
I Love You My Mermaid

A marine biologist and a mermaid sounds like the perfect match, right? But is it a perfect match when sea creatures hate land creatures for destroying their water bodies and eating their families? Haha Well, this book it's about a marine biologist who fell in love with a mermaid princess, who was destined to lead her sea creatures into war against land creatures. The mermaid princess didn't use any magic trick on him to like her. The marine biologist fell in love with her at his own risk. Even when the princess was going to take his life, he still kept loving her. Then he made a promise to the princess that he will fight for land creatures and fight for sea creatures to prove his love to her. Read this book to find out more about the marine biologist who loves a mermaid.

Rihana_hinds · Fantasi
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3 Chs

The Tsunami

"So, how was work today?" Daniel asks Jordan that was focused on the menu. "I got fired," Jordan replied, still looking down at his menu.

"Excuse me?", Daniel spoke in a serious tone, looking at Jordan. "It's no biggy!" Jordan replied with a smile.

"How did you get fired?" Daniel asks. "Waiter?", Jordan called to the waiter, ignoring Daniel's question.

"Yes? Are you ready to order?" the waiter asks that is standing before the boys. "Yes, I will take a lobster dish with a cold beer, please!" Jordan said, handing over the menu to the waiter. "And you sir?" the waiter turn to Daniel and asks.

"I will take the same, please!" Daniel replied as he hand over his menu. "If that's all, I will leave now! Your order will be coming soon!"

After the waiter left, Daniel wanted to ask about why Jordan got fired, but knowing Jordan for so long, he knows he would have just kept dodging his question.

"He seems fishy lately and I don't mean because he was working around sea animals," Daniel whispers to himself as he stares at his friend that paying no attention to him.


"Ariel, my soon to be queen. I request for a revenge war for my darling dare that was tricked, aggressively took from his home and been cook to dead by those vicious people, my Lord!", A mother lobster cried out to Ariel, the soon to be mermaid queen.

When Ariel heard such a horrible, wicked sin, she was furious.

She was about to line up all her men for fight, but was stop by her dear friend Angelina.

Angelina was the type of mermaid that was calm and not easily to be triggered, even when hurt and didn't accept the way humans treat sea creatures, she still kept the faith to have peace.

While on the other hand, her dear friend Ariel was the mermaid princess destined to lead sea creatures into war against humans, and her taste for war was really high.

"My dear, princess, don't be so easily triggered. Let's find a better way to handle this situation.", Angelina spoke to princess Ariel in a calm voice, helping her to relax a little and to think more rationally.

*Sigh* Ariel pause, then order her guards to commit no harm as she swam away to her best friend's room.

Ariel wasn't at her palace, she was actually at Angelina's family palace, to visit for some days.

Angelina live there, but her family, don't give her the title as a princess as yet.

At that kingdom, every creature that lives in the palace had life hard just as creatures outside of the palace, meaning that everyone had to work for their title or otherwise, they be called a nobody.

Angelina entered her room and saw Ariel in distressed.

"My dear, princess, why such a strange expression?" Angelina asked her friend as she handed her a brush to brush her hair.

"... How can you be so calm? You have seen and have experienced the worse by humans, yet you are still not cheering for a war against them," Ariel spoke holding onto her friend's hand while collecting the brush from her hand.

"Yes, my dear, they have done the worse, and I have seen the worse, but sometimes, you got to learn to forgive others of their sins," Angelina replied to Ariel as she used her other hand that Ariel wasn't holding onto and hold Ariel hand with.

"Maybe, just maybe..." Ariel replied, and slowly release Angelina's hand.

"Would you like us, to go up to the surface at our favorite rock?" Angelina ask as she took a seat beside her friend.

"I haven't been up there in a long time, sure why not," Ariel replied, then they both swam to the surface of the ocean.

When they both reach the surface, they both sat on a rock and enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean and the dark sky above.


"Here's your order," the waiter approach Daniel and Jordan's table with their meals.

"Thank you!" they both answered as they received their meal.

"Here's the money for our order and keep the change!".

The two boys dig into their foods and laugh about interesting news after they finished their meal.

While they both laughing, Jordan happened to spot something out on the ocean.

"Hahaha, that was a hilarious one Jordan!" Daniel said laughing hard, but noticed that Jordan wasn't even looking at him no more than just staring out on the ocean.

"It must be nice other there, right?" Daniel asks, trying to get back Jordan's attention.

"... Ahh, yes, yes it must be!" Jordan said as he snap out of trying to make out what he sees out on the ocean, but fails to see it clearly.


"Hey, Angelina, do you want to see a little trick?" Ariel asks with a smirk.

"What trick, exactly?", Angelina replied.

"Remember, when we were young, you normally sing, and the more calming your voice is, the more calm I will make the ocean be and the more aggressive your voice is I will make the ocean aggressive?", Ariel asks.

Ariel had the power to control water, perform spells and great at combat fighting, while Angelina had the power to manipulate anyone, any creature and anyone's power to her liking by the tone, mood and emotions her voice give off.

"Yes, I do remember that. Would you like to now?" Angelina asked.

"Sure, control my power!" Ariel happily said.

As Angelina begins to sing, Ariel's power had the ocean calmed.

Even though Angelina could control others' power, if that person is stronger that her voice control power, they can take back full control of their power from her.

Knowing that Ariel had a bright idea. She waits until Angelina closes her eyes while she sings then took back full control of her power, raise the ocean waves high making it to be in the form of a Tsunami.


"Hey, ahm Jordan? How does a Tsunami starts?", Daniel ask that was looking at the ocean where he sees the water that was once at the shore was moving away from the shore.

"It's starts with water moving away from the shore going out in the deep and slowing forms an enormous wave. Why ask though?", Jordan asks.

"Because a Tsunami is going to happen!" Daniel shouts out pointing at the wave that was getting bigger and bigger, which was out in the deep, coming closer to land.

When Jordan heard what Daniel shouts out, he got up out of his seat and hustle everyone that was on the beach to get out the water and move away from the beach.

"Everyone there is a Tsunami!" the two boys' shouts as they hurry everyone to get to safety.

As the two boys realize everyone was clearing the beach, they both got in their cars and drove off without stopping.

Author here! I know I upset all my lovely readers about not uploading for this novel, but I am currently busy with uploading for my other novel "Is This First Love?". I will try to upload a bit more for this book! When my other novel gets closer to the end, I will upload more frequently for this novel.

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Have a wonderful day! Be safe!

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