh, and Master Ding's family was in trouble, so she could visit her parental home now.

Although they weren't her biological parents, they were still related by blood to this body.

Perhaps influenced by this body, she felt a bit of longing for those elderly parents she had never met.

In the original owner's memory, the elderly couple doted on her. The original owner also had an elder sister who treated her well.

But after marrying into the Fu family, the heartless Mrs. Fang forbade the original owner from having too much contact with her family, rarely visiting even during holidays.

Thinking of this, she regretted not beating Mrs. Fang to death just now.

This kind of person is a menace to society, and who knows which girl he'll marry and mistreat next.

As her thoughts drifted further, her hands didn't slow down. On the contrary, she quickly packed up her stall with the efficiency born of long practice.

In no time at all, the stall was cleaned up completely.

Bai Chengan said nothing, only helped her gather the stall items. After casting a deep look at the dejected scholar, he slowly walked away.

Lin Ruanyuan nodded at the scholar and quickly followed Bai Chengan.

The scholar felt a pang of bitterness watching them leave.

In this world, everyone finds good fortune, except him, doomed to misery.

His elderly mother fell ill from his failures in the provincial exam and a broken engagement.

Now, this scholar, who had never done hard labor, had to rely on physical work to survive.

So be it, if everyone else can find happiness, let all the suffering fall on him.


Bai Chengan walked slowly, carrying Lin Ruanyuan's stall items, still managing to look dignified.

Aside from the increasingly long stubble on his face, he was quite handsome.

Following silently behind him, Lin Ruanyuan felt frustrated.

Disappearing for so long without a word, and now that he's back, he doesn't even offer an explanation?

Then again, they weren't really married, so naturally, he didn't need to account for his whereabouts to an outsider like her.

Forget it, once they returned to the cabin, she would give back the jade pendant, and they would part ways.

The world is wide, and they would never meet again.

It's hard to find a two-legged toad, but two-legged men are plenty. Once she earned enough money, she could have her pick of men and wouldn't waste time on unreliable ones. Even if they came crawling to her, she'd think twice about taking them.

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became, biting her sleeve in vexation, almost gnashing her teeth to pieces.

Bai Chengan, walking ahead and carrying the items, was unaware of her small actions.

His lack of awareness only made her more stubborn.

Even though he deliberately slowed his pace, Lin Ruanyuan refused to catch up and walk alongside him.

So they continued in this silent standoff, one behind the other.

Just as they were about to leave the town and head down the path to Bai Chengan's cabin, a group of intimidating people approached from the front.

From a distance, two faces seemed familiar.

"Brother Dong! It's that woman. You have to stand up for us. She dared to act so arrogantly on your turf. We need to teach her a lesson."

"Ha! Someone causing trouble on my turf? I want to see how bold this little woman is."

The two leading men spoke loudly, and Lin Ruanyuan frowned at their words.

Who were these small-time thugs, spouting such big words?

As they got closer and she could see their faces, she twitched her lips.

Great, more familiar faces!