
I loved you for a week

read how Raelynn Damon lives the last week of her life, making amends with those she hurt, befriending those she never met and even falling in love. Raelynn lives a lifetime in 7 days

Samijami04 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

A Week left

10:49 am

"..... little hope of treatment working." I finally hear the doctor saying. I look up at him, he's sitting in a chair across from, a desk in between us, and on the desk is a file with my name. in the file lays a single picture and paper, the picture is a scan of my brain in the paper says exactly what he told me not 10 minutes ago. That it's hopeless.

"There's till a chance, right?" my mother asks from beside a slight tremor to her voice.

'She's in denial.' I think.

"Mrs. Damon, " the doctor starts, pity in his voice. "The treatment is still in the trial phases there..."

"Then have her put in the trails." my mother cut in.

"No." I say in a soft voice. "I don't want to be guinea pig before I die."

My mother takes in a sharp breath.

"How long do I have?" I ask the doctor ignoring my mother.

"A week."


I'm driving, my mother in the passenger seat, her eyes still too blurry from tears to see.

After the doctor gave me a week left to live we left the hospital, my mother silently crying all the way to the car. That's all I can hear is my mothers silent sobs.

12:29 pm

We pull into the driveway of a red brick two story, home. My mom just sits in the passenger seat even after i turn the car off. I turn to see what she's looking at, it's the swing connected to the large 100 year old oak tree in our front yard. 3 generations of my moms family lived in this house, every child has swung on that swing, when they grow up they then push their children on that very swing.

'Well guess i won't have any kids to push on the swing.' I think. I look away from the swing to my moms face. her face now dry and tear stained, her mascara stain her cheeks. she looks melochonic, I suppose is the word for it. I wonder if through all that crying she came to terms with losing her only daughter.

I get out of the car and walk inside the house, dad is at work and kevin my older brother is at basketball practice. So no ones home. I walk upstairs to my room, glad I got the whole upstairs to myself.


I walk downstairs, after finishing my homework for tomorrow. My dad and brother are both home. I can hear them talking in the kitchen from the bottom of the stairs. I can't make out what they're talking about but the hushed voices and sniffles are enough to tell me it's about well, me.

i debate whether i should go back upstairs or brave through the tear of my family.

I only have a week left to live might as well get it over with.

I walk to the kitchen door and push it open, all talk in the kitchen subsides. the first thing i see is my father's tear stained face as he looks in my direction. when he sees me he starts to ball. I look to the left where my brother is there's tears in his eyes but mostly he looks angry. With his personality it makes sense.

Our parents are too emotional, so being the first born Kevin learned to have a more logical way of thinking to even out our parents emotional way. I take after kevin more than our parents on that. 'maybe that's why I haven't cried yet.' I think to myself.

Kevin walks toward me and grabs me in hug. "Your doing the trial." he says. It brings a small smile to my lips, it's so kevin.

I gently pull from the death grip of a hug and shake my head, "No." I tell him. "I want to live normally, freely." I tell him making eye contact with not just him but both my parents as well. "I want the next 7 days to be normal. Please." I tell them. Then I walk out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into my room. I sat down at my desk. I open my laptop and type -Tristan Disease-.

I click on the first link to pop up. It's a passage made by some journalist from Washington.

it reads - Tristan Disease was first diagnosed in Tristan Grey. Tristan had collapsed in a taxi on his way home from work, immediately realizing that his passenger was unconscious the taxi driver called 911. upon arrival parametric tried to awaken tristan but was unable. when they arrived at the hospital doctors started running test, one test was a brain cat scan. the scan showed a small bright spot in the frontal lobe of the brain.

The doctors had tried everything to figure out what the bright spot was, but were unsuccessful. 24 hours after passing out Tristan awoke. the doctors were unable to figure out why tristan fell unconscious only that it has to do with the bright spot. unknowing if the disease was contagious or not the doctors kept Tristan in the hospital. after a few days with Tristan showing no signs of anything wrong The doctors were unable to keep any longer. unfortunately on the 7th day after falling unconscious Tristan was found dead in his kitchen by his girlfriend.

Several more cases exactly like this one have been popping up all over the world with no explanation. The Tristan disease as it's commonly known takes young, old, sick, healthy, it doesn't matter. all we know about this disease is that it starts with falling unconscious randomly for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, and that upon waking you have 7 days left to live. As of right know the disease is incurable, and although a treatment is in the process it is unlikely to be any help.-

That's what the doctor said i have, great. Starting tomorrow morning I have exactly 7 days left to live.